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introduce restricted-supply abstract RTA

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1 merge request!249Introduce restricted-supply abstract RTA
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Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.abstract_rta.
(** In this section, we define an _intra_-interference-bound function
([intra_IBF]). The function [intra_IBF] bounds the interference that
excludes interference due to a lack of supply. *)
Section IntraInterferenceBound.
(** Consider any type of job associated with any type of tasks ... *)
Context {Job : JobType}.
Context {Task : TaskType}.
Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
(** ... with arrival times and costs. *)
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
(** Consider any kind of processor state model. *)
Context {PState : ProcessorState Job}.
(** Consider any arrival sequence ... *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
(** ... and any schedule of this arrival sequence. *)
Variable sched : schedule PState.
(** Let [tsk] be any task that is to be analyzed. *)
Variable tsk : Task.
(** Assume we are provided with abstract functions for interference
and interfering workload. *)
Context `{Interference Job}.
Context `{InterferingWorkload Job}.
(** Next, we introduce the notions of _intra_-interference and
intra-IBF. Using these notions, one can separate the
interference due to the lack of supply from all the other
sources of interference. *)
(** We define intra-interference as interference conditioned on the
fact that there is supply. That is, a job [j] experiences
intra-interference at a time instant [t] if [j] experiences
interference at time [t] _and_ there is supply at [t]. *)
Definition intra_interference (j : Job) (t : instant) :=
cond_interference (fun j t => has_supply sched t) j t.
(** We define the cumulative intra-interference. *)
Definition cumul_intra_interference j t1 t2 :=
cumul_cond_interference (fun j t => has_supply sched t) j t1 t2.
(** Consider an interference bound function [intra_IBF]. *)
Variable intra_IBF : Task -> duration -> duration -> work.
(** We say that intra-interference is bounded by [intra_IBF] iff for
any job [j] of task [tsk] cumulative _intra_-interference within
the interval <<[t1, t1 + R)>> is bounded by [intra_IBF(tsk, A, R)].*)
Definition intra_interference_is_bounded_by :=
arr_seq sched tsk intra_IBF
(relative_arrival_time_of_job_is_A sched) (fun j t => has_supply sched t).
End IntraInterferenceBound.
Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.job_properties.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.behavior.all.
Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.definitions.
Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.iw_auxiliary.
(** * Lemmas About Abstract Busy Intervals *)
......@@ -131,6 +132,30 @@ Section LemmasAboutAbstractBusyInterval.
exact: abstract_busy_interval_prefix_job_arrival.
(** Next, let us assume that the introduced processor model is
unit-supply. *)
Hypothesis H_unit_service_proc_model : unit_service_proc_model PState.
(** Under this assumption, the sum of the total service during the
time interval <<[t1, t1 + Δ)>> and the cumulative interference
during the same interval is bounded by the length of the time
interval. *)
Lemma service_and_interference_bound :
forall Δ,
t1 + Δ <= t2 ->
service_during sched j t1 (t1 + Δ) + cumulative_interference j t1 (t1 + Δ) <= Δ.
move=> Δ LE; rewrite -big_split //= -{2}(sum_of_ones t1 Δ).
rewrite big_nat [in X in _ <= X]big_nat; apply leq_sum => t /andP[Lo Hi].
move: (H_work_conserving j t1 t2 t) => Workj.
feed_n 4 Workj => //.
{ by move: H_busy_interval => [PREF QT]. }
{ by apply/andP; split; lia. }
rewrite /cond_interference //=; move: Workj; case: interference => Workj.
- by rewrite addn1 ltnS; move_neq_up NE; apply Workj.
- by rewrite addn0; apply: H_unit_service_proc_model.
End LemmasAboutAbstractBusyInterval.
(** We add some facts into the "Hint Database" basic_rt_facts, so Coq will be
Require Export prosa.model.processor.sbf.
Require Export
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.SBF.
Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.abstract_rta.
Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.iw_auxiliary.
Require Export
(** * Abstract Response-Time Analysis for Restricted-Supply Processors *)
(** In this section we propose a general framework for response-time
analysis ([RTA]) for real-time tasks with arbitrary arrival models
under uni-processor scheduling subject to supply restrictions,
characterized by a given [SBF]. *)
(** We prove that the maximum (with respect to the set of offsets)
among the solutions of the response-time bound recurrence is a
response-time bound for [tsk]. Note that in this section we add
additional restrictions on the processor state. These assumptions
allow us to eliminate the second equation from [aRTA+]'s
recurrence since jobs experience delays only due to the lack of
supply while executing non-preemptively. *)
Section AbstractRTARestrictedSupply.
(** Consider any type of tasks with a run-to-completion threshold ... *)
Context {Task : TaskType}.
Context `{TaskCost Task}.
Context `{TaskRunToCompletionThreshold Task}.
(** ... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks. *)
Context {Job : JobType}.
Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Context `{JobPreemptable Job}.
(** Consider any kind of fully supply-consuming unit-supply
processor state model. *)
Context `{PState : ProcessorState Job}.
Hypothesis H_unit_supply_proc_model : unit_supply_proc_model PState.
Hypothesis H_consumed_supply_proc_model : fully_consuming_proc_model PState.
(** Consider any valid arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_valid_arrivals : valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
(** Consider any restricted supply uniprocessor schedule of this
arrival sequence ...*)
Variable sched : schedule PState.
Hypothesis H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence : jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq.
(** ... where jobs do not execute before their arrival nor after completion. *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute : jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute : completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.
(** Assume we are given valid WCETs for all tasks. *)
Hypothesis H_valid_job_cost :
arrivals_have_valid_job_costs arr_seq.
(** Consider a task set [ts]... *)
Variable ts : list Task.
(** ... and a task [tsk] of [ts] that is to be analyzed. *)
Variable tsk : Task.
Hypothesis H_tsk_in_ts : tsk \in ts.
(** Consider a valid preemption model ... *)
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_model : valid_preemption_model arr_seq sched.
(** ...and a valid task run-to-completion threshold function. That
is, [task_rtc tsk] is (1) no bigger than [tsk]'s cost and (2)
for any job [j] of task [tsk] [job_rtct j] is bounded by
[task_rtct tsk]. *)
Hypothesis H_valid_run_to_completion_threshold :
valid_task_run_to_completion_threshold arr_seq tsk.
(** Assume we are provided with abstract functions for Interference
and Interfering Workload. *)
Context `{Interference Job}.
Context `{InterferingWorkload Job}.
(** We assume that the scheduler is work-conserving. *)
Hypothesis H_work_conserving : work_conserving arr_seq sched.
(** Let [L] be a constant that bounds any busy interval of task [tsk]. *)
Variable L : duration.
Hypothesis H_busy_interval_exists :
busy_intervals_are_bounded_by arr_seq sched tsk L.
(** Consider a valid, unit supply-bound function [SBF]. That is,
(1) [SBF 0 = 0], (2) for any duration [Δ], the supply produced
during a time interval of length [Δ] is at least [SBF Δ], and
(3) [SBF] makes steps of at most one. *)
Context {SBF : SupplyBoundFunction}.
Hypothesis H_valid_SBF : valid_supply_bound_function sched.
Hypothesis H_unit_SBF : unit_supply_bound_function.
(** Next, we assume that [intra_IBF] is a bound on the
intra-reservation interference incurred by task [tsk]. *)
Variable intra_IBF : Task -> duration -> duration -> duration.
Hypothesis H_interference_inside_reservation_is_bounded :
intra_interference_is_bounded_by arr_seq sched tsk intra_IBF.
(** Given any job [j] of task [tsk] that arrives exactly [A] units
after the beginning of the busy interval, the bound on the
interference incurred by [j] within an interval of length [Δ] is
no greater than [(Δ - SBF Δ) + intra_IBF A Δ]. *)
Let IBF_P (tsk : Task) (A Δ : duration) :=
(Δ - SBF Δ) + intra_IBF tsk A Δ.
(** Next, we instantiate function [IBF_NP], which is a function that
bounds interference in a non-preemptive stage of execution. We
prove that this function can be instantiated as [λ tsk F Δ ⟹ (F
- task_rtct tsk) + (Δ - SBF Δ - (F - SBF F))]. *)
(** Let us reiterate on the intuitive interpretation of this
function. Since [F] is a solution to the first equation
[task_rtct tsk + IBF_P tsk A F <= F], we know that by time
instant [t1 + F] a job receives [task_rtct tsk] units of service
and, hence, it becomes non-preemptive. Knowing this information,
how can we bound the job's interference in an interval <<[t1, t1
+ Δ)>>? Note that this interval starts with the beginning of
the busy interval. We know that the job receives [F - task_rtct
tsk] units of interference. In the non-preemptive mode, a job
under analysis can still experience some interference due to a
lack of supply. This interference is bounded by [(Δ - SBF Δ) -
(F - SBF F)] since part of this interference has already been
accounted for in the preemptive part of the execution ([F - SBF
F]). *)
Let IBF_NP (tsk : Task) (F Δ : duration) :=
(F - task_rtct tsk) + (Δ - SBF Δ - (F - SBF F)).
(** In the next section, we prove a few helper lemmas. *)
Section AuxiliaryLemmas.
(** Consider any job [j] of [tsk]. *)
Variable j : Job.
Hypothesis H_j_arrives : arrives_in arr_seq j.
Hypothesis H_job_of_tsk : job_of_task tsk j.
Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive : job_cost_positive j.
(** Consider the busy interval <<[t1, t2)>> of job [j]. *)
Variable t1 t2 : instant.
Hypothesis H_busy_interval : busy_interval_prefix sched j t1 t2.
(** Let's define [A] as a relative arrival time of job [j] (with
respect to time [t1]). *)
Let A : duration := job_arrival j - t1.
(** Consider an arbitrary time [Δ] ... *)
Variable Δ : duration.
(** ... such that [t1 + Δ] is inside the busy interval... *)
Hypothesis H_inside_busy_interval : t1 + Δ < t2.
(** ... the job [j] is not completed by time [(t1 + Δ)]. *)
Hypothesis H_job_j_is_not_completed : ~~ completed_by sched j (t1 + Δ).
(** First, we show that blackout is counted as interference. *)
Lemma blackout_impl_interference :
forall t,
t1 <= t < t2 ->
is_blackout sched t ->
interference j t.
move=> t /andP [LE1 LE2].
apply contraLR => /negP INT.
eapply H_work_conserving in INT =>//; last by lia.
by apply/negPn; eapply pos_service_impl_pos_supply.
(** Next, we show that interference is equal to a sum of two
functions: [is_blackout] and [intra_interference]. *)
Lemma blackout_plus_local_is_interference :
forall t,
t1 <= t < t2 ->
is_blackout sched t + intra_interference sched j t
= interference j t.
move=> t t_INT.
rewrite /intra_interference /cond_interference.
destruct (is_blackout sched t) eqn:BLACKOUT; rewrite (negbRL BLACKOUT) //.
by rewrite blackout_impl_interference.
(** As a corollary, cumulative interference during a time
interval <<[t1, t1 + Δ)>> can be split into a sum of total
blackouts in <<[t1, t1 + Δ)>> and cumulative
intra-interference during <<[t1, t1 + Δ)>>. *)
Corollary blackout_plus_local_is_interference_cumul :
blackout_during sched t1 (t1 + Δ) + cumul_intra_interference sched j t1 (t1 + Δ)
= cumulative_interference j t1 (t1 + Δ).
rewrite -big_split; apply eq_big_nat => //=.
move=> t /andP [t_GEQ t_LTN_td].
move: (ltn_trans t_LTN_td H_inside_busy_interval) => t_LTN_t2.
by apply blackout_plus_local_is_interference; apply /andP.
(** Moreover, since the total blackout duration in an interval
of length [Δ] is bounded by [Δ - SBF Δ], the cumulative
interference during the time interval <<[t1, t1 + Δ)>> is
bounded by the sum of [Δ - SBF Δ] and cumulative
intra-interference during <<[t1, t1 + Δ)>>. *)
Corollary cumulative_job_interference_bound :
cumulative_interference j t1 (t1 + Δ)
<= (Δ - SBF Δ) + cumul_intra_interference sched j t1 (t1 + Δ).
rewrite -blackout_plus_local_is_interference_cumul leq_add2r.
by apply blackout_during_bound => //.
(** Next, consider a duration [F] such that [F <= Δ] and job [j]
has enough service to become non-preemptive by time instant
[t1 + F]. *)
Variable F : duration.
Hypothesis H_F_le_Δ : F <= Δ.
Hypothesis H_enough_service : task_rtct tsk <= service sched j (t1 + F).
(** Then, we show that job [j] does not experience any
intra-interference in the time interval <<[t1 + F, t1 +
Δ)>>. *)
Lemma no_intra_interference_after_F :
cumul_intra_interference sched j (t1 + F) (t1 + Δ) = 0.
rewrite /cumul_intra_interference/ cumul_cond_interference big_nat.
apply big1; move => t /andP [GE__t LT__t].
apply/eqP; rewrite eqb0; apply/negP.
move => /andP [P /negPn /negP D]; apply: D; apply/negP.
eapply H_work_conserving with (t1 := t1) (t2 := t2); eauto 2.
{ by apply/andP; split; lia. }
eapply progress_inside_supplies; eauto.
eapply job_nonpreemptive_after_run_to_completion_threshold; eauto 2.
- rewrite -(leqRW H_enough_service).
by apply H_valid_run_to_completion_threshold.
- move: H_job_j_is_not_completed; apply contra.
by apply completion_monotonic; lia.
End AuxiliaryLemmas.
(** For clarity, let's define a local name for the search space. *)
Let is_in_search_space_rs := is_in_search_space tsk L IBF_P.
(** We use the following equation to bound the response-time of a
job of task [tsk]. Consider any value [R] that upper-bounds the
solution of each response-time recurrence, i.e., for any
relative arrival time [A] in the search space, there exists a
corresponding solution [F] such that (1) [F <= A + R],
(2) [task_rtct tsk + intra_IBF tsk A F <= SBF F] and [SBF F +
(task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk) <= SBF (A + R)].
Note that, compared to "ideal RTA," there is an additional requirement
[F <= A + R]. Intuitively, it is needed to rule out a nonsensical
situation when the non-preemptive stage completes earlier than
the preemptive stage. *)
Variable R : duration.
Hypothesis H_R_is_maximum_rs :
forall (A : duration),
is_in_search_space_rs A ->
exists (F : duration),
F <= A + R
/\ task_rtct tsk + intra_IBF tsk A F <= SBF F
/\ SBF F + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk) <= SBF (A + R).
(** In the following section we prove that all the premises of
abstract RTA are satisfied. *)
Section RSaRTAPremises.
(** First, we show that [IBF_P] correctly upper-bounds
interference in the preemptive stage of execution. *)
Lemma IBF_P_bounds_interference :
arr_seq sched tsk IBF_P (relative_arrival_time_of_job_is_A sched).
move=> t1 t2 Δ j ARR TSK BUSY LT NCOM A PAR; move: (PAR _ _ BUSY) => EQ.
rewrite fold_cumul_interference.
rewrite (leqRW (cumulative_job_interference_bound _ _ _ _ _ t2 _ _ _ _)) => //.
- rewrite leq_add2l /cumul_intra_interference.
by apply: H_interference_inside_reservation_is_bounded => //.
- by eapply incomplete_implies_positive_cost => //.
- by apply BUSY.
(** Next, we prove that [IBF_NP] correctly bounds interference in
the non-preemptive stage given a solution to the preemptive
stage [F]. *)
Lemma IBF_NP_bounds_interference :
arr_seq sched tsk IBF_NP (relative_time_to_reach_rtct sched tsk IBF_P).
have USER : unit_service_proc_model PState by apply unit_supply_is_unit_service.
move=> t1 t2 Δ j ARR TSK BUSY LT NCOM F RT.
have POS := incomplete_implies_positive_cost _ _ _ NCOM.
move: (RT _ _ BUSY) (BUSY) => [FIX RTC] [[/andP [LE1 LE2] _] _].
have RleF : task_rtct tsk <= F.
{ apply cumulative_service_ge_delta with (j := j) (t := t1) (sched := sched) => //.
rewrite -[X in _ <= X]add0n.
by erewrite <-cumulative_service_before_job_arrival_zero;
first erewrite service_during_cat with (t1 := 0) => //; auto; lia. }
rewrite /IBF_NP addnBAC // leq_subRL_impl // addnC.
have [NEQ1|NEQ1] := leqP t2 (t1 + F); last have [NEQ2|NEQ2] := leqP F Δ.
{ rewrite -leq_subLR in NEQ1.
rewrite -{1}(leqRW NEQ1) (leqRW RTC) (leqRW (service_at_most_cost _ _ _ _ _)) => //.
rewrite (leqRW (cumulative_interference_sub _ _ _ _ t1 t2 _ _)) => //.
rewrite (leqRW (service_within_busy_interval_ge_job_cost _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) => //.
have LLL : (t1 < t2) by lia.
interval_to_duration t1 t2 k.
by rewrite addnC (leqRW (service_and_interference_bound _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) => //; lia. }
{ rewrite addnC -{1}(leqRW FIX) -addnA leq_add2l /IBF_P.
rewrite (@addnC (_ - _) _) -addnA subnKC; last by apply complement_SBF_monotone.
rewrite -/(cumulative_interference _ _ _).
erewrite <-blackout_plus_local_is_interference_cumul with (t2 := t2) => //; last by apply BUSY.
rewrite addnC leq_add //; last by apply blackout_during_bound.
rewrite /cumul_intra_interference (cumulative_interference_cat _ j (t1 + F)) //=; last by lia.
rewrite -!/(cumul_intra_interference _ _ _ _).
rewrite (no_intra_interference_after_F _ _ _ _ _ t2) //; last by move: BUSY => [].
rewrite addn0 //; eapply H_interference_inside_reservation_is_bounded => //.
- by move : NCOM; apply contra, completion_monotonic; lia.
- move => t1' t2' BUSY'.
have [EQ1 E2] := busy_interval_is_unique _ _ _ _ _ _ BUSY BUSY'.
by subst; lia. }
{ rewrite addnC (leqRW RTC); eapply leq_trans.
- by erewrite leq_add2l; apply cumulative_interference_sub with (bl := t1) (br := t1 + F); lia.
- erewrite no_service_before_busy_interval => //.
by rewrite (leqRW (service_and_interference_bound _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) => //; lia. }
(** Next, we prove that [F] is bounded by [task_cost tsk + IBF_NP
tsk F Δ] for any [F] and [Δ]. As explained in file
[analysis/abstract/abstract_rta], this shows that the second
stage indeed takes into account service received in the
first stage. *)
Lemma IBF_P_sol_le_IBF_NP :
forall (F Δ : duration),
F <= task_cost tsk + IBF_NP tsk F Δ.
move=> F Δ.
have [NEQ|NEQ] := leqP F (task_rtct tsk).
- apply: leq_trans; [apply NEQ | ].
by apply: leq_trans; [apply H_valid_run_to_completion_threshold | lia].
- rewrite addnA (@addnBCA _ F _); try lia.
by apply H_valid_run_to_completion_threshold; lia.
(** Next we prove that [H_R_is_maximum_rs] implies [H_R_is_maximum]. *)
Lemma max_in_rs_hypothesis_impl_max_in_arta_hypothesis :
forall (A : duration),
is_in_search_space tsk L IBF_P A ->
exists (F : duration),
task_rtct tsk + (F - SBF F + intra_IBF tsk A F) <= F
/\ task_cost tsk + (F - task_rtct tsk + (A + R - SBF (A + R) - (F - SBF F))) <= A + R.
move=> A SP.
case: (H_R_is_maximum_rs A SP) => [F [EQ0 [EQ1 EQ2]]].
exists F; split.
{ have -> : forall a b c, a + (b + c) = (a + c) + b by lia.
have -T : forall a b c, c >= b -> (a <= c - b) -> (a + b <= c); [by lia | apply: T; first by lia].
have LE : SBF F <= F by eapply sbf_bounded_by_duration; eauto.
by rewrite (leqRW EQ1); lia.
{ have JJ := IBF_P_sol_le_IBF_NP F (A + R); rewrite /IBF_NP in JJ.
rewrite addnA; rewrite addnA in JJ.
have T: forall a b c, c >= b -> (a <= c - b) -> (a + b <= c); [by lia | apply: T; first by lia].
rewrite subnA; [ | by apply complement_SBF_monotone | by lia].
have LE : forall Δ, SBF Δ <= Δ by move => ?; eapply sbf_bounded_by_duration; eauto.
rewrite subKn; last by eauto.
have T: forall a b c d e, b >= e -> b >= c -> e + (a - c) <= d -> a + (b - c) <= d + (b - e) by lia.
apply : T => //.
eapply leq_trans; last by apply LE.
by rewrite -(leqRW EQ1); lia.
End RSaRTAPremises.
(** Finally, we apply the [uniprocessor_response_time_bound]
theorem, and using the lemmas above, we prove that all the
requirements are satisfied. So, [R] is a response time bound. *)
Theorem uniprocessor_response_time_bound_restricted_supply :
task_response_time_bound arr_seq sched tsk R.
eapply uniprocessor_response_time_bound => //.
{ by apply IBF_P_bounds_interference. }
{ by apply IBF_NP_bounds_interference. }
{ by apply IBF_P_sol_le_IBF_NP. }
{ by apply max_in_rs_hypothesis_impl_max_in_arta_hypothesis. }
End AbstractRTARestrictedSupply.
Require Export prosa.model.processor.sbf.
Require Export
Require Export prosa.model.task.concept.
(** In this section, we prove some useful facts about SBF. *)
Section SupplyBoundFunctionLemmas.
(** Consider any type of tasks ... *)
Context {Task : TaskType}.
(** ... and any type of jobs. *)
Context {Job : JobType}.
(** Consider any kind of unit-supply processor state model. *)
Context `{PState : ProcessorState Job}.
Hypothesis H_unit_supply_proc_model : unit_supply_proc_model PState.
(** Consider any schedule. *)
Variable sched : schedule PState.
(** Consider a valid, supply-bound function [SBF]. That is, (1) [SBF
0 = 0] and (2) for any duration [Δ], the supply produced during
a time interval of length [Δ] is at least [SBF Δ]. *)
Context {SBF : SupplyBoundFunction}.
Hypothesis H_valid_SBF : valid_supply_bound_function sched.
(** We show that the total blackout time during an interval of
length [Δ] is bounded by [Δ - SBF Δ]. *)
Lemma blackout_during_bound :
forall t Δ,
blackout_during sched t (t + Δ) <= Δ - SBF Δ.
move=> t Δ; rewrite blackout_during_complement // leq_sub => //.
rewrite -(leqRW (snd (H_valid_SBF) _ _ _)); last by rewrite leq_addr.
by have -> : (t + Δ) - t = Δ by lia.
(** In the following section, we prove a few facts about _unit_ SBF. *)
Section UnitSupplyBoundFunctionLemmas.
(** In addition, let us assume that [SBF] is a unit-supply SBF.
That is, [SBF] makes steps of at most one. *)
Hypothesis H_unit_SBF : unit_supply_bound_function.
(** We prove that the complement of such an SBF (i.e., [fun Δ => Δ -
SBF Δ]) is monotone. *)
Lemma complement_SBF_monotone :
forall Δ1 Δ2,
Δ1 <= Δ2 ->
Δ1 - SBF Δ1 <= Δ2 - SBF Δ2.
move => Δ1 Δ2 LE; interval_to_duration Δ1 Δ2 k.
elim: k => [|δ IHδ]; first by rewrite addn0.
by rewrite (leqRW IHδ) addnS (leqRW (H_unit_SBF _)); lia.
End UnitSupplyBoundFunctionLemmas.
End SupplyBoundFunctionLemmas.
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