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Commit 485b88ca authored by Björn Brandenburg's avatar Björn Brandenburg
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establish that `arrivals_between` is sorted

parent d6ce34a8
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1 merge request!203sporadic arrival model
......@@ -329,6 +329,66 @@ Section ArrivalSequencePrefix.
- by rewrite (job_arrival_between_ge j2arr).
(** We observe that, by construction, the sequence of arrivals is
sorted by arrival times. To this end, we first define the
order relation. *)
Definition by_arrival_times (j1 j2 : Job) : bool := job_arrival j1 <= job_arrival j2.
(** Trivially, the arrivals at any one point in time are ordered
w.r.t. arrival times. *)
Lemma arrivals_at_sorted :
forall t,
sorted by_arrival_times (arrivals_at arr_seq t).
move=> t.
have AT_t : forall j, j \in (arrivals_at arr_seq t) -> job_arrival j = t
by move=> j; apply job_arrival_at.
case: (arrivals_at arr_seq t) AT_t => // j' js AT_t.
apply /(pathP j') => i LT.
rewrite /by_arrival_times !AT_t //;
last by apply mem_nth; auto.
rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right.
by exact: mem_nth.
(** By design, the list of arrivals in any interval is sorted. *)
Lemma arrivals_between_sorted :
forall t1 t2,
sorted by_arrival_times (arrivals_between arr_seq t1 t2).
move=> t1 t2.
rewrite /arrivals_between.
elim: t2 => [|t2 SORTED];
first by rewrite big_nil.
case: (leqP t1 t2) => T1T2;
last by rewrite big_geq.
rewrite (big_cat_nat _ _ _ T1T2 _) //=.
case A1: (\cat_(t1<=t<t2)arrivals_at arr_seq t) => [|j js];
first by rewrite cat0s big_nat1; exact: arrivals_at_sorted.
have CAT : path by_arrival_times j (\cat_(t1<=t<t2)arrivals_at arr_seq t ++ \cat_(t2<=i<t2.+1)arrivals_at arr_seq i).
{ rewrite cat_path; apply /andP; split.
{ move: SORTED. rewrite /sorted A1 => PATH_js.
by rewrite /path -/(path _ _ js) /by_arrival_times; apply /andP; split. }
{ rewrite big_nat1.
case A2: (arrivals_at arr_seq t2) => // [j' js'].
apply path_le with (x' := j').
{ by rewrite /transitive/by_arrival_times; lia. }
{ rewrite /by_arrival_times.
have -> : job_arrival j' = t2
by apply job_arrival_at; rewrite A2; apply mem_head.
set L := (last j (\cat_(t1<=t<t2)arrivals_at arr_seq t)).
have EX : exists t', L \in arrivals_at arr_seq t' /\ t1 <= t' < t2
by apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists; rewrite /L A1 last_cons; exact: mem_last.
move: EX => [t' [IN /andP [t1t' t't2]]].
have -> : job_arrival L = t' by apply job_arrival_at.
by lia. }
{ move: (arrivals_at_sorted t2); rewrite /sorted A2 => PATH'.
rewrite /path -/(path _ _ js') {1}/by_arrival_times.
by apply /andP; split => //. } } }
by move: CAT; rewrite /sorted A1 cat_cons {1}/path -/(path _ _ (js ++ _)) => /andP [_ CAT].
End ArrivalTimes.
End ArrivalSequencePrefix.
......@@ -268,5 +268,18 @@ Section TaskArrivals.
rewrite /task_arrivals_between /task_arrivals_at /arrivals_between.
now rewrite size_big_nat bigcat_nat_filter_eq_filter_bigcat_nat.
(** We note that, trivially, the list of task arrivals
[task_arrivals_between] is sorted by arrival times because the
underlying [arrivals_between] is sorted, as established by the
lemma [arrivals_between_sorted]. *)
Corollary task_arrivals_between_sorted :
forall t1 t2,
sorted by_arrival_times (task_arrivals_between arr_seq tsk t1 t2).
move=> t1 t2. apply sorted_filter;
first by rewrite /by_arrival_times /transitive; lia.
exact: arrivals_between_sorted.
End TaskArrivals.
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