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Commit a0579b47 authored by Kimaya Bedarkar's avatar Kimaya Bedarkar Committed by Björn Brandenburg
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add basic facts about the FIFO scheduling policy

- there is no priority inversion in FIFO schedules
- all jobs of a tasks necessarily execute in arrival order
- the FIFO policy never requires a job to be preempted
parent 04af1bb4
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1 merge request!170FIFO basic facts
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Require Export prosa.model.task.sequentiality.
Require Export prosa.model.schedule.nonpreemptive.
Require Export prosa.model.priority.fifo.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.priority.sequential.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.readiness.basic.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.preemption.job.nonpreemptive.
(** Throughout this file, we assume the basic (i.e., Liu & Layland) readiness model. *)
Require Import prosa.model.readiness.basic.
(** In this section, we prove some fundamental properties of the FIFO policy. *)
Section BasicLemmas.
(** Consider any type of jobs with arrival times and execution costs. *)
Context `{Job : JobType} {Arrival : JobArrival Job} {Cost : JobCost Job}.
(** Consider any arrival sequence of such jobs ... *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
(** ... and the resulting ideal uniprocessor schedule. We assume that the
schedule is valid and work-conserving. *)
Variable sched : schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
Hypothesis H_schedule_is_valid : valid_schedule sched arr_seq.
Hypothesis H_work_conservation : work_conserving arr_seq sched.
(** Suppose jobs have preemption points ... *)
Context `{JobPreemptable Job}.
(** ...and that the length of non-preemptive segments is bounded. *)
Hypothesis H_valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments :
valid_preemption_model arr_seq sched.
(** Assume that the schedule respects the FIFO scheduling policy whenever jobs
are preemptable. *)
Hypothesis H_respects_policy : respects_policy_at_preemption_point arr_seq sched.
(** We observe that there is no priority inversion in a
FIFO-compliant schedule. *)
Lemma FIFO_implies_no_priority_inversion :
forall j t,
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
pending sched j t ->
~~ is_priority_inversion sched j t.
move => j t ARRIVES PENDINGj.
rewrite /is_priority_inversion.
move: (ideal_proc_model_sched_case_analysis sched t) => [/eqP -> //|[s INTER]].
have -> : sched t = Some s; first by apply /eqP; rewrite -scheduled_at_def.
apply /negP; apply /negPn.
rewrite Bool.negb_involutive.
destruct (s == j) eqn:EQ; first by move: EQ => /eqP ->; rewrite /hep_job /fifo.FIFO.
destruct (hep_job s j) eqn:HEP; first by done.
move : HEP => /negP/negP HEP.
rewrite -ltnNge in HEP.
contradict PENDINGj.
apply /negP; rewrite negb_and.
apply /orP; right; apply /negPn.
have -> : scheduled_at sched s t -> completed_by sched j t => //.
eapply (early_hep_job_is_scheduled); try eauto 2 with basic_facts.
- by move=> ?; apply /andP; split; [apply ltnW | rewrite -ltnNge //=].
(** The next lemma considers FIFO schedules in the context of tasks. *)
Section SequentialTasks.
(** If the scheduled jobs stem from a set of tasks, ... *)
Context {Task : TaskType}.
Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
(** ... then the tasks in a FIFO-compliant schedule necessarily
execute sequentially. *)
Lemma tasks_execute_sequentially : sequential_tasks arr_seq sched.
move => j1 j2 t ARRj1 ARRj2 SAME_TASKx LT => //.
eapply (early_hep_job_is_scheduled); try eauto 2 with basic_facts.
by move=> ?; apply /andP; split; [apply ltnW | rewrite -ltnNge //=].
End SequentialTasks.
(** Finally, let us further assume that there are no needless
preemptions among jobs of equal priority. *)
Hypothesis H_no_superfluous_preemptions : no_superfluous_preemptions sched.
(** In the absence of superfluous preemptions and under assumption
of the basic readiness model, there are no preemptions at all in
a FIFO-compliant schedule. *)
Lemma no_preemptions_under_FIFO :
forall j t,
~~ preempted_at sched j t.
move => j t.
apply /negP.
intros CONTR.
move: CONTR => /andP [/andP [SCHED1 NCOMPL] SCHED2].
move : H_schedule_is_valid => [COME MUST].
move: (ideal_proc_model_sched_case_analysis sched t) => [IDLE |[s INTER]].
{ specialize (H_work_conservation j t).
destruct H_work_conservation as [j_other SCHEDj_other]; first by eapply (COME j t.-1 SCHED1).
- do 2 (apply /andP; split; last by done).
eapply scheduled_implies_pending in SCHED1; try eauto with basic_facts.
move : SCHED1 => /andP [HAS COMPL].
by apply leq_trans with t.-1; [exact HAS| ssrlia].
- move: SCHEDj_other IDLE.
rewrite scheduled_at_def => /eqP SCHED /eqP IDLE.
by rewrite IDLE in SCHED. }
{ specialize (H_no_superfluous_preemptions t j s).
have HEP : ~~ hep_job j s.
apply H_no_superfluous_preemptions; last by done.
by repeat (apply /andP ; split; try by done).
rewrite /hep_job /fifo.FIFO -ltnNge in HEP.
eapply (early_hep_job_is_scheduled arr_seq ) in SCHED1; try eauto 2 with basic_facts.
- apply scheduled_implies_not_completed in INTER; eauto with basic_facts.
by eapply (incompletion_monotonic sched s t.-1 t) in INTER; [move: INTER => /negP|ssrlia].
- by move=> ?; apply /andP; split; [apply ltnW | rewrite -ltnNge //=]. }
(** It immediately follows that FIFO schedules are
non-preemptive. *)
Corollary FIFO_is_nonpreemptive : nonpreemptive_schedule sched.
by rewrite -no_preemptions_equiv_nonpreemptive; apply no_preemptions_under_FIFO.
End BasicLemmas.
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