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Commit 1213a684 authored by Felipe Cerqueira's avatar Felipe Cerqueira
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Organize lemmas about JobIn

parent e7812527
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Require Import rt.util.Vbase rt.util.lemmas rt.model.basic.job rt.model.basic.task.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
(* Definitions and properties of job arrival sequences. *)
Module ArrivalSequence.
......@@ -87,4 +87,97 @@ Module ArrivalSequence.
End ArrivingJobs.
End ArrivalSequence.
(* In this section, we define prefixes of arrival sequences based on JobIn.
This is not required in the main proofs, but important for instantiating
a concrete schedule. Feel free to skip this section. *)
Section ArrivalSequencePrefix.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* Let's define a function that takes a job j and converts it to
Some JobIn (if j arrives at time t), or None otherwise. *)
Program Definition is_JobIn (t: time) (j: Job) :=
if (j \in arr_seq t) is true then
Some (Build_JobIn arr_seq j t _)
else None.
Next Obligation.
by done.
(* Now we define the list of JobIn that arrive at time t as the partial
map of is_JobIn. *)
Definition jobs_arriving_at (t: time) := pmap (is_JobIn t) (arr_seq t).
(* The list of JobIn that have arrived up to time t follows by concatenation. *)
Definition jobs_arrived_up_to (t': time) :=
\cat_(t < t'.+1) jobs_arriving_at t.
Section Lemmas.
(* There's an inverse function for recovering the original Job from JobIn. *)
Lemma is_JobIn_inverse :
forall t,
ocancel (is_JobIn t) (_job_in arr_seq).
by intros t; red; intros x; unfold is_JobIn; des_eqrefl.
(* Prove that a member of the list indeed satisfies the property. *)
Lemma JobIn_has_arrived :
forall j t,
j \in jobs_arrived_up_to t <-> has_arrived j t.
intros j t; split.
intros IN; apply mem_bigcat_ord_exists in IN; destruct IN as [t0 IN].
unfold jobs_arriving_at in IN.
rewrite mem_pmap in IN.
move: IN => /mapP [j' IN SOME].
unfold is_JobIn in SOME.
des_eqrefl; last by done.
inversion SOME; subst.
unfold has_arrived; simpl.
by rewrite -ltnS; apply ltn_ord.
unfold has_arrived; intros ARRIVED.
rewrite -ltnS in ARRIVED.
apply mem_bigcat_ord with (j := Ordinal ARRIVED); first by done.
rewrite mem_pmap; apply/mapP; exists j;
first by destruct j as [j arr_j ARR].
destruct j as [j arr_j ARR].
unfold is_JobIn; des_eqrefl; first by repeat f_equal; apply proof_irrelevance.
by simpl in *; unfold arrives_at in *; rewrite ARR in EQ.
(* If the arrival sequence doesn't allow duplicates,
the same applies for the list of JobIn that arrive. *)
Lemma JobIn_uniq :
arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq ->
forall t, uniq (jobs_arrived_up_to t).
unfold jobs_arrived_up_to; intros SET t.
apply bigcat_ord_uniq.
intros i; unfold jobs_arriving_at.
apply pmap_uniq with (g := (_job_in arr_seq)); first by apply is_JobIn_inverse.
by apply SET.
intros x t1 t2 IN1 IN2.
rewrite 2!mem_pmap in IN1 IN2.
move: IN1 IN2 => /mapP IN1 /mapP IN2.
destruct IN1 as [j1 IN1 SOME1], IN2 as [j2 IN2 SOME2].
unfold is_JobIn in SOME1; des_eqrefl; last by done.
unfold is_JobIn in SOME2; des_eqrefl; last by done.
by rewrite SOME1 in SOME2; inversion SOME2; apply ord_inj.
End Lemmas.
End ArrivalSequencePrefix.
End ArrivalSequence.
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