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Commit ef337843 authored by Felipe Cerqueira's avatar Felipe Cerqueira
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Working on FP proof

parent 9a28e271
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......@@ -905,11 +905,11 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysis.
Section Proof.
(* Assume that higher_eq_priority is an order relation. *)
(* Assume that higher_eq_priority is a total order over the task set. *)
Hypothesis H_reflexive: reflexive higher_eq_priority.
Hypothesis H_transitive: transitive higher_eq_priority.
Hypothesis H_unique_priorities:
antisymmetric_over_seq higher_eq_priority ts.
Hypothesis H_unique_priorities: antisymmetric higher_eq_priority.
Hypothesis H_total: total higher_eq_priority.
(* Assume the task set has no duplicates, ... *)
Hypothesis H_ts_is_a_set: uniq ts.
......@@ -1115,7 +1115,9 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysis.
H_global_scheduling_invariant into INVARIANT,
H_valid_policy into VALIDhp,
H_sorted_ts into SORT,
H_transitive into TRANS,
H_unique_priorities into UNIQ,
H_total into TOTAL,
H_all_jobs_from_taskset into ALLJOBS,
H_test_passes into TEST.
......@@ -1124,15 +1126,49 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysis.
move: TEST => /eqP TEST.
unfold R_list in TEST.
clear SORT ALLJOBS H_reflexive UNIQ H_ts_is_a_set.
clear ALLJOBS H_reflexive H_ts_is_a_set.
have CONV := rt_rec_converges.
(*generalize dependent j.
generalize dependent tsk.
destruct ts as [| tsk0 hp_tasks]; first by intro t; rewrite in_nil.
desf; rename l into hp_bounds.
set R0 := per_task_rta tsk0 hp_bounds (max_steps tsk0).
assert (INbounds: forall hp_tsk,
hp_tsk \in ts ->
exists R_tsk,
(hp_tsk, R_tsk) \in R_list).
cut (
forall (hp_tsk : task_eqType) (R : nat_eqType),
(hp_tsk, R) \in (tsk0, R0) :: hp_bounds ->
forall j : JobIn arr_seq,
job_task j = hp_tsk ->
service rate sched j (job_arrival j + job_deadline j ) == job_cost j).
intros CUT; ins.
specialize (INbounds tsk INtsk); des.
by apply (CUT tsk R_tsk INbounds).
induction hp_bounds as [| (tsk_i, R_i) hp_tasks'].
(* Base case: lowest-priority task. *)
intros hp_tsk R; rewrite mem_seq1; move/eqP => EQ j JOBj.
generalize dependent j.
generalize dependent tsk.
induction ts as [| tsk_i hp_tasks].
(* Base case: empty taskset. *)
by intros tsk; rewrite in_nil.
......@@ -1140,13 +1176,25 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysis.
intros tsk INtsk; rewrite in_cons in INtsk.
move: INtsk => /orP INtsk; des; last first.
desf; apply IHhp_tasks; last by ins.
desf; apply IHhp_tasks; try (by ins).
by red; ins; apply TASKPARAMS; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
by ins; apply RESTR; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
ins. simpl in INVARIANT. apply INVARIANT. rewrite count_cons. capply INVARIANT. ins; exploit (TASKPARAMS tsk0); [ by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right | ins; des]. ins. apply TASKPARAMS. admit.
intros tsk0 j t HP0 JOB0 BACK0.
ins; exploit (INVARIANT tsk0 j t); try (by ins);
[by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right | intro INV].
assert (NOINTERF: is_interfering_task_fp tsk0 higher_eq_priority tsk_i = false).
apply negbTE; rewrite negb_and; apply/orP; left.
move: SORT => SORT.
apply order_path_min in SORT;
first by move: SORT => /allP SORT; specialize (SORT tsk0 HP0).
by apply comp_relation_trans.
by rewrite NOINTERF andFb add0n in INV.
by simpl in SORT; apply path_sorted in SORT.
by ins; apply CONV; ins; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
move: INtsk => /eqP INtsk; subst tsk.
......@@ -425,6 +425,10 @@ Proof.
Definition total_over_seq {T: eqType} (leT: rel T) (s: seq T) :=
forall x y (INx: x \in s) (INy: y \in s),
leT x y \/ leT y x.
Definition antisymmetric_over_seq {T: eqType} (leT: rel T) (s: seq T) :=
forall x y (INx: x \in s) (INy: y \in s)
(LEx: leT x y) (LEy: leT y x),
......@@ -513,6 +517,35 @@ Definition comp_relation {T} (R: rel T) : rel T :=
Definition reverse_sorted {T: eqType} (R: rel T) (s: seq T) :=
sorted (comp_relation R) s.
Lemma revert_comp_relation:
forall {T: eqType} (R: rel T)
(ANTI: antisymmetric R)
(TOTAL: total R)
x y (DIFF: x != y),
~~ R x y = R y x.
unfold comp_relation, antisymmetric, total.
ins; specialize (ANTI x y).
destruct (R x y) eqn:Rxy, (R y x) eqn:Ryx; try (by ins).
by exploit ANTI; ins; subst x; rewrite eq_refl in DIFF.
by specialize (TOTAL x y); move: TOTAL => /orP TOTAL; des; rewrite ?Rxy ?Ryx in TOTAL.
Lemma comp_relation_trans:
forall {T: eqType} (R: rel T)
(ANTI: antisymmetric R)
(TOTAL: total R)
(TRANS: transitive R),
transitive (comp_relation R).
unfold comp_relation; ins; red; intros y x z XY YZ.
unfold transitive, total in *.
destruct (R x y) eqn:Rxy, (R y x) eqn:Ryx, (R x z) eqn:Rxz; try (by ins).
by apply TRANS with (x := y) in Rxz; [by rewrite Rxz in YZ | by ins].
by destruct (orP (TOTAL x y)) as [XY' | YX'];
[by rewrite Rxy in XY' | by rewrite Ryx in YX'].
Lemma leq_sum_subseq :
forall {I: eqType} r1 r2 (P : pred I) F
(SUB: subseq r1 r2),
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