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establish an arrival bound for sporadic tasks

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1 merge request!203sporadic arrival model
Require Import prosa.util.all.
Require Export prosa.model.task.arrival.sporadic.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.task_arrivals.
(** * Sporadic Arrival Bound *)
(** In the following, we upper bound the number of jobs that can
arrive in any interval as constrained by the sporadic task model's
minimum inter-arrival time [task_min_inter_arrival_time]. *)
Section SporadicArrivalBound.
(** Consider any sporadic tasks ... *)
Context {Task : TaskType} `{SporadicModel Task}.
(** ... and their jobs. *)
Context {Job : JobType} `{JobTask Job Task} `{JobArrival Job}.
(** We define the classic "ceiling of the interval length divided by
minimum inter-arrival time", which we prove to be correct in the
following. *)
Definition max_sporadic_arrivals (tsk : Task) (delta : duration) :=
div_ceil delta (task_min_inter_arrival_time tsk).
(** To establish the bound's soundness, consider any well-formed
arrival sequence, ... *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_consistent_arrivals: consistent_arrival_times arr_seq.
Hypothesis H_uniq_arr_seq: arrival_sequence_uniq arr_seq.
(** ... and any valid sporadic task [tsk] to be analyzed. *)
Variable tsk : Task.
Hypothesis H_sporadic_model: respects_sporadic_task_model arr_seq tsk.
Hypothesis H_valid_inter_min_arrival: valid_task_min_inter_arrival_time tsk.
(** Before we can establish the bound, we require two auxiliary
bounds, which we derive next. First, we consider minimum offset
of the <<n-th>> job of the task that arrives in a given interval. *)
Section NthJob.
(** For technical reasons, we require a "dummy" job in scope to
use the [nth] function. In the proofs, we establish that the
[dummy] job is never used, i.e., it is an irrelevant artifact
induced by the ssreflect API. It may be safely ignored. *)
Variable dummy : Job.
(** We observe that the <<i-th>> job to arrive in an interval <<[t1,t2)>>
arrives no earlier than [(task_min_inter_arrival_time tsk) *i]
time units after the beginning of the interval due the minimum
inter-arrival time of the sporadic task. *)
Lemma arrival_of_nth_job :
forall t1 t2 n i j,
n = number_of_task_arrivals arr_seq tsk t1 t2 ->
i < n ->
j = nth dummy (task_arrivals_between arr_seq tsk t1 t2) i ->
job_arrival j >= t1 + (task_min_inter_arrival_time tsk) * i.
move=> t1 t2 n i j. rewrite /number_of_task_arrivals.
case ARR : (task_arrivals_between arr_seq tsk t1 t2) => [|j' js'] -> // LIM JOB.
elim: i LIM j JOB => [LIM j JOB|i IH LIM j JOB].
{ rewrite muln0 addn0.
apply: job_arrival_between_ge; eauto.
apply: (task_arrivals_between_subset _ tsk _ t2).
by rewrite JOB ARR; apply mem_nth. }
{ rewrite mulnSr addnA.
pose prev_j := nth dummy (j' :: js') i.
have prev_LIM : t1 + task_min_inter_arrival_time tsk * i + task_min_inter_arrival_time tsk
<= job_arrival prev_j + task_min_inter_arrival_time tsk
by rewrite leq_add2r; apply IH => //; lia.
apply: (leq_trans prev_LIM).
have IN_j : j \in task_arrivals_between arr_seq tsk t1 t2
by rewrite JOB ARR; apply mem_nth.
have IN_prev : prev_j \in task_arrivals_between arr_seq tsk t1 t2
by rewrite /prev_j ARR; apply mem_nth; lia.
apply: H_sporadic_model => //=.
{ rewrite JOB /prev_j => /eqP.
rewrite nth_uniq; try lia; rewrite -ARR.
by apply: task_arrivals_between_uniq. }
{ by apply/in_arrivals_implies_arrived/(task_arrivals_between_subset _ tsk t1 t2). }
{ by apply/in_arrivals_implies_arrived/(task_arrivals_between_subset _ tsk t1 t2). }
{ apply: in_task_arrivals_between_implies_job_of_task.
exact IN_prev. }
{ apply: in_task_arrivals_between_implies_job_of_task.
exact: IN_j. }
{ rewrite /prev_j JOB.
have SORTED : sorted by_arrival_times (j' :: js')
by rewrite -ARR; apply task_arrivals_between_sorted.
eapply (sorted_leq_nth _ _ _ SORTED); try lia.
- rewrite unfold_in simpl_predE; lia.
- rewrite unfold_in simpl_predE; lia. } }
Unshelve. all: by rewrite /by_arrival_times/transitive/reflexive; lia.
End NthJob.
(** As a second auxiliary lemma, we establish a minimum length on
the interval for a given number of arrivals by applying the
previous lemma to the last job in the interval. We consider only
the case of "many" jobs, i.e., [n >= 2], which ensures that the
interval <<[t1, t2)>> spans at least one inter-arrival time. *)
Lemma minimum_distance_for_n_sporadic_arrivals:
forall t1 t2 n,
number_of_task_arrivals arr_seq tsk t1 t2 = n ->
n >= 2 ->
t2 > t1 + (task_min_inter_arrival_time tsk) * n.-1.
move=> t1 t2 n H_num_arrivals H_many_jobs.
(* First, let us get ourselves a job so we can discharge the dummy job parameter. *)
destruct (task_arrivals_between arr_seq tsk t1 t2) as [|j js] eqn:ARR;
first by move: ARR H_num_arrivals H_many_jobs; rewrite /number_of_task_arrivals => -> //= ->; lia.
(* Now that we can use [nth], let's proceed with the actual proof. *)
set j_last := (nth j (task_arrivals_between arr_seq tsk t1 t2) n.-1).
have LAST : job_arrival j_last < t2.
{ apply: job_arrival_between_lt; eauto.
apply: task_arrivals_between_subset.
apply mem_nth.
by move: H_num_arrivals; rewrite /number_of_task_arrivals => ->; lia. }
have DIST : t1 + task_min_inter_arrival_time tsk * n.-1 <= job_arrival j_last.
{ apply: arrival_of_nth_job; auto;
first by rewrite [number_of_task_arrivals arr_seq tsk t1 _]H_num_arrivals; lia.
by rewrite /j_last //=. }
by lia.
(** Based on the above lemma, it is easy to see that
[max_sporadic_arrivals] is indeed a correct upper bound on the
maximum number of arrivals in a given interval. *)
Theorem sporadic_task_arrivals_bound:
forall t1 t2,
number_of_task_arrivals arr_seq tsk t1 t2 <= max_sporadic_arrivals tsk (t2 - t1).
move=> t1 t2.
case COUNT: (number_of_task_arrivals arr_seq tsk t1 t2) => // [n'].
case COUNT: n' COUNT => // [|n] NARR.
{ (* one arrival *)
apply div_ceil_gt0 => //; rewrite subn_gt0.
by eapply number_of_task_arrivals_nonzero; eauto. }
{ (* two or more arrivals *)
clear n' COUNT.
move: NARR. set n' := n.+2 => NARR.
have SEP: t2 > t1 + (task_min_inter_arrival_time tsk) * n'.-1
by apply: minimum_distance_for_n_sporadic_arrivals.
move: SEP. rewrite -ltn_subRL => SEP.
by apply: div_ceil_multiple. }
End SporadicArrivalBound.
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