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Prosa Model Library

This module provides Prosa's library of system model definitions and common modelling assumptions. In particular, this module defines common task models such as the sporadic task model, concepts such as self-suspensions and release jitter, and uni- and multiprocessor schedules, among many other common model elements.

All concepts and definitions here are provided on an opt-in basis: for many concepts, there is no "one size fits all" definition. Rather, in the literature, there are many different reasonable alternatives to choose from, and higher-level results are free to choose whichever definition is most appropriate in their context.

For example, a higher-level result can choose to assume either the classic Liu&Layland readiness model (any pending job is ready to be executed), a release-jitter model (a job may not be ready for execution for some bounded duration after its arrival, but once it's released it can always be executed), or a dynamic self-suspension model (a job may not be ready at various points during its execution). Similarly, there are many different preemption models (fully preemptive, fully nonpreemptive, segmented limited-preemptive, floating nonpreemptive, etc.) that are all of practical relevance in different contexts.

Structure Convention

If there is a central concept (e.g., notion of readiness, processor model, arrival model, etc.) for which there are multiple reasonable competing definitions (e.g., different readiness models such as release jitter or self-suspensions, different uni- or multiprocessor models, or different arrival models such as periodic vs. sporadic tasks vs. arbitrary arrival curves), then

  1. create a folder/module corresponding to the high-level concept (e.g., readiness, processor, task/arrival, etc.) and

  2. provide different, mutually exclusive modelling assumptions as individual files or sub-modules (e.g., readiness.basic vs. readiness.jitter, processor.ideal vs. processor.varspeed, arrival.sporadic vs. arrival.arrival_curves, etc.).

This allows other proofs to "pick and choose" just the right system model by combining once definition from each category.

Crucially, when used in other files, modules that define new Instances should be Imported (not Exported) to avoid inadvertently polluting the namespace with specific instantiations of generic concepts.

This allows higher-level results to clearly state assumptions in an elegant way. For instance, it is intuitively understandable what Require prosa.model.processor.ideal means.

Job and Task Parameters

Please follow the below rules when introducing new job or task parameters.

  • Define new job and task parameters wherever they are first needed.
    Example: JobJitter is introduced in model.readiness.jitter, not in behavior.job.

  • Each job/task parameter is introduced as a separate type class. For example, there are separate type classes for JobArrival, JobCost, and JobDeadline so that parameters can be selected and mixed as needed (e.g., not every type of job has necessarily a deadline).

  • For certain general concepts it can be very useful (or even essential) to state invariants that any reasonable choice must satisfy. This can be expressed as proof terms within a type class expressing the general concept. For instance, this is used in the ProcessorState and JobReady type classes, to specify their fundamental semantics. Introducing such proof terms is ok if it is truly required, or if it yields great benefits in readability elsewhere, but generally speaking use proof terms sparingly and document their use profusely.

  • When in doubt, avoid proof terms and instead opt for the regular Prosa way of defining a valid_... predicate to concisely express all properties that any reasonable interpretation of a given general concept must satisfy.