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Commit 83918615 authored by Sergey Bozhko's avatar Sergey Bozhko :eyes:
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parent e1e81f86
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Require Export rt.util.tactics.
Require Export rt.util.notation.
Require Export rt.util.bigcat.
Require Export rt.util.pick.
Require Export rt.util.bigord.
Require Export rt.util.counting.
Require Export rt.util.div_mod.
......@@ -16,4 +17,4 @@ Require Export rt.util.sum.
Require Export rt.util.minmax.
Require Export rt.util.seqset.
Require Export rt.util.step_function.
Require Export rt.util.pick.
\ No newline at end of file
Require Export rt.util.epsilon.
......@@ -109,6 +109,52 @@ Section UniqList.
End UniqList.
(* Additional lemmas about rem for lists. *)
Section RemList.
(* We prove that if x lies in xs excluding y, then x also lies in xs. *)
Lemma rem_in:
forall (T: eqType) (x y: T) (xs: seq T),
x \in rem y xs -> x \in xs.
clear; intros.
induction xs; simpl in H.
{ by rewrite in_nil in H. }
{ rewrite in_cons; apply/orP.
destruct (a == y) eqn:EQ.
{ by move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst a; right. }
{ move: H; rewrite in_cons; move => /orP [/eqP H | H].
- by subst a; left.
- by right; apply IHxs.
(* We prove that if we remove an element x for which P x from
a filter, then the size of the filter decreases by 1. *)
Lemma filter_size_rem:
forall (T: eqType) (x:T) (xs: seq T) (P: T -> bool),
(x \in xs) ->
P x ->
size [seq y <- xs | P y] = size [seq y <- rem x xs | P y] + 1.
clear; intros.
induction xs; first by inversion H.
move: H; rewrite in_cons; move => /orP [/eqP H | H]; subst.
{ by simpl; rewrite H0 -[X in X = _]addn1 eq_refl. }
{ specialize (IHxs H); simpl in *.
case EQab: (a == x); simpl.
{ move: EQab => /eqP EQab; subst.
by rewrite H0 addn1. }
{ case Pa: (P a); simpl.
- by rewrite IHxs !addn1.
- by rewrite IHxs.
End RemList.
(* Additional lemmas about list zip. *)
Section Zip.
......@@ -697,4 +743,89 @@ Section Order.
rel x2 x1 ->
x1 = x2.
End Order.
\ No newline at end of file
End Order.
(* In this section we prove some additional lemmas about sequences. *)
Section AdditionalLemmas.
(* We define a local function max over lists using foldl and maxn. *)
Let max := foldl maxn 0.
(* We prove that max {x, xs} is equal to max {x, max xs}. *)
Lemma seq_max_cons: forall x xs, max (x :: xs) = maxn x (max xs).
have L: forall s x xs, foldl maxn s (x::xs) = maxn x (foldl maxn s xs).
{ clear; intros.
generalize dependent s; generalize dependent x.
induction xs.
{ by intros; rewrite maxnC. }
{ intros; simpl in *.
by rewrite maxnC IHxs [maxn s a]maxnC IHxs maxnA [maxn s x]maxnC.
by intros; unfold max; apply L.
(* We prove that for any two sequences xs and ys the fact that xs is a subsequence
of ys implies that the size of xs is at most the size of ys. *)
Lemma subseq_leq_size:
forall {T: eqType} (xs ys: seq T),
uniq xs ->
(forall x, x \in xs -> x \in ys) ->
size xs <= size ys.
clear; intros ? ? ? UNIQ SUB.
have Lem:
forall a ys,
(a \in ys) ->
exists ysl ysr, ys = ysl ++ [::a] ++ ysr.
{ clear; intros ? ? ? SUB.
induction ys; first by done.
move: SUB; rewrite in_cons; move => /orP [/eqP EQ|IN].
- by subst; exists [::], ys.
- feed IHys; first by done.
clear IN; move: IHys => [ysl [ysr EQ]].
by subst; exists(a0::ysl), ysr.
have EXm: exists m, size ys <= m.
{ by exists (size ys). }
move: EXm => [m SIZEm].
move: SIZEm UNIQ SUB; move: xs ys.
induction m.
{ intros.
move: SIZEm; rewrite leqn0 size_eq0; move => /eqP SIZEm; subst ys.
destruct xs; first by done.
specialize (SUB s).
feed SUB; first by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left.
by done.
{ intros.
destruct xs as [ | x xs]; first by done.
specialize (@Lem _ x ys).
feed Lem.
{ by apply SUB; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left. }
move: Lem => [ysl [ysr EQ]]; subst ys.
rewrite !size_cat; simpl; rewrite -addnC add1n addSn ltnS -size_cat.
eapply IHm.
- move: SIZEm; rewrite !size_cat; simpl; move => SIZE.
by rewrite add1n addnS ltnS addnC in SIZE.
- by move: UNIQ; rewrite cons_uniq; move => /andP [_ UNIQ].
- intros a IN.
destruct (a == x) eqn: EQ.
{ exfalso.
move: EQ UNIQ; rewrite cons_uniq; move => /eqP EQ /andP [NIN UNIQ].
by subst; move: NIN => /negP NIN; apply: NIN.
{ specialize (SUB a).
feed SUB.
{ by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right. }
clear IN; move: SUB; rewrite !mem_cat; move => /orP [IN| /orP [IN|IN]].
- by apply/orP; right.
- exfalso.
by move: IN; rewrite in_cons; move => /orP [IN|IN]; [rewrite IN in EQ | ].
- by apply/orP; left.
End AdditionalLemmas.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -514,14 +514,55 @@ End MinMaxSeq.
(* Additional lemmas about max. *)
Section ExtraLemmas.
Lemma leq_big_max I r (P : pred I) (E1 E2 : I -> nat) :
(forall i, P i -> E1 i <= E2 i) ->
\max_(i <- r | P i) E1 i <= \max_(i <- r | P i) E2 i.
Lemma leq_bigmax_cond_seq (T : eqType) (P : pred T) (r : seq T) F i0 :
i0 \in r -> P i0 -> F i0 <= \max_(i <- r | P i) F i.
intros IN0 Pi0; by rewrite (big_rem i0) //= Pi0 leq_maxl.
Lemma bigmax_sup_seq:
forall (T: eqType) (i: T) r (P: pred T) m F,
i \in r -> P i -> m <= F i -> m <= \max_(i <- r| P i) F i.
induction r.
- by rewrite in_nil in H.
move: H; rewrite in_cons; move => /orP [/eqP EQA | IN].
clear IHr; subst a.
rewrite (big_rem i) //=; last by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left.
apply leq_trans with (F i); first by done.
by rewrite H0 leq_maxl.
apply leq_trans with (\max_(i0 <- r | P i0) F i0); first by apply IHr.
rewrite [in X in _ <= X](big_rem a) //=; last by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left.
have Ob: a == a; first by done.
by rewrite Ob leq_maxr.
Lemma bigmax_leq_seqP (T : eqType) (P : pred T) (r : seq T) F m :
reflect (forall i, i \in r -> P i -> F i <= m)
(\max_(i <- r | P i) F i <= m).
apply: (iffP idP) => leFm => [i IINR Pi|];
first by apply: leq_trans leFm; apply leq_bigmax_cond_seq.
rewrite big_seq_cond; elim/big_ind: _ => // m1 m2.
by intros; rewrite geq_max; apply/andP; split.
by move: m2 => /andP [M1IN Pm1]; apply: leFm.
Lemma leq_big_max (T : eqType) (P : pred T) (r : seq T) F1 F2 :
(forall i, i \in r -> P i -> F1 i <= F2 i) ->
\max_(i <- r | P i) F1 i <= \max_(i <- r | P i) F2 i.
move => leE12; elim/big_ind2 : _ => // m1 m2 n1 n2.
intros LE1 LE2; rewrite leq_max; unfold maxn.
by destruct (m2 < n2) eqn:LT; [by apply/orP; right | by apply/orP; left].
intros; apply /bigmax_leq_seqP; intros.
specialize (H i); feed_n 2 H; try(done).
rewrite (big_rem i) //=; rewrite H1.
by apply leq_trans with (F2 i); [ | rewrite leq_maxl].
Lemma bigmax_ord_ltn_identity n :
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Section NatLemmas.
n1 >= n2 ->
(m1 + n1) - (m2 + n2) = m1 - m2 + (n1 - n2).
Proof. by ins; ssromega. Qed.
Lemma subh3 :
forall m n p,
m + p <= n ->
......@@ -33,6 +33,21 @@ Section NatLemmas.
by rewrite subh1 // -addnBA // subnn addn0.
(* subh3: forall m n p : nat, m + p <= n -> p <= n -> m <= n - p *)
(* unnecessary condition -- ^^^^^^^^^ *)
(* TODO: del subh3 *)
Lemma subh3_ext:
forall m n p,
m + p <= n ->
m <= n - p.
apply subh3; first by done.
apply leq_trans with (m+p); last by done.
by rewrite leq_addl.
Lemma subh4:
forall m n p,
m <= n ->
......@@ -85,5 +85,50 @@ Section StepFunction.
End ExistsIntermediateValue.
End Lemmas.
(* In this section, we prove an analogue of the intermediate
value theorem, but for predicates of natural numbers. *)
Section ExistsIntermediateValuePredicates.
(* Let P be any predicate on natural numbers. *)
Variable P: nat -> bool.
(* Consider a time interval [t1,t2] such that ... *)
Variables t1 t2: nat.
Hypothesis H_t1_le_t2: t1 <= t2.
(* ... P doesn't hold for t1 ... *)
Hypothesis H_not_P_at_t1: ~~ P t1.
(* ... but holds for t2. *)
Hypothesis H_P_at_t2: P t2.
(* Then we prove that within time interval [t1,t2] there exists time
instant t such that t is the first time instant when P holds. *)
Lemma exists_first_intermediate_point:
exists t, (t1 < t <= t2) /\ (forall x, t1 <= x < t -> ~~ P x) /\ P t.
have EX: exists x, P x && (t1 < x <= t2).
{ exists t2.
apply/andP; split; first by done.
apply/andP; split; last by done.
move: H_t1_le_t2; rewrite leq_eqVlt; move => /orP [/eqP EQ | NEQ1]; last by done.
by exfalso; subst t2; move: H_not_P_at_t1 => /negP NPt1.
have MIN := ex_minnP EX.
move: MIN => [x /andP [Px /andP [LT1 LT2]] MIN]; clear EX.
exists x; repeat split; [ apply/andP; split | | ]; try done.
move => y /andP [NEQ1 NEQ2]; apply/negPn; intros Py.
feed (MIN y).
{ apply/andP; split; first by done.
apply/andP; split.
- move: NEQ1. rewrite leq_eqVlt; move => /orP [/eqP EQ | NEQ1]; last by done.
by exfalso; subst y; move: H_not_P_at_t1 => /negP NPt1.
- by apply ltnW, leq_trans with x.
by move: NEQ2; rewrite ltnNge; move => /negP NEQ2.
End ExistsIntermediateValuePredicates.
End StepFunction.
\ No newline at end of file
Require Import rt.util.tactics rt.util.notation rt.util.sorting rt.util.nat.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop path.
(* Lemmas about arithmetic with sums. *)
Section SumArithmetic.
(* Inequality with sums is monotonic with their functions. *)
Lemma sum_diff_monotonic :
forall n G F,
(forall i : nat, i < n -> G i <= F i) ->
(\sum_(0 <= i < n) (G i)) <= (\sum_(0 <= i < n) (F i)).
intros n G F ALL.
rewrite big_nat_cond [\sum_(0 <= i < n) F i]big_nat_cond.
apply leq_sum; intros i LT; rewrite andbT in LT.
move: LT => /andP LT; des.
by apply ALL, leq_trans with (n := n); ins.
Lemma sum_diff :
forall n F G,
(forall i (LT: i < n), F i >= G i) ->
\sum_(0 <= i < n) (F i - G i) =
(\sum_(0 <= i < n) (F i)) - (\sum_(0 <= i < n) (G i)).
intros n F G ALL.
induction n; ins; first by rewrite 3?big_geq.
assert (ALL': forall i, i < n -> G i <= F i).
by ins; apply ALL, leq_trans with (n := n); ins.
rewrite 3?big_nat_recr // IHn //; simpl.
rewrite subh1; last by apply sum_diff_monotonic.
rewrite subh2 //; try apply sum_diff_monotonic; ins.
rewrite subh1; ins; apply sum_diff_monotonic; ins.
by apply ALL; rewrite ltnS leqnn.
Lemma telescoping_sum :
forall (T: Type) (F: T->nat) r (x0: T),
(forall i, i < (size r).-1 -> F (nth x0 r i) <= F (nth x0 r i.+1)) ->
F (nth x0 r (size r).-1) - F (nth x0 r 0) =
\sum_(0 <= i < (size r).-1) (F (nth x0 r (i.+1)) - F (nth x0 r i)).
intros T F r x0 ALL.
have ADD1 := big_add1.
have RECL := big_nat_recl.
specialize (ADD1 nat 0 addn 0 (size r) (fun x => true) (fun i => F (nth x0 r i))).
specialize (RECL nat 0 addn (size r).-1 0 (fun i => F (nth x0 r i))).
rewrite sum_diff; last by ins.
rewrite addmovr; last by rewrite -[_.-1]add0n; apply prev_le_next; try rewrite add0n leqnn.
rewrite subh1; last by apply sum_diff_monotonic.
rewrite addnC -RECL //.
rewrite addmovl; last by rewrite big_nat_recr // -{1}[\sum_(_ <= _ < _) _]addn0; apply leq_add.
by rewrite addnC -big_nat_recr.
Lemma leq_sum_sub_uniq :
forall (T: eqType) (r1 r2: seq T) F,
uniq r1 ->
{subset r1 <= r2} ->
\sum_(i <- r1) F i <= \sum_(i <- r2) F i.
intros T r1 r2 F UNIQ SUB; generalize dependent r2.
induction r1 as [| x r1' IH]; first by ins; rewrite big_nil.
intros r2 SUB.
assert (IN: x \in r2).
by apply SUB; rewrite in_cons eq_refl orTb.
simpl in UNIQ; move: UNIQ => /andP [NOTIN UNIQ]; specialize (IH UNIQ).
destruct (splitPr IN).
rewrite big_cat 2!big_cons /= addnA [_ + F x]addnC -addnA leq_add2l.
rewrite mem_cat in_cons eq_refl in IN.
rewrite -big_cat /=.
apply IH; red; intros x0 IN0.
rewrite mem_cat.
feed (SUB x0); first by rewrite in_cons IN0 orbT.
rewrite mem_cat in_cons in SUB.
move: SUB => /orP [SUB1 | /orP [/eqP EQx | SUB2]];
[by rewrite SUB1 | | by rewrite SUB2 orbT].
by rewrite -EQx IN0 in NOTIN.
End SumArithmetic.
(* Additional lemmas about sum. *)
(* Lemmas about sum. *)
Section ExtraLemmas.
Lemma extend_sum :
......@@ -97,7 +16,7 @@ Section ExtraLemmas.
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (m := t1') (n := t1); try (by done); simpl;
last by apply leq_trans with (n := t2).
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (p := t2') (n := t2); try (by done); simpl.
by rewrite addnC -addnA; apply leq_addr.
by rewrite addnC -addnA; apply leq_addr.
Lemma leq_sum_nat m n (P : pred nat) (E1 E2 : nat -> nat) :
......@@ -106,7 +25,7 @@ Section ExtraLemmas.
intros LE.
rewrite big_nat_cond [\sum_(_ <= _ < _| P _)_]big_nat_cond.
by apply leq_sum; move => j /andP [IN H]; apply LE.
by apply leq_sum; move => j /andP [IN H]; apply LE.
Lemma leq_sum_seq (I: eqType) (r: seq I) (P : pred I) (E1 E2 : I -> nat) :
......@@ -115,7 +34,7 @@ Section ExtraLemmas.
intros LE.
rewrite big_seq_cond [\sum_(_ <- _| P _)_]big_seq_cond.
by apply leq_sum; move => j /andP [IN H]; apply LE.
by apply leq_sum; move => j /andP [IN H]; apply LE.
Lemma sum_nat_eq0_nat (T : eqType) (F : T -> nat) (r: seq T) :
......@@ -128,7 +47,7 @@ Section ExtraLemmas.
first by rewrite big_const_seq iter_addn mul0n addn0 leqnn.
intro i; rewrite andbT; intros IN.
specialize (ZERO i); rewrite IN in ZERO.
by move: ZERO => /implyP ZERO; apply/eqP; apply ZERO.
by move: ZERO => /implyP ZERO; apply/eqP; apply ZERO.
apply negbT in ZERO; rewrite -has_predC in ZERO.
......@@ -136,7 +55,7 @@ Section ExtraLemmas.
rewrite (big_rem x) /=; last by done.
symmetry; apply negbTE; rewrite neq_ltn; apply/orP; right.
apply leq_trans with (n := F x); last by apply leq_addr.
by rewrite lt0n.
by rewrite lt0n.
......@@ -153,7 +72,7 @@ Section ExtraLemmas.
case TRUE: (P i); last by done.
move: (REDUCE i (conj LE TRUE)) => [LE' TRUE'].
rewrite (big_rem i); last by rewrite mem_index_iota.
by rewrite TRUE' eq_refl.
by rewrite TRUE' eq_refl.
apply leq_sum_nat; intros i LE TRUE.
......@@ -162,12 +81,242 @@ Section ExtraLemmas.
rewrite big_nat_cond big1; first by done.
move => i' /andP [LE'' _]; case EQ: (_ == _); last by done.
by move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst; rewrite LE'' in LE'.
by move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst; rewrite LE'' in LE'.
rewrite (bigD1_seq i) /=; [ | by rewrite mem_index_iota | by rewrite iota_uniq ].
rewrite eq_refl big1; first by done.
by move => i' /negbTE NEQ; rewrite NEQ.
by move => i' /negbTE NEQ; rewrite NEQ.
Lemma sum_seq_gt0P:
forall (T:eqType) (r: seq T) (F: T -> nat),
reflect (exists i, i \in r /\ 0 < F i) (0 < \sum_(i <- r) F i).
intros; apply: (iffP idP); intros.
induction r; first by rewrite big_nil in H.
destruct (F a > 0) eqn:POS.
exists a; split; [by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left | by done].
apply negbT in POS; rewrite -leqNgt leqn0 in POS; move: POS => /eqP POS.
rewrite big_cons POS add0n in H. clear POS.
feed IHr; first by done. move: IHr => [i [IN POS]].
exists i; split; [by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP;right | by done].
move: H => [i [IN POS]].
rewrite (big_rem i) //=.
apply leq_trans with (F i); [by done | by rewrite leq_addr].
Lemma leq_pred_sum:
forall (T:eqType) (r: seq T) (P1 P2: pred T) F,
(forall i, P1 i -> P2 i) ->
\sum_(i <- r | P1 i) F i <=
\sum_(i <- r | P2 i) F i.
rewrite big_mkcond [in X in _ <= X]big_mkcond//= leq_sum //.
intros i _.
destruct P1 eqn:P1a; destruct P2 eqn:P2a; [by done | | by done | by done].
move: P1a P2a => /eqP P1a /eqP P2a.
rewrite eqb_id in P1a; rewrite eqbF_neg in P2a.
move: P2a => /negP P2a.
by apply P2a; apply H.
Lemma sum_notin_rem_eqn:
forall (T:eqType) (a: T) xs P F,
a \notin xs ->
\sum_(x <- xs | P x && (x != a)) F x = \sum_(x <- xs | P x) F x.
intros ? ? ? ? ? NOTIN.
induction xs; first by rewrite !big_nil.
rewrite !big_cons.
rewrite IHxs; clear IHxs; last first.
{ apply/memPn; intros y IN.
move: NOTIN => /memPn NOTIN.
by apply NOTIN; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
move: NOTIN => /memPn NOTIN.
move: (NOTIN a0) => NEQ.
feed NEQ; first by (rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left).
by rewrite NEQ Bool.andb_true_r.
End ExtraLemmas.
\ No newline at end of file
(* We prove that if any element of a set r is bounded by constant const,
then the sum of the whole set is bounded by [const * size r]. *)
Lemma sum_majorant_constant:
forall (T: eqType) (r: seq T) (P: pred T) F const,
(forall a, a \in r -> P a -> F a <= const) ->
\sum_(j <- r | P j) F j <= const * (size [seq j <- r | P j]).
clear; intros.
induction r; first by rewrite big_nil.
feed IHr.
{ intros; apply H.
- by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
- by done. }
rewrite big_cons.
destruct (P a) eqn:EQ.
{ rewrite -cat1s filter_cat size_cat.
rewrite mulnDr.
apply leq_add; last by done.
rewrite size_filter.
simpl; rewrite addn0.
rewrite EQ muln1.
apply H; last by done.
by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left.
{ apply leq_trans with (const * size [seq j <- r | P j]); first by done.
rewrite leq_mul2l; apply/orP; right.
rewrite -cat1s filter_cat size_cat.
by rewrite leq_addl.
(* We prove that if for any element x of a set xs the following two statements hold
(1) [F1 x] is less than or equal to [F2 x] and (2) the sum [F1 x_1, ..., F1 x_n]
is equal to the sum of [F2 x_1, ..., F2 x_n], then [F1 x] is equal to [F2 x] for
any element x of xs. *)
Lemma sum_majorant_eqn:
forall (T: eqType) xs F1 F2 (P: pred T),
(forall x, x \in xs -> P x -> F1 x <= F2 x) ->
\sum_(x <- xs | P x) F1 x = \sum_(x <- xs | P x) F2 x ->
(forall x, x \in xs -> P x -> F1 x = F2 x).
intros T xs F1 F2 P H1 H2 x IN PX.
induction xs; first by done.
have Fact: \sum_(j <- xs | P j) F1 j <= \sum_(j <- xs | P j) F2 j.
{ rewrite [in X in X <= _]big_seq_cond [in X in _ <= X]big_seq_cond leq_sum //.
move => y /andP [INy PY].
apply: H1; last by done.
by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right. }
feed IHxs.
{ intros x' IN' PX'.
apply H1; last by done.
by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right. }
rewrite big_cons [RHS]big_cons in H2.
have EqLeq: forall a b c d, a + b = c + d -> a <= c -> b >= d.
{ clear; intros.
rewrite leqNgt; apply/negP; intros H1.
move: H => /eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; move => /andP [LE GE].
move: GE; rewrite leqNgt; move => /negP GE; apply: GE.
by apply leq_trans with (a + d); [rewrite ltn_add2l | rewrite leq_add2r]. }
move: IN; rewrite in_cons; move => /orP [/eqP EQ | IN].
{ subst a.
rewrite PX in H2.
specialize (H1 x).
feed_n 2 H1; [ by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left | by done | ].
move: (EqLeq
(F1 x) (\sum_(j <- xs | P j) F1 j)
(F2 x) (\sum_(j <- xs | P j) F2 j) H2 H1) => Q.
have EQ: \sum_(j <- xs | P j) F1 j = \sum_(j <- xs | P j) F2 j.
{ by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split. }
by move: H2 => /eqP; rewrite EQ eqn_add2r; move => /eqP EQ'.
{ destruct (P a) eqn:PA; last by apply IHxs.
apply: IHxs; last by done.
specialize (H1 a).
feed_n 2 (H1); [ by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left | by done | ].
move: (EqLeq
(F1 a) (\sum_(j <- xs | P j) F1 j)
(F2 a) (\sum_(j <- xs | P j) F2 j) H2 H1) => Q.
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split.
(* We prove that the sum of Δ ones is equal to Δ. *)
Lemma sum_of_ones:
forall t Δ,
\sum_(t <= x < t + Δ) 1 = Δ.
rewrite addnC -addnBA; last by done.
by rewrite subnn addn0.
End ExtraLemmas.
(* Lemmas about arithmetic with sums. *)
Section SumArithmetic.
Lemma sum_seq_diff:
forall (T:eqType) (r: seq T) (F G : T -> nat),
(forall i : T, i \in r -> G i <= F i) ->
\sum_(i <- r) (F i - G i) = \sum_(i <- r) F i - \sum_(i <- r) G i.
induction r; first by rewrite !big_nil subn0.
rewrite !big_cons subh2.
- apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_add2l; apply/eqP; apply IHr.
by intros; apply H; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
- by apply H; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left.
- rewrite big_seq_cond [in X in _ <= X]big_seq_cond.
rewrite leq_sum //; move => i /andP [IN _].
by apply H; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
Lemma sum_diff:
forall n F G,
(forall i (LT: i < n), F i >= G i) ->
\sum_(0 <= i < n) (F i - G i) =
(\sum_(0 <= i < n) (F i)) - (\sum_(0 <= i < n) (G i)).
intros n F G ALL.
rewrite sum_seq_diff; first by done.
move => i; rewrite mem_index_iota; move => /andP [_ LT].
by apply ALL.
Lemma telescoping_sum :
forall (T: Type) (F: T->nat) r (x0: T),
(forall i, i < (size r).-1 -> F (nth x0 r i) <= F (nth x0 r i.+1)) ->
F (nth x0 r (size r).-1) - F (nth x0 r 0) =
\sum_(0 <= i < (size r).-1) (F (nth x0 r (i.+1)) - F (nth x0 r i)).
intros T F r x0 ALL.
have ADD1 := big_add1.
have RECL := big_nat_recl.
specialize (ADD1 nat 0 addn 0 (size r) (fun x => true) (fun i => F (nth x0 r i))).
specialize (RECL nat 0 addn (size r).-1 0 (fun i => F (nth x0 r i))).
rewrite sum_diff; last by ins.
rewrite addmovr; last by rewrite -[_.-1]add0n; apply prev_le_next; try rewrite add0n leqnn.
rewrite subh1; last by apply leq_sum_nat; move => i /andP [_ LT] _; apply ALL.
rewrite addnC -RECL //.
rewrite addmovl; last by rewrite big_nat_recr // -{1}[\sum_(_ <= _ < _) _]addn0; apply leq_add.
by rewrite addnC -big_nat_recr.
Lemma leq_sum_sub_uniq :
forall (T: eqType) (r1 r2: seq T) F,
uniq r1 ->
{subset r1 <= r2} ->
\sum_(i <- r1) F i <= \sum_(i <- r2) F i.
intros T r1 r2 F UNIQ SUB; generalize dependent r2.
induction r1 as [| x r1' IH]; first by ins; rewrite big_nil.
intros r2 SUB.
assert (IN: x \in r2).
by apply SUB; rewrite in_cons eq_refl orTb.
simpl in UNIQ; move: UNIQ => /andP [NOTIN UNIQ]; specialize (IH UNIQ).
destruct (splitPr IN).
rewrite big_cat 2!big_cons /= addnA [_ + F x]addnC -addnA leq_add2l.
rewrite mem_cat in_cons eq_refl in IN.
rewrite -big_cat /=.
apply IH; red; intros x0 IN0.
rewrite mem_cat.
feed (SUB x0); first by rewrite in_cons IN0 orbT.
rewrite mem_cat in_cons in SUB.
move: SUB => /orP [SUB1 | /orP [/eqP EQx | SUB2]];
[by rewrite SUB1 | | by rewrite SUB2 orbT].
by rewrite -EQx IN0 in NOTIN.
End SumArithmetic.
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