Prosa always tracks the latest stable versions of Coq and ssreflect. We do not maintain compatibility with older versions of either Coq or ssreflect.
#### Compiling Prosa
Assuming ssreflect is available (either via OPAM or compiled from source, see the [Prosa setup instructions](, compiling Prosa consists of only two steps.
Assuming all dependencies are available (either via OPAM or compiled from source, see the [Prosa setup instructions](, compiling Prosa consists of only two steps.
@@ -24,11 +24,15 @@ Tactics taken from the standard library of Viktor Vafeiadis.
-`have y := f x1 x2 x3`: creates an alias to `f x1 x2 x3` called `y` (in the local context). Note that `f` can be a function or a proposition/lemma. It's usually easier to read than `move: (f x1 x2 x3) => y`.
*To be written… please feel free to start.*
*To be continued… please help out.*
## Standard Coq Tactics
*To be written… please feel free to start.*
Generally speaking, in new code, prefer `ssreflect` tactics over standard Coq tactics whenever possible. While the current code base is a mix of classic Coq tactics and `ssreflect` tactics, that's only a historical accident not worth emulating.
-`lia`: Solves arithmetic goals, including ones with `ssreflect`'s definitions (thanks to the `coq-mathcomp-zify` dependency).
*To be continued… please help out.*
## PROSA Tactics
@@ -37,7 +41,4 @@ Tactics taken from the standard library of Viktor Vafeiadis.
-`interval_to_duration t1 t2 k`: any interval `[t1, t2]` can be represented as `[t1, t1 + k]` for some natural number `k`. This tactic searches for inequality `t1 <= t2` (or `t1 < t2`) in the context and replaces `t2` with `t1 + k`. Note: `k` is the name of a newly created natural number.
## Miscellaneous
-`lia`: Solves arithmetic goals, including ones with `ssreflect`'s definitions.