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Commit 2f5fe6a2 authored by Björn Brandenburg's avatar Björn Brandenburg
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make the limited-preemptive job model a local instance

parent 361565a4
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1 merge request!205Make instances of most type classes local
Showing with 45 additions and 37 deletions
......@@ -3,10 +3,7 @@ Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.job_properties.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.behavior.all.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.sequential.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.ideal_schedule.
(** Throughout this file, we assume the job model with limited
preemption points. *)
Require Import prosa.model.preemption.limited_preemptive.
Require Export prosa.model.preemption.limited_preemptive.
(** * Platform for Models with Limited Preemptions *)
(** In this section, we prove that instantiation of predicate
......@@ -25,9 +22,12 @@ Section ModelWithLimitedPreemptions.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
(** In addition, assume the existence of a function that maps a job
to the sequence of its preemption points. *)
to the sequence of its preemption points... *)
Context `{JobPreemptionPoints Job}.
(** ..., i.e., we assume limited-preemptive jobs. *)
#[local] Existing Instance limited_preemptive_job_model.
(** Consider any arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
......@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Section ModelWithLimitedPreemptions.
last0 (filter (fun x => 0 < x) (distances (job_preemption_points j))).
destruct H_valid_limited_preemptions_job_model as [A1 [A2 A3]].
unfold parameter.job_preemption_points, job_preemptable, limited_preemptions_model.
unfold parameter.job_preemption_points, job_preemptable, limited_preemptive_job_model.
intros; rewrite distances_iota_filtered; eauto.
rewrite -A2 //.
by intros; apply last_is_max_in_nondecreasing_seq; eauto 2.
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ Section ModelWithLimitedPreemptions.
max0 (distances (job_preemption_points j)).
destruct H_valid_limited_preemptions_job_model as [A1 [A2 A3]].
unfold parameter.job_preemption_points, job_preemptable, limited_preemptions_model.
unfold parameter.job_preemption_points, job_preemptable, limited_preemptive_job_model.
intros; rewrite distances_iota_filtered; eauto 2.
rewrite max0_rem0 //.
rewrite -A2 //.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.preemption.task.floating.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.preemption.rtc_threshold.job_preemptable.
Require Import prosa.model.task.preemption.floating_nonpreemptive.
Require Export prosa.model.task.preemption.floating_nonpreemptive.
(** * Task's Run to Completion Threshold *)
(** In this section, we instantiate function [task run to completion
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Require Import prosa.model.preemption.limited_preemptive.
Section TaskRTCThresholdLimitedPreemptions.
(** We assume the task model with fixed preemption points. *)
#[local] Existing Instance limited_preemptive_job_model.
#[local] Existing Instance limited_preemptions_rtc_threshold.
(** Consider any type of tasks ... *)
Require Export
(** Furthermore, we assume the task model with floating non-preemptive regions. *)
Require Import prosa.model.task.preemption.floating_nonpreemptive.
Require Import prosa.model.preemption.limited_preemptive.
(** * Platform for Floating Non-Preemptive Regions Model *)
(** In this section, we prove that instantiation of functions
[job_preemptable and task_max_nonpreemptive_segment] to the model
......@@ -26,9 +25,11 @@ Section FloatingNonPreemptiveRegionsModel.
Context `{TaskMaxNonpreemptiveSegment Task}.
(** .. and the existence of functions mapping a
job to the sequence of its preemption points. *)
job to the sequence of its preemption points, ... *)
Context `{JobPreemptionPoints Job}.
(** ... i.e., we assume limited-preemptive jobs. *)
#[local] Existing Instance limited_preemptive_job_model.
(** Consider any arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
......@@ -59,19 +60,19 @@ Section FloatingNonPreemptiveRegionsModel.
- split.
rewrite /job_respects_max_nonpreemptive_segment /job_max_nonpreemptive_segment
/lengths_of_segments /parameter.job_preemption_points; rewrite ZERO; simpl.
rewrite /job_preemptable /limited_preemptions_model; erewrite zero_in_preemption_points; eauto 2.
rewrite /job_preemptable /limited_preemptive_job_model; erewrite zero_in_preemption_points; eauto 2.
+ move => progr; rewrite ZERO leqn0; move => /andP [_ /eqP LE].
exists 0; rewrite LE; split; first by apply/andP; split.
by eapply zero_in_preemption_points; eauto 2.
- split; last (move => progr /andP [_ LE]; destruct (progr \in job_preemption_points j) eqn:NotIN).
+ by apply MAX.
+ exists progr; split; first apply/andP; first split; rewrite ?leq_addr; by done.
+ by exists progr; split; first apply/andP; first split; rewrite ?leq_addr // conversion_preserves_equivalence.
+ move: NotIN => /eqP; rewrite eqbF_neg; move => NotIN.
edestruct (work_belongs_to_some_nonpreemptive_segment arr_seq) as [x [SIZE2 N]]; eauto 2. move: N => /andP [N1 N2].
set ptl := nth 0 (job_preemption_points j) x.
set ptr := nth 0 (job_preemption_points j) x.+1.
exists ptr; split; first last.
* by unfold job_preemptable, limited_preemptions_model; apply mem_nth.
* by unfold job_preemptable, limited_preemptive_job_model; apply mem_nth.
* apply/andP; split; first by apply ltnW.
apply leq_trans with (ptl + (job_max_nonpreemptive_segment j - ε) + 1); first last.
-- rewrite addn1 ltn_add2r; apply N1.
Require Export
(** Furthermore, we assume the task model with fixed preemption points. *)
Require Import prosa.model.task.preemption.limited_preemptive.
Require Import prosa.model.preemption.limited_preemptive.
Require Export prosa.model.task.preemption.limited_preemptive.
(** * Platform for Models with Limited Preemptions *)
(** In this section, we prove that instantiation of functions
......@@ -21,10 +18,12 @@ Section LimitedPreemptionsModel.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
(** In addition, we assume the existence of functions mapping a
job and task to the sequence of its preemption points. *)
(** We assume that jobs are preemptable only at specific points during their
execution, ... *)
Context `{JobPreemptionPoints Job}.
Context `{TaskPreemptionPoints Task}.
(** ... i.e., we assume limited-preemptive jobs. *)
#[local] Existing Instance limited_preemptive_job_model.
(** Consider any arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
......@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ Section LimitedPreemptionsModel.
- split.
rewrite /job_respects_max_nonpreemptive_segment /job_max_nonpreemptive_segment
/lengths_of_segments /parameter.job_preemption_points; rewrite ZERO; simpl.
rewrite /job_preemptable /limited_preemptions_model; erewrite zero_in_preemption_points; eauto 2.
rewrite /job_preemptable /limited_preemptive_job_model; erewrite zero_in_preemption_points; eauto 2.
+ move => progr; rewrite ZERO leqn0; move => /andP [_ /eqP LE].
exists 0; rewrite LE; split; first by apply/andP; split.
by eapply zero_in_preemption_points; eauto 2.
......@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ Section LimitedPreemptionsModel.
set ptl := nth 0 (job_preemption_points j) x.
set ptr := nth 0 (job_preemption_points j) x.+1.
exists ptr; split; first last.
* by unfold job_preemptable, limited_preemptions_model; apply mem_nth.
* by unfold job_preemptable, limited_preemptive_job_model; apply mem_nth.
* apply/andP; split; first by apply ltnW.
apply leq_trans with (ptl + (job_max_nonpreemptive_segment j - ε) + 1); first last.
-- rewrite addn1 ltn_add2r; apply N1.
......@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ Section LimitedPreemptions.
(** ...a job [j] is preemptable at a given point of progress [ρ] iff [ρ] is
one of the preemption points of [j]. *)
Global Instance limited_preemptions_model : JobPreemptable Job :=
job_preemptable (j : Job) (ρ : work) := ρ \in job_preemption_points j
#[local] Instance limited_preemptive_job_model : JobPreemptable Job :=
job_preemptable (j : Job) (ρ : work) := ρ \in job_preemption_points j
(** ** Model Validity *)
Require Import prosa.model.preemption.limited_preemptive.
Require Export prosa.model.preemption.limited_preemptive.
Require Export prosa.model.task.preemption.parameters.
(** * Task Model with Floating Non-Preemptive Regions *)
......@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ Section ValidModelWithFloatingNonpreemptiveRegions.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Context `{JobPreemptionPoints Job}.
(** We assume limited-preemptive jobs. *)
#[local] Existing Instance limited_preemptive_job_model.
(** Consider any arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
Require Export prosa.model.task.preemption.parameters.
Require Import prosa.model.preemption.limited_preemptive.
Require Export prosa.model.preemption.limited_preemptive.
(** * Limited-Preemptive Task Model *)
......@@ -11,10 +11,6 @@ Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.readiness.sequential.
(** Throughout this file, we assume the EDF priority policy. *)
Require Import prosa.model.priority.edf.
(** Furthermore, we assume the task model with floating non-preemptive regions. *)
Require Import prosa.model.preemption.limited_preemptive.
Require Import prosa.model.task.preemption.floating_nonpreemptive.
(** ** Setup and Assumptions *)
Section RTAforModelWithFloatingNonpreemptiveRegionsWithArrivalCurves.
......@@ -34,6 +30,9 @@ Section RTAforModelWithFloatingNonpreemptiveRegionsWithArrivalCurves.
Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
(** We assume that jobs are limited-preemptive. *)
#[local] Existing Instance limited_preemptive_job_model.
(** Consider any arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals. *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
......@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ Section RTAforFixedPreemptionPointsModelwithArrivalCurves.
Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
(** We assume that jobs are limited-preemptive. *)
#[local] Existing Instance limited_preemptive_job_model.
(** Consider any arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals. *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
......@@ -11,10 +11,6 @@ Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.readiness.sequential.
schedules, and the sequential readiness model. *)
Require Import prosa.model.readiness.sequential.
(** Furthermore, we assume the task model with floating non-preemptive regions. *)
Require Import prosa.model.preemption.limited_preemptive.
Require Import prosa.model.task.preemption.floating_nonpreemptive.
(** ** Setup and Assumptions *)
Section RTAforFloatingModelwithArrivalCurves.
......@@ -32,6 +28,9 @@ Section RTAforFloatingModelwithArrivalCurves.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
(** We assume that jobs are limited-preemptive. *)
#[local] Existing Instance limited_preemptive_job_model.
(** Consider any arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals. *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent : consistent_arrival_times arr_seq.
......@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ Section RTAforFixedPreemptionPointsModelwithArrivalCurves.
Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
(** We assume that jobs are limited-preemptive. *)
#[local] Existing Instance limited_preemptive_job_model.
(** Consider any arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals. *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
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