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Commit af370ec8 authored by Felipe Cerqueira's avatar Felipe Cerqueira
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Simplify definition of the JobIn type

parent 47eb79c0
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......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Module ConcreteArrivalSequence.
(* ... every job comes from the task set, ... *)
Theorem periodic_arrivals_all_jobs_from_taskset:
forall (j: JobIn arr_seq),
job_task (_job_in arr_seq j) \in ts. (* TODO: fix coercion. *)
job_task (job_of_job_in j) \in ts. (* TODO: fix coercion. *)
intros j.
destruct j as [j arr ARRj]; simpl.
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Module ConcreteArrivalSequence.
(* ... every job comes from the task set, ... *)
Theorem periodic_arrivals_all_jobs_from_taskset:
forall (j: JobIn arr_seq),
job_task (_job_in arr_seq j) \in ts. (* TODO: fix coercion. *)
job_task (job_of_job_in j) \in ts. (* TODO: fix coercion. *)
intros j.
destruct j as [j arr ARRj]; simpl.
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Module ConcreteArrivalSequence.
(* ... every job comes from the task set, ... *)
Theorem periodic_arrivals_all_jobs_from_taskset:
forall (j: JobIn arr_seq),
job_task (_job_in arr_seq j) \in ts. (* TODO: fix coercion *)
job_task (job_of_job_in j) \in ts. (* TODO: fix coercion *)
intros j.
destruct j as [j arr ARRj]; simpl.
Require Import rt.util.all rt.model.basic.job rt.model.basic.task rt.model.basic.time.
Require Import rt.util.all rt.model.basic.task rt.model.basic.time.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
(* Definitions and properties of job arrival sequences. *)
......@@ -24,26 +24,23 @@ Module ArrivalSequence.
Context {Job: eqType}.
(* Whether a job arrives in a particular sequence at time t *)
(* First we define whether a job arrives in a particular sequence at time t. *)
Definition arrives_at (j: Job) (arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job) (t: time) :=
j \in arr_seq t.
(* A job j of type (JobIn arr_seq) is a job that arrives at some particular
time in arr_seq. It holds the arrival time and a proof of arrival. *)
Record JobIn (arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job) : Type :=
_job_in: Job;
_arrival_time: time; (* arrival time *)
_: arrives_at _job_in arr_seq _arrival_time (* proof of arrival *)
(* Next, we define the type (JobIn arr_seq) to represent a job that belongs to arr_seq.
(Note: The notation might seem complicated, but it just means that the type JobIn is
constructed using a Job j, a time t, and a proof of arrival. *)
Inductive JobIn (arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job) :=
Build_JobIn j t of (arrives_at j arr_seq t).
(* Define a coercion that states that every JobIn is a Job. *)
Coercion JobIn_is_Job {arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job} (j: JobIn arr_seq) :=
_job_in arr_seq j.
(* Next, we define a coercion that returns the Job contained in the type JobIn. *)
Coercion job_of_job_in {arr_seq} (j: JobIn arr_seq) : Job :=
let: Build_JobIn actual_job _ _ := j in actual_job.
(* Define job arrival time as that time that the job arrives (only works for JobIn). *)
(* Similarly, we define a function that returns the arrival time of the job. *)
Definition job_arrival {arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job} (j: JobIn arr_seq) :=
_arrival_time arr_seq j.
let: Build_JobIn _ arr _ := j in arr.
(* Finally, we define a decidable equality for JobIn, in order to make
it compatible with ssreflect (see jobin_eqdec.v). *)
......@@ -56,7 +53,7 @@ Module ArrivalSequence.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* The same job j cannot arrive at two different times. *)
Definition no_multiple_arrivals :=
forall (j: Job) t1 t2,
......@@ -113,7 +110,7 @@ Module ArrivalSequence.
(* There's an inverse function for recovering the original Job from JobIn. *)
Lemma is_JobIn_inverse :
forall t,
ocancel (is_JobIn t) (_job_in arr_seq).
ocancel (is_JobIn t) job_of_job_in.
by intros t; red; intros x; unfold is_JobIn; des_eqrefl.
......@@ -157,7 +154,7 @@ Module ArrivalSequence.
apply bigcat_ord_uniq.
intros i; unfold jobs_arriving_at.
apply pmap_uniq with (g := (_job_in arr_seq)); first by apply is_JobIn_inverse.
apply pmap_uniq with (g := job_of_job_in); first by apply is_JobIn_inverse.
by apply SET.
(* The decidable equality for JobIn checks whether the Job
and the arrival times are the same. *)
Definition jobin_eqdef (arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job) :=
(fun j1 j2: JobIn arr_seq =>
(_job_in arr_seq j1 == _job_in arr_seq j2) &&
(_arrival_time arr_seq j1 == _arrival_time arr_seq j2)).
Lemma eqn_jobin : forall arr_seq, Equality.axiom (jobin_eqdef arr_seq).
unfold Equality.axiom; intros arr_seq x y.
destruct (jobin_eqdef arr_seq x y) eqn:EQ.
apply ReflectT.
unfold jobin_eqdef in *.
move: EQ => /andP [/eqP EQjob /eqP EQarr].
destruct x, y; ins; subst.
f_equal; apply bool_irrelevance.
apply ReflectF.
unfold jobin_eqdef, not in *; intro BUG.
apply negbT in EQ; rewrite negb_and in EQ.
destruct x, y.
move: EQ => /orP [/negP DIFFjob | /negP DIFFarr].
by apply DIFFjob; inversion BUG; subst; apply/eqP.
by apply DIFFarr; inversion BUG; subst; apply/eqP.
Definition jobin_eqdef arr_seq (j1 j2: JobIn arr_seq) :=
(job_of_job_in j1 == job_of_job_in j2) && (job_arrival j1 == job_arrival j2).
Lemma eqn_jobin : forall arr_seq, Equality.axiom (jobin_eqdef arr_seq).
unfold Equality.axiom; intros arr_seq x y.
destruct (jobin_eqdef arr_seq x y) eqn:EQ.
apply ReflectT.
unfold jobin_eqdef in *.
move: EQ => /andP [/eqP EQjob /eqP EQarr].
destruct x, y; ins; subst.
f_equal; apply bool_irrelevance.
apply ReflectF.
unfold jobin_eqdef, not in *; intro BUG.
apply negbT in EQ; rewrite negb_and in EQ.
destruct x, y.
move: EQ => /orP [/negP DIFFjob | /negP DIFFarr].
by apply DIFFjob; inversion BUG; subst; apply/eqP.
by apply DIFFarr; inversion BUG; subst; apply/eqP.
Canonical jobin_eqMixin arr_seq := EqMixin (eqn_jobin arr_seq).
Canonical jobin_eqType arr_seq := Eval hnf in EqType (JobIn arr_seq) (jobin_eqMixin arr_seq).
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