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Commit 762787a8 authored by Felipe Cerqueira's avatar Felipe Cerqueira
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parent a9ed342f
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......@@ -154,14 +154,16 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
fold (f (max_steps ts)) in *; fold (f (max_steps ts).+1).
set all_le := fun (v1 v2: list task_with_response_time) =>
all (fun p => (snd (fst p)) <= (snd (snd p))) (zip v1 v2).
(unzip1 v1 == unzip1 v2) &&
all (fun p => (snd (fst p)) <= (snd (snd p))) (zip v1 v2).
set one_lt := fun (v1 v2: list task_with_response_time) =>
has (fun p => (snd (fst p)) < (snd (snd p))) (zip v1 v2).
(unzip1 v1 == unzip1 v2) &&
has (fun p => (snd (fst p)) < (snd (snd p))) (zip v1 v2).
assert (REFL: reflexive all_le).
intros l; unfold all_le.
intros l; unfold all_le; rewrite eq_refl andTb.
destruct l; first by done.
apply/(zipP (fun x y => snd x <= snd y)); try (by ins).
by ins; apply leqnn.
......@@ -169,16 +171,53 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
assert (TRANS: transitive all_le).
unfold transitive, all_le; intros y x z LExy LEyz.
move: LExy LEyz => /allP LExy /allP LEyz; apply/allP.
admit. (* Weird cannot prove this! *)
unfold transitive, all_le.
move => y x z /andP [/eqP ZIPxy LExy] /andP [/eqP ZIPyz LEyz].
apply/andP; split; first by rewrite ZIPxy -ZIPyz.
move: LExy => /(zipP (fun x y => snd x <= snd y)) LExy.
move: LEyz => /(zipP (fun x y => snd x <= snd y)) LEyz.
assert (SIZExy: size (unzip1 x) = size (unzip1 y)).
by rewrite ZIPxy.
assert (SIZEyz: size (unzip1 y) = size (unzip1 z)).
by rewrite ZIPyz.
rewrite 2!size_map in SIZExy; rewrite 2!size_map in SIZEyz.
destruct y.
apply size0nil in SIZExy; symmetry in SIZEyz.
by apply size0nil in SIZEyz; subst.
apply/(zipP (fun x y => snd x <= snd y));
[by apply (t, 0) | by rewrite SIZExy -SIZEyz|].
intros i LTi.
exploit LExy; first by rewrite SIZExy.
rewrite size_zip -SIZEyz -SIZExy minnn in LTi.
by rewrite size_zip -SIZExy minnn; apply LTi.
instantiate (1 := t); intro LE.
exploit LEyz; first by apply SIZEyz.
rewrite size_zip SIZExy SIZEyz minnn in LTi.
by rewrite size_zip SIZEyz minnn; apply LTi.
by instantiate (1 := t); intro LE'; apply (leq_trans LE).
assert (UNZIP: forall k, unzip1 (iter k edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts)) = ts).
assert (INIT: all_le (initial_state ts)
(edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts))).
unfold all_le.
unfold all_le; apply/andP; split.
assert (UNZIP0 := UNZIP 0); simpl in UNZIP0.
assert (UNZIP1 := UNZIP 1); simpl in UNZIP1.
by rewrite UNZIP0 UNZIP1.
specialize (UNZIP 0); simpl in UNZIP.
exploit (@size1_zip _ _ (initial_state ts) (edf_rta_iteration (initial_state ts)));
[by rewrite 3!size_map | intro SIZE1].
destruct ts as [| tsk ts']; first by done.
......@@ -191,8 +230,10 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
rewrite (nth_map (tsk,num_cpus)); unfold update_bound;
last by simpl in *; rewrite -SIZE1.
desf; simpl; unfold response_time_bound.
unfold unzip1 in UNZIP.
assert (EQtsk: nth tsk (tsk :: ts') i = s).
admit. (* Should be provable *)
by rewrite EQtsk leq_addr.
......@@ -203,11 +244,40 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
all_le x1 x2 ->
all_le (edf_rta_iteration x1) (edf_rta_iteration x2)).
intros x1 x2 LE.
move => x1 x2 /andP [/eqP ZIP LE]; unfold all_le.
assert (UNZIP': unzip1 (edf_rta_iteration x1) = unzip1 (edf_rta_iteration x2)).
apply/andP; split; first by rewrite UNZIP'.
apply f_equal with (B := nat) (f := fun x => size x) in UNZIP'.
rename UNZIP' into SIZE.
rewrite size_map [size (unzip1 _)]size_map in SIZE.
move: LE => /(zipP (fun x y => snd x <= snd y)) LE.
apply/(zipP (fun x y => snd x <= snd y)). admit.
destruct x1, x2; try (by ins).
apply/(zipP (fun x y => snd x <= snd y));
[by apply (t,0) | by done |].
intros i LTi.
exploit LE; first by rewrite 2!size_map in SIZE.
by rewrite size_zip 2!size_map -size_zip in LTi; apply LTi.
rewrite 2!size_map in SIZE.
instantiate (1 := t); clear LE; intro LE.
rewrite (nth_map t);
last by rewrite size_zip 2!size_map -SIZE minnn in LTi.
rewrite (nth_map t);
last by rewrite size_zip 2!size_map SIZE minnn in LTi.
unfold update_bound, response_time_bound; desf; simpl.
assert (EQtsk: s = s0).
rewrite EQtsk; apply leq_add; first by done.
unfold I, total_interference_bound_edf; apply leq_div2r.
assert (GROWS: forall k, all_le (f k) (f k.+1)).
intros k.
......@@ -218,20 +288,23 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
(* Either f converges by the deadline or not. *)
unfold max_steps in *.
set sum_d := \sum_(tsk <- ts) task_deadline tsk.
destruct ([exists k in 'I_(sum_d), f k == f k.+1]) eqn:EX.
destruct ([exists k in 'I_(sum_d.+1), f k == f k.+1]) eqn:EX.
move: EX => /exists_inP EX; destruct EX as [k _ ITERk].
move: ITERk => /eqP ITERk.
apply iter_fix with (k := k);
[by ins | by apply ltnW, ltn_ord].
[by ins | by rewrite -ltnS; apply ltn_ord].
apply negbT in EX; rewrite negb_exists_in in EX.
move: EX => /forall_inP EX.
assert (GT: forall k: 'I_(sum_d), one_lt (f k) (f k.+1)).
assert (GT: forall k: 'I_(sum_d.+1), one_lt (f k) (f k.+1)).
intros step; unfold one_lt.
intros step; unfold one_lt; apply/andP; split.
rewrite -[has _ _]negbK; apply/negP; unfold not; intro ALL.
rewrite -all_predC in ALL.
move: ALL => /allP ALL.
......@@ -239,11 +312,13 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
assert (DUMMY: exists tsk: sporadic_task, True).
unfold f, edf_rta_iteration, initial_state in DIFF.
induction ts as [| tsk0 ts']; last by exists tsk0.
simpl in DIFF.
destruct step as [step LT].
by unfold sum_d in LT; rewrite big_nil in LT.
destruct ts as [| tsk0 ts']; last by exists tsk0.
assert (EMPTY: forall k,
iter k (fun x => [seq update_bound x i | i <- x]) [::] = [::]).
induction k; [by done | by rewrite iterS IHk].
by rewrite 2!EMPTY in DIFF.
des; clear DUMMY.
move: DIFF => /eqP DIFF; apply DIFF.
......@@ -265,7 +340,7 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
unfold predC; simpl; rewrite -ltnNge; intro LTp.
specialize (GROWS step).
move: GROWS => /allP GROWS.
move: GROWS => /andP [_ /allP GROWS].
exploit (GROWS (p_i, p_i')).
rewrite EQ EQ'.
......@@ -288,38 +363,54 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split.
unfold f; destruct ts as [| tsk0 ts'].
clear -Heq.
induction sum_d; first by unfold edf_rta_iteration.
by rewrite [iter sum_d.+2 _ _]iterS -IHsum_d -iterS.
assert (EXCEEDS: forall step: 'I_(sum_d),
assert (EXCEEDS: forall step: 'I_(sum_d.+1),
\sum_(p <- f step) snd p > step).
intro step; destruct step as [step LT].
induction step.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := \sum_(p <- initial_state ts) 0); first by rewrite big_const_seq iter_addn mul0n addn0.
apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(p <- initial_state ts) 1).
rewrite 2!big_const_seq 2!iter_addn mul0n mul1n 2!addn0.
destruct ts; last by done.
by unfold sum_d in LT; rewrite big_nil in LT.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n :=
\sum_(p <- (tsk0, task_cost tsk0) :: initial_state ts') 0); first by rewrite big_const_seq iter_addn mul0n addn0.
apply leq_trans with (n :=
\sum_(p <- (tsk0, task_cost tsk0) :: initial_state ts') 1);
first by rewrite 2!big_const_seq 2!iter_addn mul0n mul1n 2!addn0.
rewrite big_seq_cond [\sum_(p <- _ | true) _]big_seq_cond.
apply leq_sum.
intro p; rewrite andbT; simpl; intros IN.
destruct p as [tsk R]; simpl in *.
move: IN => /mapP IN; destruct IN as [x IN SUBST].
inversion SUBST; subst; clear SUBST.
exploit (VALID x); first by done.
unfold valid_sporadic_taskset, is_valid_sporadic_task.
by unfold task_deadline_positive; ins; des.
rewrite in_cons in IN; move: IN => /orP [/eqP HEAD | TAIL].
inversion HEAD; subst.
exploit (VALID tsk0);
first by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left.
unfold valid_sporadic_taskset, is_valid_sporadic_task.
by unfold task_deadline_positive; ins; des.
move: TAIL => /mapP TAIL; destruct TAIL as [x IN SUBST].
inversion SUBST; subst; clear SUBST.
exploit (VALID x);
first by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
unfold valid_sporadic_taskset, is_valid_sporadic_task.
by unfold task_deadline_positive; ins; des.
assert (LT': step < sum_d).
assert (LT': step < sum_d.+1).
by apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := step.+1).
simpl in *; exploit IHstep; [by done | intro LE].
specialize (GT (Ordinal LT')).
simpl in *; clear LT LT' IHstep.
move: GT => /hasP GT; destruct GT as [p IN LTpair].
move: GT => /andP [_ /hasP GT]; destruct GT as [p IN LTpair].
apply leq_trans with (n := (\sum_(p <- f step) snd p) + 1);
first by rewrite addn1 ltnS.
destruct p as [p p']; simpl in *.
......@@ -344,7 +435,7 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
by rewrite size_zip size_map minnn.
specialize (GROWS step); unfold all_le in GROWS.
move: GROWS => /(zipP (fun x y => snd x <= snd y)) GROWS.
move: GROWS => /andP [_ /(zipP (fun x y => snd x <= snd y)) GROWS].
rewrite -addnA; apply leq_add.
rewrite big_nat_cond
......@@ -394,7 +485,18 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationEDF.
assert (LT: sum_d < sum_d.+1); first by apply ltnSn.
specialize (EXCEEDS (Ordinal LT)); simpl in EXCEEDS.
fold sum_d in Heq; move: Heq => ALL; clear -EXCEEDS ALL.
assert (SUM: \sum_(p <- f sum_d) snd p <= sum_d).
unfold sum_d at 2.
move: ALL => /allP ALL.
unfold f.
admit. (* should be provable*)
by rewrite ltnNge SUM in EXCEEDS.
Lemma R_list_converges :
......@@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite in_cons in INy.
Lemma index_zip1 {T: eqType} (X Y: seq T) x y :
......@@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ Lemma index_zip2 {T:eqType} (X Y: seq T) x y:
index (x, y) (zip X Y) = index y Y.
Definition no_intersection {T: eqType} (l1 l2: seq T) :=
~~ has (mem l1) l2.
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