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Commit d3e96fc8 authored by Felipe Cerqueira's avatar Felipe Cerqueira
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Simplify assumptions and proof of workload bound

parent c9f216fe
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......@@ -250,18 +250,13 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisEDF.
apply leq_trans with (n := workload job_task sched tsk_other
(job_arrival j) (job_arrival j + R));
first by apply task_interference_le_workload.
apply workload_bounded_by_W with (task_deadline0 := task_deadline) (job_cost0 := job_cost) (job_deadline0 := job_deadline); try (by ins); last 2 first;
by apply workload_bounded_by_W with (task_deadline0 := task_deadline)
(job_cost0 := job_cost) (job_deadline0 := job_deadline); try (by ins); last 2 first;
[ by apply bertogna_edf_R_other_ge_cost
| by ins; apply BEFOREok with (tsk_other := tsk_other)
| by ins; apply NOMISS
| by ins; apply TASK_PARAMS
| by ins; apply RESTR |].
red; move => j' JOBtsk' LEdl; unfold job_misses_no_deadline.
assert (PARAMS' := PARAMS j'); des; rewrite PARAMS'1 JOBtsk'.
apply completion_monotonic with (t := job_arrival j' + (R_other)); ins;
first by rewrite leq_add2l; apply NOMISS.
apply BEFOREok with (tsk_other := tsk_other); ins.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := job_arrival j' + job_deadline j'); last by done.
by specialize (PARAMS j'); des; rewrite leq_add2l PARAMS1 JOBtsk'; apply NOMISS.
| by ins; apply RESTR
| by ins; apply BEFOREok with (tsk_other := tsk_other)].
(* Recall that the edf-specific interference bound also holds. *)
......@@ -237,18 +237,14 @@ Module ResponseTimeAnalysisFP.
apply leq_trans with (n := workload job_task sched tsk_other
(job_arrival j) (job_arrival j + R));
first by apply task_interference_le_workload.
apply workload_bounded_by_W with (task_deadline0 := task_deadline)
by apply workload_bounded_by_W with (task_deadline0 := task_deadline)
(job_cost0 := job_cost) (job_deadline0 := job_deadline);
try (by ins); last 2 first;
[ by ins; apply GE_COST
| by ins; apply RESP with (hp_tsk := tsk_other)
| by ins; apply NOMISS
| by ins; apply TASK_PARAMS
| by ins; apply RESTR |].
red; red; move => j' JOBtsk' _; unfold job_misses_no_deadline.
specialize (PARAMS j'); des.
rewrite PARAMS1 JOBtsk'.
by apply completion_monotonic with (t := job_arrival j' + R_other); ins;
[by rewrite leq_add2l; apply NOMISS | by apply (RESP tsk_other)].
| by ins; apply RESTR
| by ins; apply RESP with (hp_tsk := tsk_other)].
End LemmasAboutInterferingTasks.
......@@ -154,9 +154,7 @@ Module WorkloadBound.
(* Before starting the proof, let's give simpler names to the definitions. *)
Let job_has_completed_by := completed job_cost sched.
Let no_deadline_misses_by (tsk: sporadic_task) (t: time) :=
task_misses_no_deadline_before job_cost job_deadline job_task
sched tsk t.
Let workload_of (tsk: sporadic_task) (t1 t2: time) :=
workload job_task sched tsk t1 t2.
......@@ -180,22 +178,22 @@ Module WorkloadBound.
middle jobs (i.e., number of jobs - 2 in the worst case). *)
Hypothesis H_restricted_deadline: task_deadline tsk <= task_period tsk.
(* Consider an interval [t1, t1 + delta), with no deadline misses. *)
(* Consider an interval [t1, t1 + delta). *)
Variable t1 delta: time.
Hypothesis H_no_deadline_misses_during_interval: no_deadline_misses_by tsk (t1 + delta).
(* Assume that a response-time bound R_tsk for that task in any
schedule of this processor platform is also given,
such that R_tsk >= task_cost tsk. *)
schedule of this processor platform is also given, ... *)
Variable R_tsk: time.
Hypothesis H_response_time_ge_cost: R_tsk >= task_cost tsk.
Hypothesis H_response_time_bound :
forall (j: JobIn arr_seq),
job_task j = tsk ->
job_arrival j + R_tsk < t1 + delta ->
job_has_completed_by j (job_arrival j + R_tsk).
(* ... such that R_tsk >= task_cost tsk and R_tsk <= task_deadline tsk. *)
Hypothesis H_response_time_ge_cost: R_tsk >= task_cost tsk.
Hypothesis H_no_deadline_miss: R_tsk <= task_deadline tsk.
Section MainProof.
......@@ -546,55 +544,6 @@ Module WorkloadBound.
by rewrite subh3 // addnC; move: INnth => /eqP INnth; rewrite -INnth.
(* Now, we prove an auxiliary lemma for the next result.
The statement is not meaningful, since it's part of a proof
by contradiction. *)
Lemma workload_bound_helper_lemma :
job_arrival j_fst + task_period tsk + delta <= job_arrival j_lst ->
t1 <= job_arrival j_fst + task_deadline tsk.
intros LE.
rename H_jobs_have_valid_parameters into PARAMS,
H_completed_jobs_dont_execute into EXEC,
H_no_deadline_misses_during_interval into NOMISS.
unfold task_misses_no_deadline_before, valid_sporadic_job,
job_misses_no_deadline, completed in *; des.
exploit workload_bound_all_jobs_from_tsk.
apply mem_nth; instantiate (1 := 0).
apply ltn_trans with (n := 1); [by done | by rewrite H_at_least_two_jobs].
instantiate (1 := elem); move => [FSTtsk [/eqP FSTserv FSTin]].
exploit (NOMISS j_fst FSTtsk); last intros COMP.
(* Prove that arr_fst + d_k <= t2 *)
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := job_arrival j_lst);
last by apply workload_bound_last_job_arrives_before_end_of_interval.
apply leq_trans with (n := job_arrival j_fst + task_period tsk + delta); last by done.
rewrite -addnA leq_add2l -[job_deadline _]addn0.
apply leq_add; last by ins.
specialize (PARAMS j_fst); des.
by rewrite PARAMS1 FSTtsk H_restricted_deadline.
rewrite leqNgt; apply/negP; unfold not; intro LTt1.
(* Now we assume that (job_arrival j_fst + d_k < t1) and reach a contradiction.
Since j_fst doesn't miss deadlines, then the service it receives between t1 and t2
equals 0, which contradicts the previous assumption that j_fst interferes in
the scheduling window. *)
apply FSTserv.
unfold service_during; apply/eqP; rewrite -leqn0.
rewrite <- leq_add2l with (p := job_cost j_fst); rewrite addn0.
move: COMP => /eqP COMP; unfold service in COMP; rewrite -{1}COMP.
apply leq_trans with (n := service sched j_fst t2); last by apply EXEC.
unfold service; rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (m := 0) (p := t2) (n := t1);
[rewrite leq_add2r /= | by ins | by apply leq_addr].
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (p := t1) (n := job_arrival j_fst + job_deadline j_fst);
[by rewrite /= -{1}[\sum_(_ <= _ < _) _]addn0 leq_add2l | by ins | ].
by apply ltnW; specialize (PARAMS j_fst); des; rewrite PARAMS1 FSTtsk.
(* Prove that n_k is at least the number of the middle jobs *)
Lemma workload_bound_n_k_covers_middle_jobs :
n_k >= num_mid_jobs.
......@@ -631,7 +580,9 @@ Module WorkloadBound.
last by apply leq_trans with (n := job_arrival j_fst + task_period tsk + delta);
[rewrite leq_add2r leq_add2l; apply H_restricted_deadline | apply DISTmax].
unfold t2; rewrite leq_add2r.
by apply workload_bound_helper_lemma.
apply leq_trans with (n := job_arrival j_fst + R_tsk);
last by rewrite leq_add2l.
by apply workload_bound_response_time_of_first_job_inside_interval.
(* If n_k = num_mid_jobs, then the workload bound holds. *)
......@@ -719,12 +670,7 @@ Module WorkloadBound.
Theorem workload_bounded_by_W :
workload_of tsk t1 (t1 + delta) <= workload_bound.
rename H_jobs_have_valid_parameters into job_properties,
H_no_deadline_misses_during_interval into no_dl_misses,
H_valid_task_parameters into task_properties.
unfold valid_sporadic_job, valid_realtime_job, restricted_deadline_model,
valid_sporadic_taskset, is_valid_sporadic_task, sporadic_task_model,
workload_of, no_deadline_misses_by, workload_bound, W in *; ins; des.
unfold workload_of, workload_bound, W in *; ins; des.
fold n_k.
(* Use the definition of workload based on list of jobs. *)
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