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Commit b3825927 authored by Felipe Cerqueira's avatar Felipe Cerqueira
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Add new lemma about sums

parent 429e36eb
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......@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ Section MinMaxSeq.
End MinMaxSeq.
(* Additional lemmas about sum and max big operators. *)
Section ExtraLemmasSumMax.
(* Additional lemmas about max. *)
Section ExtraLemmas.
Lemma leq_big_max I r (P : pred I) (E1 E2 : I -> nat) :
(forall i, P i -> E1 i <= E2 i) ->
......@@ -236,152 +236,5 @@ Section ExtraLemmasSumMax.
by rewrite (IHn (Ordinal LT)).
Lemma sum_nat_eq0_nat (T : eqType) (F : T -> nat) (r: seq T) :
all (fun x => F x == 0) r = (\sum_(i <- r) F i == 0).
destruct (all (fun x => F x == 0) r) eqn:ZERO.
move: ZERO => /allP ZERO; rewrite -leqn0.
rewrite big_seq_cond (eq_bigr (fun x => 0));
first by rewrite big_const_seq iter_addn mul0n addn0 leqnn.
intro i; rewrite andbT; intros IN.
specialize (ZERO i); rewrite IN in ZERO.
by move: ZERO => /implyP ZERO; apply/eqP; apply ZERO.
apply negbT in ZERO; rewrite -has_predC in ZERO.
move: ZERO => /hasP ZERO; destruct ZERO as [x IN NEQ]; simpl in NEQ.
rewrite (big_rem x) /=; last by done.
symmetry; apply negbTE; rewrite neq_ltn; apply/orP; right.
apply leq_trans with (n := F x); last by apply leq_addr.
by rewrite lt0n.
Lemma extend_sum :
forall t1 t2 t1' t2' F,
t1' <= t1 ->
t2 <= t2' ->
\sum_(t1 <= t < t2) F t <= \sum_(t1' <= t < t2') F t.
intros t1 t2 t1' t2' F LE1 LE2.
destruct (t1 <= t2) eqn:LE12;
last by apply negbT in LE12; rewrite -ltnNge in LE12; rewrite big_geq // ltnW.
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (m := t1') (n := t1); try (by done); simpl;
last by apply leq_trans with (n := t2).
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (p := t2') (n := t2); try (by done); simpl.
by rewrite addnC -addnA; apply leq_addr.
Lemma leq_sum_nat m n (P : pred nat) (E1 E2 : nat -> nat) :
(forall i, m <= i < n -> P i -> E1 i <= E2 i) ->
\sum_(m <= i < n | P i) E1 i <= \sum_(m <= i < n | P i) E2 i.
intros LE.
rewrite big_nat_cond [\sum_(_ <= _ < _| P _)_]big_nat_cond.
by apply leq_sum; move => j /andP [IN H]; apply LE.
Lemma leq_sum_seq (I: eqType) (r: seq I) (P : pred I) (E1 E2 : I -> nat) :
(forall i, i \in r -> P i -> E1 i <= E2 i) ->
\sum_(i <- r | P i) E1 i <= \sum_(i <- r | P i) E2 i.
intros LE.
rewrite big_seq_cond [\sum_(_ <- _| P _)_]big_seq_cond.
by apply leq_sum; move => j /andP [IN H]; apply LE.
Lemma leq_sum1_smaller_range m n (P Q: pred nat) a b:
(forall i, m <= i < n /\ P i -> a <= i < b /\ Q i) ->
\sum_(m <= i < n | P i) 1 <= \sum_(a <= i < b | Q i) 1.
intros REDUCE.
rewrite big_mkcond.
apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(a <= i < b | Q i) \sum_(m <= i' < n | i' == i) 1).
rewrite (exchange_big_dep (fun x => true)); [simpl | by done].
apply leq_sum_nat; intros i LE _.
case TRUE: (P i); last by done.
move: (REDUCE i (conj LE TRUE)) => [LE' TRUE'].
rewrite (big_rem i); last by rewrite mem_index_iota.
by rewrite TRUE' eq_refl.
apply leq_sum_nat; intros i LE TRUE.
rewrite big_mkcond /=.
destruct (m <= i < n) eqn:LE'; last first.
rewrite big_nat_cond big1; first by done.
move => i' /andP [LE'' _]; case EQ: (_ == _); last by done.
by move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst; rewrite LE'' in LE'.
rewrite (bigD1_seq i) /=; [ | by rewrite mem_index_iota | by rewrite iota_uniq ].
rewrite eq_refl big1; first by done.
by move => i' /negbTE NEQ; rewrite NEQ.
End ExtraLemmasSumMax.
(*Section ProvingFinType.
Lemma seq_sub_choiceMixin : choiceMixin (seq_sub l).
destruct (seq_sub_enum l) eqn:SUB.
set f := fun (P: pred (seq_sub l)) (x: nat) => @None (seq_sub l).
exists f; last by done.
intros P n x.
have IN := mem_seq_sub_enum x.
by rewrite SUB in_nil in IN.
move => P [x PROP].
have IN := mem_seq_sub_enum x.
by rewrite SUB in_nil in IN.
set NTH := nth s (seq_sub_enum l).
set f := fun (P: pred (seq_sub l)) (x: nat) => if P (NTH x) then Some (NTH x) else None.
exists f.
unfold f; intros P n x.
by case: ifP => [PROP | //]; case => <-.
move => P [x PROP].
exists (index x (seq_sub_enum l)).
by rewrite /f /NTH nth_index ?PROP; last by apply mem_seq_sub_enum.
by intros P Q EQ x; rewrite /f -EQ.
Canonical seq_sub_choiceType :=
Eval hnf in ChoiceType (seq_sub l) (seq_sub_choiceMixin).
Definition seq_sub_countMixin' := CountMixin (@seq_sub_pickleK T l).
Canonical seq_sub_countType := @Countable.pack _ seq_sub_countMixin' seq_sub_choiceType _ id.
Lemma seq_sub_enumP: Finite.axiom (seq_sub_enum l).
intros x.
rewrite count_uniq_mem ?undup_uniq //.
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqb1; apply mem_seq_sub_enum.
Definition seq_sub_finMixin := @FinMixin seq_sub_countType (seq_sub_enum l) seq_sub_enumP.
Canonical seq_sub_finType :=
@Finite.pack (seq_sub l) [eqMixin of (seq_sub l)] seq_sub_finMixin seq_sub_choiceType _ id _ id.
End ProvingFinType.*)
End ExtraLemmas.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -81,3 +81,93 @@ Section SumArithmetic.
End SumArithmetic.
(* Additional lemmas about sum. *)
Section ExtraLemmas.
Lemma extend_sum :
forall t1 t2 t1' t2' F,
t1' <= t1 ->
t2 <= t2' ->
\sum_(t1 <= t < t2) F t <= \sum_(t1' <= t < t2') F t.
intros t1 t2 t1' t2' F LE1 LE2.
destruct (t1 <= t2) eqn:LE12;
last by apply negbT in LE12; rewrite -ltnNge in LE12; rewrite big_geq // ltnW.
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (m := t1') (n := t1); try (by done); simpl;
last by apply leq_trans with (n := t2).
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (p := t2') (n := t2); try (by done); simpl.
by rewrite addnC -addnA; apply leq_addr.
Lemma leq_sum_nat m n (P : pred nat) (E1 E2 : nat -> nat) :
(forall i, m <= i < n -> P i -> E1 i <= E2 i) ->
\sum_(m <= i < n | P i) E1 i <= \sum_(m <= i < n | P i) E2 i.
intros LE.
rewrite big_nat_cond [\sum_(_ <= _ < _| P _)_]big_nat_cond.
by apply leq_sum; move => j /andP [IN H]; apply LE.
Lemma leq_sum_seq (I: eqType) (r: seq I) (P : pred I) (E1 E2 : I -> nat) :
(forall i, i \in r -> P i -> E1 i <= E2 i) ->
\sum_(i <- r | P i) E1 i <= \sum_(i <- r | P i) E2 i.
intros LE.
rewrite big_seq_cond [\sum_(_ <- _| P _)_]big_seq_cond.
by apply leq_sum; move => j /andP [IN H]; apply LE.
Lemma sum_nat_eq0_nat (T : eqType) (F : T -> nat) (r: seq T) :
all (fun x => F x == 0) r = (\sum_(i <- r) F i == 0).
destruct (all (fun x => F x == 0) r) eqn:ZERO.
move: ZERO => /allP ZERO; rewrite -leqn0.
rewrite big_seq_cond (eq_bigr (fun x => 0));
first by rewrite big_const_seq iter_addn mul0n addn0 leqnn.
intro i; rewrite andbT; intros IN.
specialize (ZERO i); rewrite IN in ZERO.
by move: ZERO => /implyP ZERO; apply/eqP; apply ZERO.
apply negbT in ZERO; rewrite -has_predC in ZERO.
move: ZERO => /hasP ZERO; destruct ZERO as [x IN NEQ]; simpl in NEQ.
rewrite (big_rem x) /=; last by done.
symmetry; apply negbTE; rewrite neq_ltn; apply/orP; right.
apply leq_trans with (n := F x); last by apply leq_addr.
by rewrite lt0n.
Lemma leq_sum1_smaller_range m n (P Q: pred nat) a b:
(forall i, m <= i < n /\ P i -> a <= i < b /\ Q i) ->
\sum_(m <= i < n | P i) 1 <= \sum_(a <= i < b | Q i) 1.
intros REDUCE.
rewrite big_mkcond.
apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(a <= i < b | Q i) \sum_(m <= i' < n | i' == i) 1).
rewrite (exchange_big_dep (fun x => true)); [simpl | by done].
apply leq_sum_nat; intros i LE _.
case TRUE: (P i); last by done.
move: (REDUCE i (conj LE TRUE)) => [LE' TRUE'].
rewrite (big_rem i); last by rewrite mem_index_iota.
by rewrite TRUE' eq_refl.
apply leq_sum_nat; intros i LE TRUE.
rewrite big_mkcond /=.
destruct (m <= i < n) eqn:LE'; last first.
rewrite big_nat_cond big1; first by done.
move => i' /andP [LE'' _]; case EQ: (_ == _); last by done.
by move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst; rewrite LE'' in LE'.
rewrite (bigD1_seq i) /=; [ | by rewrite mem_index_iota | by rewrite iota_uniq ].
rewrite eq_refl big1; first by done.
by move => i' /negbTE NEQ; rewrite NEQ.
End ExtraLemmas.
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