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Commit 5c1858db authored by Felipe Cerqueira's avatar Felipe Cerqueira
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Working on proof of W_CI

parent 55a63863
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......@@ -218,6 +218,31 @@ Module Schedule.
by move: SCHED => /eqP SCHED; rewrite SCHED eq_refl.
Lemma job_scheduled_during_interval :
forall t1 t2,
service_during rate sched j t1 t2 != 0 ->
exists t,
t1 <= t < t2 /\
service_at rate sched j t != 0.
intros t1 t2 NONZERO.
destruct ([exists t: 'I_t2, (t >= t1) && (service_at rate sched j t != 0)]) eqn:EX.
move: EX => /existsP EX; destruct EX as [x EX]. move: EX => /andP [GE SERV].
exists x; split; last by done.
by apply/andP; split; [by done | apply ltn_ord].
apply negbT in EX; rewrite negb_exists in EX; move: EX => /forallP EX.
unfold service_during in NONZERO; rewrite big_nat_cond in NONZERO.
rewrite (eq_bigr (fun x => 0)) in NONZERO;
first by rewrite -big_nat_cond big_const_nat iter_addn mul0n addn0 in NONZERO.
intros i; rewrite andbT; move => /andP [GT LT].
specialize (EX (Ordinal LT)); simpl in EX.
by rewrite GT andTb negbK in EX; apply/eqP.
End Basic.
Section MaxRate.
......@@ -51,7 +51,41 @@ Module Workload.
Definition workload_joblist (t1 t2: time) :=
\sum_(j <- jobs_scheduled_between t1 t2 | job_task j == tsk)
service_during rate sched j t1 t2.
Lemma scheduled_between_implies_service :
forall j t1 t2,
(j \in jobs_scheduled_between t1 t2) =
(service_during rate sched j t1 t2 != 0).
intros j t1 t2; unfold service_during; rewrite mem_undup.
generalize dependent t1; induction t2.
by intros t1; rewrite 2?big_geq //.
intros t1.
destruct (leqP t1 t2) as [LE | GT]; last by rewrite big_geq // in_nil in SCHED.
unfold service_during; rewrite big_nat_recr /= //.
rewrite big_nat_recr // /= mem_cat in SCHED; move: SCHED => /orP SCHED; des.
rewrite -lt0n; apply leq_trans with (n := service_during rate sched j t1 t2);
last by apply leq_addr.
by rewrite lt0n; apply IHt2.
rewrite -lt0n; apply leq_trans with (n := service_at rate sched j t2);
last by rewrite addnC; apply leq_addr.
clear -SCHED.
unfold processor in rate.
induction num_cpus.
(* Next, we show that the two definitions are equivalent. *)
Lemma workload_eq_workload_joblist (t1 t2: time) :
workload t1 t2 = workload_joblist t1 t2.
......@@ -1241,13 +1275,15 @@ Module Workload.
rewrite workload_eq_workload_joblist; unfold workload_joblist.
(* Identify the subset of jobs that actually cause interference *)
rewrite -big_filter.
set interfering_jobs :=
filter (fun (x: JobIn arr_seq) =>
(job_task x == tsk) && (service_during rate sched x t1 t2 != 0))
(jobs_scheduled_between sched t1 t2).
filter (fun (x: JobIn arr_seq) => (job_task x == tsk))
(jobs_scheduled_between sched t1 t2).
(* Remove the elements that we don't care about from the sum *)
assert (SIMPL:
(*assert (SIMPL:
\sum_(i <- jobs_scheduled_between sched t1 t2 | job_task i == tsk)
service_during rate sched i t1 t2 =
\sum_(i <- interfering_jobs) service_during rate sched i t1 t2).
......@@ -1257,14 +1293,13 @@ Module Workload.
rewrite (eq_bigr (fun x => 0)); last by move => j_i /andP JOBi; des; apply /eqP.
rewrite big_const_seq iter_addn mul0n add0n add0n.
by rewrite big_filter.
} rewrite SIMPL; clear SIMPL.
} rewrite SIMPL; clear SIMPL.*)
(* Remember that for any job of tsk, service <= task_cost tsk *)
assert (LTserv: forall j_i (INi: j_i \in interfering_jobs),
service_during rate sched j_i t1 t2 <= task_cost tsk).
ins; move: INi; rewrite mem_filter; move => /andP xxx; des.
move: xxx; move => /andP JOBi; des; clear xxx0 JOBi0.
intros j_i; rewrite mem_filter; move => /andP [JOBi _].
have PROP := job_properties j_i; des.
move: JOBi => /eqP JOBi; rewrite -JOBi.
apply leq_trans with (n := job_cost j_i); last by ins.
......@@ -1322,9 +1357,10 @@ Module Workload.
(* Let's derive some properties about the first element. *)
exploit (mem_nth elem); last intros FST.
by instantiate (1:= sorted_jobs); instantiate (1 := 0); rewrite SIZE.
move: FST (FST) => FST; rewrite -INboth mem_filter.
move => /andP [/andP [FSTtsk FSTserv] FSTin].
move: FST (FST) => FSTin; rewrite -INboth mem_filter (scheduled_between_implies_service rate).
move => /andP [FSTtsk FSTserv].
(* Now we show that the bound holds for a singleton set of interfering jobs. *)
destruct n.
......@@ -1360,8 +1396,9 @@ Module Workload.
by unfold j_lst; rewrite INboth; apply mem_nth; rewrite SIZE.
move: LST (LST) => LST; rewrite mem_filter; move => /andP [/andP [LSTtsk LSTserv] LSTin].
move: LST (LST) => LSTin.
rewrite mem_filter (scheduled_between_implies_service rate); move => /andP [LSTtsk LSTserv].
assert (AFTERt1: t1 <= job_arrival j_fst + R_tsk).
rewrite leqNgt; apply /negP; unfold not; intro LTt1.
......@@ -1407,13 +1444,7 @@ Module Workload.
assert (BEFOREt2: job_arrival j_lst < t2).
rewrite leqNgt; apply/negP; unfold not; intro LT2.
assert (LTsize: n.+1 < size sorted_jobs).
by destruct sorted_jobs; ins; rewrite SIZE; apply ltnSn.
apply (mem_nth elem) in LTsize; rewrite -INboth in LTsize.
rewrite -/interfering_jobs mem_filter in LTsize.
move: LTsize => /andP [LTsize _]; des.
move: LTsize => /andP [_ SERV].
move: SERV => /eqP SERV; apply SERV.
move: LSTserv => /eqP LSTserv; apply LSTserv.
by unfold service_during; rewrite sum_service_before_arrival.
......@@ -1452,7 +1483,7 @@ Module Workload.
set cur := nth elem sorted_jobs i.
set next := nth elem sorted_jobs i.+1.
clear BOUNDmid LT LTserv j_fst j_lst
FSTin FSTserv FSTtsk LST LSTin LSTserv LSTtsk
FSTin FSTserv FSTtsk LSTin LSTserv LSTtsk
(* Show that cur arrives earlier than next *)
......@@ -1520,26 +1551,23 @@ Module Workload.
by rewrite big_const_nat iter_addn subn0 addn0 mulnC.
apply leq_add; first by apply LTserv.
destruct (is_carry_in_job j_fst t1) eqn:CARRY.
assert (CARRY: is_carry_in_job j_fst t1).
(* CONVERT THIS TO A LEMMA: uniqueness of carry-in *)
(* Suppose j_fst is not the carried-in job. *)
exfalso; destruct H_has_carry_in as [j_in [JOBin CARRY']].
(* By contradiction. Suppose j_fst is not the carried-in job. *)
rewrite -[is_carry_in_job _ _]negbK; apply/negP; intro NOTCARRY.
destruct H_has_carry_in as [j_in [JOBin CARRY]].
destruct (j_fst == j_in) eqn:EQ; move: EQ => /eqP EQ;
first by rewrite EQ CARRY' in CARRY.
move: CARRY' => /andP [ARRin NOTCOMPin].
first by rewrite EQ CARRY in NOTCARRY.
move: CARRY => /andP [ARRin NOTCOMPin].
unfold arrived_before in ARRin.
move: sporadic_tasks FSTtsk => SPO /eqP FSTtsk.
unfold is_carry_in_job, carried_in in CARRY.
unfold is_carry_in_job, carried_in in NOTCARRY.
destruct (job_arrival j_fst <= job_arrival j_in) eqn:LEQ.
(* If j_fst arrives before j_in, then j_fst is also a carry-in job. Contradiction! *)
apply leq_ltn_trans with (p := t1) in LEQ; last by done.
move: CARRY => /negP CARRY; apply CARRY; clear CARRY; apply/andP; split; first by done.
apply/andP; split; first by done.
unfold completed; apply/negP; move => /eqP EQcost.
move: FSTserv => /negP FSTserv; apply FSTserv.
rewrite -leqn0 -(leq_add2l (service rate sched j_fst t1)); rewrite addn0.
......@@ -1548,18 +1576,37 @@ Module Workload.
[by apply COMP | by done | by apply leq_addr].
(* If j_fst arrives (task_period tsk) units after j_in, then j_in comes before
j_fst in the sorted list. Contradiction! *)
assert (LISTin: j_in \in interfering_jobs).
(* If j_in arrives before f_fst, then j_in must have been scheduled on the interval,
otherwise it's not a carry-in job. *)
apply negbT in LEQ; rewrite -ltnNge in LEQ.
assert (LISTin: j_in \in sorted_jobs).
destruct (service_during rate sched j_in t1 t2 != 0) eqn:SERV.
(* If j_in executes in the interval, then it automatically belongs to sorted_jobs.*)
rewrite -INboth mem_filter JOBin eq_refl andTb.
by rewrite (scheduled_between_implies_service rate).
(* Else, there must be a time when j_fst executes while j_in does not.
This violates task precedence constraints. *)
move: LISTin => /nthP LISTin; destruct (LISTin elem) as [i LTi EQi].
assert (BUG: ~~ (job_arrival j_fst > job_arrival j_in)).
rewrite mem_filter JOBin eq_refl andTb.
rewrite -leqNgt -EQi -[i]add0n; apply prev_le_next; destruct sorted_jobs; try (by done).
intros j LTj; apply ALL; simpl in *.
move: SIZE; move/eqP; rewrite -addn1 -[n.+2]addn1 eqn_add2r; move => /eqP SIZE.
by rewrite SIZE in LTj.
(*apply negbT in LEQ; rewrite -ltnNge in LEQ; apply ltnW in LEQ.
exploit (SPO j_in j_fst); [ | by rewrite JOBin FSTtsk | by done | intro LEQarr];
first by red; intro NOT; rewrite NOT in EQ.
by rewrite LEQ in BUG.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (p := t1) in LEQarr. last by done.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (m := job_arrival j_fst) in LEQarr; last by apply leq_addr.
move: CARRY => /negP CARRY; apply CARRY; clear CARRY; apply/andP; split; first by done.
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