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Commit 7c258b5e authored by Felipe Cerqueira's avatar Felipe Cerqueira
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Trying to fix workload in EDF lemma

parent cc6a48d4
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...@@ -167,11 +167,10 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF. ...@@ -167,11 +167,10 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF.
is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk tsk_other && is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk tsk_other &&
task_is_scheduled job_task sched tsk_other t) ts = num_cpus. task_is_scheduled job_task sched tsk_other t) ts = num_cpus.
(* Next, we define Bertogna and Cirinei's response-time bound recurrence *) (* Next, we define Bertogna and Cirinei's response-time bound recurrence *)
Variable tsk: sporadic_task. Variable tsk: sporadic_task.
Variable R: time. Variable R: time.
Hypothesis tsk_R_in_rt_bounds: (tsk, R) \in rt_bounds. Hypothesis H_tsk_R_in_rt_bounds: (tsk, R) \in rt_bounds.
(* ..., then R bounds the response time of tsk in any schedule. *) (* ..., then R bounds the response time of tsk in any schedule. *)
Theorem bertogna_cirinei_response_time_bound_edf : Theorem bertogna_cirinei_response_time_bound_edf :
...@@ -190,10 +189,42 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF. ...@@ -190,10 +189,42 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF.
H_rate_equals_one into RATE, H_rate_equals_one into RATE,
H_global_scheduling_invariant into INVARIANT, H_global_scheduling_invariant into INVARIANT,
H_response_time_bounds_ge_cost into GE_COST, H_response_time_bounds_ge_cost into GE_COST,
H_response_time_is_fixed_point into FIX. H_response_time_is_fixed_point into FIX,
intros j JOBtsk. H_tsk_R_in_rt_bounds into INbounds.
(* For simplicity, let x denote per-task interference under FP (* First, rewrite the claim in terms of the *absolute* response-time bound (arrival + R) *)
intros j JOBtsk.
remember (job_arrival j + R) as ctime; rename Heqctime into EQc.
rewrite -[R](addKn (job_arrival j)) -EQc in INbounds; clear EQc R.
revert tsk j JOBtsk INbounds.
(* Now, we apply strong induction on the absolute response-time bound. *)
induction ctime as [ctime BEFOREok] using strong_ind_lt.
intros tsk j JOBtsk INbounds.
remember (ctime - job_arrival j) as R.
assert (INtsk: tsk \in ts).
admit. (* Easy. Need to add this to the assumptions about rt_bounds. *)
assert (EQc: ctime = job_arrival j + R).
rewrite HeqR addnBA; first by rewrite addnC -addnBA // subnn addn0.
apply GE_COST in INbounds; rewrite leqNgt; apply/negP; red; intros BUG.
apply ltnW in BUG; rewrite -subn_eq0 in BUG; move: BUG => /eqP BUG.
rewrite HeqR BUG leqNgt in INbounds.
exploit (TASK_PARAMS tsk); [by done | unfold is_valid_sporadic_task; intro PARAMStsk; des].
by unfold task_cost_positive in PARAMStsk; rewrite PARAMStsk in INbounds.
} subst ctime; clear HeqR.
(* According to the IH, all jobs with absolute response-time bound t < (job_arrival j + R)
have correct response-time bounds.
Now, we prove the same result for job j by contradiction.
Assume that (job_arrival j + R) is not a response-time bound for job j. *)
destruct (completed job_cost rate sched j (job_arrival j + R)) eqn:COMPLETED;
first by move: COMPLETED => /eqP COMPLETED; rewrite COMPLETED eq_refl.
apply negbT in COMPLETED; exfalso.
(* For simplicity, let x denote per-task interference under EDF
scheduling, and let X denote the total interference. *) scheduling, and let X denote the total interference. *)
set x := fun hp_tsk => set x := fun hp_tsk =>
if (hp_tsk \in ts) && is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk hp_tsk then if (hp_tsk \in ts) && is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk hp_tsk then
...@@ -208,17 +239,7 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF. ...@@ -208,17 +239,7 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF.
if is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk tsk_k then if is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk tsk_k then
interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline tsk R (tsk_k, R_k) (*add EDF-term*) interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline tsk R (tsk_k, R_k) (*add EDF-term*)
else 0. else 0.
assert (INtsk: tsk \in ts).
(* Now we start the proof. Assume by contradiction that job j
is not complete at time (job_arrival j + R). *)
destruct (completed job_cost rate sched j (job_arrival j + R)) eqn:COMPLETED;
first by move: COMPLETED => /eqP COMPLETED; rewrite COMPLETED eq_refl.
apply negbT in COMPLETED; exfalso.
(* Since j has not completed, recall the time when it is not (* Since j has not completed, recall the time when it is not
executing is the total interference. *) executing is the total interference. *)
exploit (complement_of_interf_equals_service job_cost rate sched j (job_arrival j) exploit (complement_of_interf_equals_service job_cost rate sched j (job_arrival j)
...@@ -226,23 +247,23 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF. ...@@ -226,23 +247,23 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF.
last intro EQinterf; ins; unfold has_arrived; last intro EQinterf; ins; unfold has_arrived;
first by apply leqnn. first by apply leqnn.
rewrite {2}[_ + R]addnC -addnBA // subnn addn0 in EQinterf. rewrite {2}[_ + R]addnC -addnBA // subnn addn0 in EQinterf.
(* In order to derive a contradiction, we first show that (* In order to derive a contradiction, we first show that per-task
the interference x_k of any task is no larger than the interference x_k is no larger than the basic interference bound (based on W). *)
workload bound W_k. *) assert (BASICBOUND:
assert (WORKLOAD: forall tsk_k, forall ctime : nat,
(tsk_k \in ts) && is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk tsk_k -> ctime < job_arrival j + R ->
forall R_k, forall (tsk_k : sporadic_task) (j_k : JobIn arr_seq),
(tsk_k, R_k) \in rt_bounds -> job_task j_k = tsk_k ->
x tsk_k <= workload_bound (tsk_k, R_k)). (tsk_k, ctime - job_arrival j_k) \in rt_bounds ->
{ admit. x tsk_k <= W task_cost task_period tsk_k (ctime - job_arrival j_k) R).
(* {
move => tsk_k /andP [INk INTERk] R_k HPk. intros ctime LEt tsk_k j_k JOBk INBOUNDSk; unfold x, interference_bound.
unfold x, workload_bound; rewrite INk INTERk andbT. destruct ((tsk_k \in ts) && (is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk tsk_k)) eqn:INk;
exploit (exists_R tsk_k); [by ins | by ins | intro INhp; des]. last by done.
move: INk => /andP [INk INTERFk]; simpl.
apply leq_trans with (n := workload job_task rate sched tsk_k apply leq_trans with (n := workload job_task rate sched tsk_k
(job_arrival j) (job_arrival j + R)). (job_arrival j) (job_arrival j + R)).
{ {
unfold task_interference, workload. unfold task_interference, workload.
apply leq_sum; intros t _. apply leq_sum; intros t _.
...@@ -257,28 +278,51 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF. ...@@ -257,28 +278,51 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF.
by destruct (sched cpu t);[by rewrite HAScpu mul1n RATE|by ins]. by destruct (sched cpu t);[by rewrite HAScpu mul1n RATE|by ins].
} }
{ {
apply workload_bounded_by_W with (task_deadline0 := task_deadline) (job_cost0 := job_cost) (job_deadline0 := job_deadline); ins; apply workload_bounded_by_W with (task_deadline0 := task_deadline) (job_cost0 := job_cost) (job_deadline0 := job_deadline); try (by ins);
[ by rewrite RATE [ by ins; rewrite RATE
| by apply TASK_PARAMS | by ins; apply TASK_PARAMS
| by apply RESTR | by ins; apply RESTR |
| by red; red; ins; apply (RESP tsk_k)
| by apply GE_COST |]. | by apply GE_COST |].
red; red; move => j' /eqP JOBtsk' _; {
unfold job_misses_no_deadline. red; red; intros j0 JOB0. set R_k := ctime - job_arrival j_k.
specialize (PARAMS j'); des. apply BEFOREok with (tsk := tsk_k); try (by done); last by rewrite addKn.
rewrite PARAMS1 JOBtsk'. assert (BEFORE0: job_arrival j0 + R_k < job_arrival j + R).
apply completion_monotonic with (t := job_arrival j' + R0); ins; {
[by rewrite leq_add2l; apply NOMISS | by apply (RESP tsk_k)]. (* We need to weaken the conditions in WorkloadDefs.v to remove the restriction
}*) that R_k is a response-time bound for all jobs. *)
} by done.
red; red; move => j' /eqP JOBtsk' LEdl; unfold job_misses_no_deadline.
specialize (PARAMS j'); des; rewrite PARAMS1 JOBtsk'.
apply completion_monotonic with (t := job_arrival j' + (ctime - job_arrival j_k)); ins;
first by rewrite leq_add2l; apply NOMISS.
apply BEFOREok with (tsk := tsk_k); try (by done); last by rewrite addKn.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := job_arrival j' + job_deadline j'); last by done.
by rewrite leq_add2l PARAMS1 JOBtsk' -JOBk; apply NOMISS; rewrite JOBk.
} }
assert (EDFBOUND: forall ctime : nat,
ctime < job_arrival j + R ->
forall (tsk_k : sporadic_task) (j_k : JobIn arr_seq),
job_task j_k = tsk_k ->
(tsk_k, ctime - job_arrival j_k) \in rt_bounds ->
x tsk_k <= edf_specific_bound task_cost task_period
task_deadline tsk (tsk_k, ctime - job_arrival j_k)).
intros ctime LTctime tsk_k j_k JOBk INBOUNDSk.
unfold edf_specific_bound.
(* In the remaining of the proof, we show that the workload bound (* In the remaining of the proof, we show that the workload bound
W_k is less than the task interference x (contradiction!). W_k is less than the task interference x (contradiction!).
For that, we require a few auxiliary lemmas: *) For that, we require a few auxiliary lemmas: *)
(* 1) We show that the total interference X >= R - e_k + 1. (* 1) We show that the total interference X >= R - e_k + 1.
Otherwise, job j would have completed on time. *) Otherwise, job j would have completed on time. *)
assert (IunfoldNTERF: X >= R - task_cost tsk + 1). assert (INTERF: X >= R - task_cost tsk + 1).
{ {
unfold completed in COMPLETED. unfold completed in COMPLETED.
rewrite addn1. rewrite addn1.
...@@ -339,7 +383,6 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF. ...@@ -339,7 +383,6 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF.
apply (INVARIANT tsk j); try (by done). apply (INVARIANT tsk j); try (by done).
} }
(* 3) Next, we prove the auxiliary lemma from the paper. *) (* 3) Next, we prove the auxiliary lemma from the paper. *)
assert (MINSERV: \sum_(tsk_k <- ts) x tsk_k >= assert (MINSERV: \sum_(tsk_k <- ts) x tsk_k >=
(R - task_cost tsk + 1) * num_cpus -> (R - task_cost tsk + 1) * num_cpus ->
...@@ -520,7 +563,6 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF. ...@@ -520,7 +563,6 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF.
(* 4) Now, we prove that the Bertogna's interference bound (* 4) Now, we prove that the Bertogna's interference bound
is not enough to cover the sum of the "minimum" term over is not enough to cover the sum of the "minimum" term over
all tasks (artifact of the proof by contradiction). *) all tasks (artifact of the proof by contradiction). *)
assert (SUM: \sum_(k <- rt_bounds | is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk (fst k)) assert (SUM: \sum_(k <- rt_bounds | is_interfering_task_jlfp tsk (fst k))
(minn (minn
(interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline (interference_bound_edf task_cost task_period task_deadline
...@@ -535,13 +577,11 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF. ...@@ -535,13 +577,11 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF.
(minn (x (fst i)) ((snd(i) - task_cost tsk + 1)))); (minn (x (fst i)) ((snd(i) - task_cost tsk + 1))));
last first. last first.
{ {
apply leq_sum. apply leq_sum; intros i _; destruct i as [i R_i].
intros i _.
destruct i as [i R_i].
rewrite leq_min; apply/andP; split; last by done. rewrite leq_min; apply/andP; split; last by done.
{ {
apply leq_trans with (n := x i); apply leq_trans with (n := x i); first by apply geq_minl.
first by apply geq_minl. unfold interference_bound_edf, interference_bound.
admit. admit.
} }
} }
...@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ Module Workload. ...@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ Module Workload.
(* Before starting the proof, let's give simpler names to the definitions. *) (* Before starting the proof, let's give simpler names to the definitions. *)
Definition response_time_bound_of (tsk: sporadic_task) (R: time) := Definition response_time_bound_of (tsk: sporadic_task) (R: time) :=
is_response_time_bound_of_task job_cost job_task tsk rate sched R. is_response_time_bound_of_task job_cost job_task tsk rate sched R.
Definition no_deadline_misses_by (tsk: sporadic_task) (t: time) := Definition no_deadline_misses_by (tsk: sporadic_task) (t: time) :=
task_misses_no_deadline_before job_cost job_deadline job_task task_misses_no_deadline_before job_cost job_deadline job_task
rate sched tsk t. rate sched tsk t.
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