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add definitions of concrete tasks and jobs

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1 merge request!214Add concrete tasks and jobs definition
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Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.extrapolated_arrival_curve.
(** * Implementation of a Task's Arrival Bound *)
(** In this file, we define a reference implementation of the notion of a task's
arrival bound.
Note that its use is entirely optional: clients of Prosa may choose to use
this type or implement their own notion of arrival bounds. *)
(** A task's arrival bound is an inductive type comprised of three types of
arrival patterns: (a) periodic, characterized by a period between consequent
activation of a task, (b) sporadic, characterized by a minimum inter-arrival
time, or (c) arrival-curve prefix, characterized by a finite prefix of an
arrival curve. *)
Inductive task_arrivals_bound :=
| Periodic : nat -> task_arrivals_bound
| Sporadic : nat -> task_arrivals_bound
| ArrivalPrefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix -> task_arrivals_bound.
(** To make it compatible with ssreflect, we define a decidable
equality for arrival bounds. *)
Definition task_arrivals_bound_eqdef (tb1 tb2 : task_arrivals_bound) :=
match tb1, tb2 with
| Periodic p1, Periodic p2 => p1 == p2
| Sporadic s1, Sporadic s2 => s1 == s2
| ArrivalPrefix s1, ArrivalPrefix s2 => s1 == s2
| _, _ => false
(** Next, we prove that [task_eqdef] is indeed an equality, ... *)
Lemma eqn_task_arrivals_bound : Equality.axiom task_arrivals_bound_eqdef.
intros x y.
destruct (task_arrivals_bound_eqdef x y) eqn:EQ.
{ apply ReflectT; destruct x, y.
all: try by move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst.
{ apply ReflectF; destruct x, y.
all: try by move: EQ => /eqP EQ.
all: by move: EQ => /neqP; intros NEQ1 NEQ2; apply NEQ1; inversion NEQ2.
(** ..., which allows instantiating the canonical structure for [[eqType of task_arrivals_bound]]. *)
Canonical task_arrivals_bound_eqMixin := EqMixin eqn_task_arrivals_bound.
Canonical task_arrivals_bound_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType task_arrivals_bound task_arrivals_bound_eqMixin.
Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.arrival_bound.
Require Export prosa.model.priority.numeric_fixed_priority.
(** * Implementation of Tasks and Jobs *)
(** This file provides reference implementations of the notions of "tasks" and
"jobs" that can be used to meet the hypotheses on which many of the analyses
in Prosa are based.
Note that their use is entirely optional: clients of Prosa may choose to use
these types or implement their own notions of "tasks" and "jobs". *)
(** ** Implementation of a Concrete Task *)
(** A task comprises of an id, a cost, an arrival bound, a deadline
and a priority. *)
Structure concrete_task :=
{ task_id: nat (* for uniqueness *)
; task_cost: nat
; task_arrival: task_arrivals_bound
; task_deadline: instant
; task_priority : nat
(** To make it compatible with ssreflect, we define a decidable
equality for concrete tasks. *)
Definition task_eqdef (t1 t2: concrete_task) :=
(task_id t1 == task_id t2)
&& (task_cost t1 == task_cost t2)
&& (task_arrival t1 == task_arrival t2)
&& (task_deadline t1 == task_deadline t2)
&& (task_priority t1 == task_priority t2).
(** Next, we prove that [task_eqdef] is indeed an equality, ... *)
Lemma eqn_task : Equality.axiom task_eqdef.
unfold Equality.axiom; intros x y.
destruct (task_eqdef x y) eqn:EQ.
{ apply ReflectT.
unfold task_eqdef in *.
move: EQ => /andP [/andP [/andP [/andP [/eqP ID /eqP COST] /eqP PER] /eqP DL] /eqP PRIO].
by destruct x, y; simpl in *; subst. }
{ apply ReflectF.
unfold task_eqdef, not in * => BUG.
apply negbT in EQ.
repeat rewrite negb_and in EQ.
destruct x, y.
rewrite ID COST PER DL PRIO //= in EQ.
by subst; rewrite !eq_refl in EQ.
(** ..., which allows instantiating the canonical structure for [[eqType of concrete_task]]. *)
Canonical concrete_task_eqMixin := EqMixin eqn_task.
Canonical concrete_task_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType concrete_task concrete_task_eqMixin.
(** ** Implementation of a Concrete Job *)
(** A job comprises of an id, an arrival time, a cost, a deadline and the
task it belongs to. *)
Record concrete_job :=
{ job_id: nat
; job_arrival: instant
; job_cost: nat
; job_deadline: instant
; job_task: [eqType of concrete_task]
(** To make it compatible with ssreflect, we define a decidable
equality for concrete jobs. *)
Definition job_eqdef (j1 j2: concrete_job) :=
(job_id j1 == job_id j2)
&& (job_arrival j1 == job_arrival j2)
&& (job_cost j1 == job_cost j2)
&& (job_deadline j1 == job_deadline j2)
&& (job_task j1 == job_task j2).
(** Next, we prove that [job_eqdef] is indeed an equality, ... *)
Lemma eqn_job : Equality.axiom job_eqdef.
unfold Equality.axiom; intros x y.
destruct (job_eqdef x y) eqn:EQ.
{ apply ReflectT; unfold job_eqdef in *.
move: EQ => /andP [/andP [/andP [/andP [/eqP ID /eqP ARR] /eqP COST] /eqP DL] /eqP TASK].
by destruct x, y; simpl in *; subst. }
{ apply ReflectF.
unfold job_eqdef, not in *; intro BUG.
apply negbT in EQ; rewrite negb_and in EQ.
destruct x, y.
rewrite negb_and in EQ.
move: EQ => /orP [EQ | /eqP TASK].
move: EQ => /orP [EQ | /eqP DL].
rewrite negb_and in EQ.
move: EQ => /orP [EQ | /eqP COST].
rewrite negb_and in EQ.
move: EQ => /orP [/eqP ID | /eqP ARR].
- by apply ID; inversion BUG.
- by apply ARR; inversion BUG.
- by apply COST; inversion BUG.
- by apply DL; inversion BUG.
- by apply TASK; inversion BUG. }
(** ... which allows instantiating the canonical structure for [[eqType of concrete_job]].*)
Canonical concrete_job_eqMixin := EqMixin eqn_job.
Canonical concrete_job_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType concrete_job concrete_job_eqMixin.
(** ** Instances for Concrete Jobs and Tasks. *)
(** In the following, we connect the concrete task and job types defined above
to the generic Prosa interfaces for task and job parameters. *)
Section Parameters.
(** First, we connect the above definition of tasks with the
generic Prosa task-parameter interfaces. *)
Let Task := [eqType of concrete_task].
#[global,program] Instance TaskCost : TaskCost Task := task_cost.
#[global,program] Instance TaskPriority : TaskPriority Task := task_priority.
#[global,program] Instance TaskDeadline : TaskDeadline Task := task_deadline.
(** Second, we do the same for the above definition of job. *)
Let Job := [eqType of concrete_job].
#[global,program] Instance JobTask : JobTask Job Task := job_task.
#[global,program] Instance JobArrival : JobArrival Job := job_arrival.
#[global,program] Instance JobCost : JobCost Job := job_cost.
End Parameters.
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