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Commit eb957144 authored by Björn Brandenburg's avatar Björn Brandenburg
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fix fallout from definition change in facts/completion.v

parent 0ceae791
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From rt.restructuring.behavior Require Export schedule. From rt.restructuring.behavior Require Export schedule.
From rt.restructuring.behavior.facts Require Export service. From rt.restructuring.behavior.facts Require Export service.
From rt.util Require Import nat.
(** In this file, we establish basic facts about job completions. *) (** In this file, we establish basic facts about job completions. *)
Section CompletionFacts. Section CompletionFacts.
...@@ -63,10 +65,9 @@ Section CompletionFacts. ...@@ -63,10 +65,9 @@ Section CompletionFacts.
remaining_cost sched j t > 0. remaining_cost sched j t > 0.
Proof. Proof.
move=> t SERVICE. move=> t SERVICE.
rewrite subn_gt0 /service /service_during. rewrite -incomplete_is_positive_remaining_cost -less_service_than_cost_is_incomplete.
apply leq_trans with (\sum_(0 <= t0 < t.+1) service_at sched j t0); apply H_completed_jobs.
last by rewrite H_completed_jobs. by apply service_at_implies_scheduled_at.
by rewrite big_nat_recr //= -addn1 leq_add2l.
Qed. Qed.
(* Consequently, if we have a have processor model where scheduled jobs (* Consequently, if we have a have processor model where scheduled jobs
...@@ -92,16 +93,11 @@ Section CompletionFacts. ...@@ -92,16 +93,11 @@ Section CompletionFacts.
completed_by sched j t -> completed_by sched j t ->
~~ scheduled_at sched j t. ~~ scheduled_at sched j t.
Proof. Proof.
rename H_completed_jobs into COMP. move=> t COMP.
unfold completed_jobs_dont_execute in *. apply contra with (b := ~~ completed_by sched j t);
intros t COMPLETED. last by apply /negPn.
apply/negP; red; intro SCHED. move=> SCHED. move: (H_completed_jobs j t SCHED).
have BUG := COMP j t.+1. by rewrite less_service_than_cost_is_incomplete.
rewrite leqNgt in BUG; move: BUG => /negP BUG; apply BUG.
rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr // /= -addn1.
apply leq_add.
- by rewrite -/(service_during sched j 0 t) -/(completed_by sched j t).
- by rewrite /service_at; apply: H_scheduled_implies_serviced; rewrite -/(scheduled_at _ _ _).
Qed. Qed.
(* ... and that a scheduled job cannot be completed. *) (* ... and that a scheduled job cannot be completed. *)
...@@ -116,15 +112,6 @@ Section CompletionFacts. ...@@ -116,15 +112,6 @@ Section CompletionFacts.
by rewrite -less_service_than_cost_is_incomplete. by rewrite -less_service_than_cost_is_incomplete.
Qed. Qed.
(* We further observe that [service] and [remaining_cost] are complements of
one another. *)
Lemma service_cost_invariant:
forall t,
(service sched j t) + (remaining_cost sched j t) = job_cost j.
move=> t. rewrite /remaining_cost subnKC //.
End CompletionFacts. End CompletionFacts.
...@@ -154,63 +141,49 @@ Section ServiceAndCompletionFacts. ...@@ -154,63 +141,49 @@ Section ServiceAndCompletionFacts.
(* Assume that a scheduled job receives exactly one time unit of service. *) (* Assume that a scheduled job receives exactly one time unit of service. *)
Hypothesis H_unit_service: unit_service_proc_model. Hypothesis H_unit_service: unit_service_proc_model.
Section GuaranteedService. (* To begin with, we establish that the cumulative service never exceeds a
job's total cost if service increases only by one at each step since
(* Assume a scheduled job always receives some positive service. *) completed jobs don't execute. *)
Hypothesis H_scheduled_implies_serviced: ideal_progress_proc_model. Lemma service_at_most_cost:
forall t,
(* Then we can easily show that the service never exceeds the total cost of service sched j t <= job_cost j.
the job. *) Proof.
Lemma service_le_cost: move=> t.
forall t, elim: t => [|t]; first by rewrite service0.
service sched j t <= job_cost j. rewrite -service_last_plus_before.
Proof. rewrite leq_eqVlt => /orP [/eqP EQ|LT].
elim => [| n IH]; first by rewrite service0 //. - rewrite not_scheduled_implies_no_service;
rewrite leq_eqVlt in IH. first by rewrite addn0 EQ.
case/orP: IH => [EQ | LT]; rewrite -service_last_plus_before. apply completed_implies_not_scheduled => //.
- rewrite not_scheduled_implies_no_service; first by rewrite addn0 //. by rewrite /completed_by EQ.
apply: completed_implies_not_scheduled; auto. unfold unit_service_proc_model in H_unit_service. - apply leq_trans with (n := service sched j t + 1);
move /eqP in EQ. last by rewrite addn1.
rewrite /completed_by EQ //. rewrite leq_add2l.
- apply leq_trans with (n := service sched j n + 1). by apply H_unit_service.
+ rewrite leq_add2l /service_at //. Qed.
+ rewrite -(ltnS (service sched j n + 1) _) -(addn1 (job_cost j)) ltn_add2r //.
(* We show that the service received by job j in any interval is no larger
than its cost. *)
Lemma cumulative_service_le_job_cost:
forall t t',
service_during sched j t t' <= job_cost j.
move=> t t'.
case/orP: (leq_total t t') => [tt'|tt']; last by rewrite service_during_geq //.
apply leq_trans with (n := service sched j t'); last by apply: service_le_cost.
rewrite /service. rewrite -(service_during_cat sched j 0 t t') // leq_addl //.
Section ProperReleases. (* This lets us conclude that [service] and [remaining_cost] are complements
Context `{JobArrival Job}. of one another. *)
Lemma service_cost_invariant:
(* Assume that jobs are not released early. *) forall t,
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive: (service sched j t) + (remaining_cost sched j t) = job_cost j.
jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched. Proof.
move=> t.
(* We show that if job j is scheduled, then it must be pending. *) rewrite /remaining_cost subnKC //.
Lemma scheduled_implies_pending: by apply service_at_most_cost.
forall t, Qed.
scheduled_at sched j t ->
pending sched j t.
move=> t SCHED.
rewrite /pending.
apply /andP; split;
first by apply: H_jobs_must_arrive => //.
apply: scheduled_implies_not_completed => //.
End ProperReleases. (* We show that the service received by job j in any interval is no larger
End GuaranteedService. than its cost. *)
Lemma cumulative_service_le_job_cost:
forall t t',
service_during sched j t t' <= job_cost j.
move=> t t'.
case/orP: (leq_total t t') => [tt'|tt']; last by rewrite service_during_geq //.
apply leq_trans with (n := service sched j t'); last by apply: service_at_most_cost.
rewrite /service. rewrite -(service_during_cat sched j 0 t t') // leq_addl //.
(* If a job isn't complete at time t, it can't be completed at time (t + (* If a job isn't complete at time t, it can't be completed at time (t +
remaining_cost j t - 1). *) remaining_cost j t - 1). *)
...@@ -230,6 +203,29 @@ Section ServiceAndCompletionFacts. ...@@ -230,6 +203,29 @@ Section ServiceAndCompletionFacts.
by apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := service sched j t). by apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := service sched j t).
Qed. Qed.
Section GuaranteedService.
(* Assume a scheduled job always receives some positive service. *)
Hypothesis H_scheduled_implies_serviced: ideal_progress_proc_model.
(* Assume that jobs are not released early. *)
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive: jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.
(* We show that if job j is scheduled, then it must be pending. *)
Lemma scheduled_implies_pending:
forall t,
scheduled_at sched j t ->
pending sched j t.
move=> t SCHED.
rewrite /pending.
apply /andP; split;
first by apply: H_jobs_must_arrive => //.
by apply: scheduled_implies_not_completed => //.
End GuaranteedService.
End ServiceAndCompletionFacts. End ServiceAndCompletionFacts.
Section PositiveCost. Section PositiveCost.
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