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Commit 30349d2d authored by Sergey Bozhko's avatar Sergey Bozhko :eyes:
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prove that job causing service inversion is unique

parent a50610a2
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1 merge request!363Prove RTA for RS-FP-EDF and RS-NP-EDF
......@@ -255,6 +255,80 @@ Section ServiceInversionIsBounded.
(** Next, we assume that the schedule respects the scheduling policy. *)
Hypothesis H_respects_policy : respects_JLFP_policy_at_preemption_point arr_seq sched JLFP.
(** In the following section, we prove that cumulative service
inversion in a busy-interval prefix is necessarily caused by one
lower-priority job. *)
Section CumulativeServiceInversionFromOneJob.
(** Consider any job [j] with a positive job cost. *)
Variable j : Job.
Hypothesis H_j_arrives : arrives_in arr_seq j.
Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive : job_cost_positive j.
(** Let <[t1, t2)>> be a busy-interval prefix. *)
Variable t1 t2 : instant.
Hypothesis H_busy_prefix : busy_interval_prefix arr_seq sched j t1 t2.
(** Consider a time instant [t : t <= t2] such that ... *)
Variable t : instant.
Hypothesis H_t_le_t2 : t <= t2.
(** ... the cumulative service inversion is positive in <<[t1, t)>>. *)
Hypothesis H_service_inversion_positive : 0 < cumulative_service_inversion arr_seq sched j t1 t.
(** First, note that there is a lower-priority job that receives
service at some time during the time interval <<[t1, t)>>. *)
Local Lemma lower_priority_job_receives_service :
exists (jlp : Job) (to : instant),
t1 <= to < t
/\ ~~ hep_job jlp j
/\ receives_service_at sched jlp to.
move: H_service_inversion_positive; rewrite sum_nat_gt0 filter_predT => /hasP [t' IN POS].
rewrite mem_index_iota in IN; rewrite lt0b in POS.
move: POS => /andP [NIN /hasP [jlp INlp LP]].
exists jlp, t'.
by rewrite IN LP.
(** Then we prove that the service inversion incurred by job [j]
can only be caused by _one_ lower priority job. *)
Lemma cumulative_service_inversion_from_one_job :
exists (jlp : Job),
job_arrival jlp < t1
/\ ~~ hep_job jlp j
/\ cumulative_service_inversion arr_seq sched j t1 t = service_during sched jlp t1 t.
have [jlp [to [NEQ [LP SERV]]]] := lower_priority_job_receives_service.
exists jlp; split; last split => //.
- apply: low_priority_job_arrives_before_busy_interval_prefix => //=.
+ by instantiate (1 := to); lia.
+ by apply service_at_implies_scheduled_at.
- apply: eq_sum_seq => t'; rewrite mem_index_iota => NEQt' _.
have [ZERO | POS] := unit_supply_proc_service_case H_unit_supply_proc_model sched jlp t'.
+ rewrite ZERO eqb0; apply/negP => /andP [_ /hasP [joo SERVoo LPoo]].
have EQ : jlp = joo.
{ apply: only_one_pi_job => //=.
* by instantiate (1 := to); lia.
* by apply service_at_implies_scheduled_at.
* by instantiate (1 := t'); lia.
* apply: service_at_implies_scheduled_at.
by apply: served_at_and_receives_service_consistent.
subst joo.
apply served_at_and_receives_service_consistent in SERVoo.
by move: SERVoo; rewrite /receives_service_at ZERO.
+ rewrite POS eqb1; apply/andP; split.
* apply/negP => IN; apply served_at_and_receives_service_consistent in IN.
have EQ: j = jlp by apply: only_one_job_receives_service_at_uni => //; rewrite /receives_service_at.
by subst jlp; move: LP => /negP LP; apply: LP; apply H_priority_is_reflexive.
* apply/hasP; exists jlp; last by apply: LP.
apply receives_service_and_served_at_consistent => //.
by rewrite /receives_service_at POS.
End CumulativeServiceInversionFromOneJob.
(** In this section, we prove that, given a job [j] with a busy
interval prefix <<[t1, t2)>> and a lower-priority job [jlp], the
service of [jlp] within the busy interval prefix is bounded by
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