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add ideal uniprocessor reference scheduler

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1 merge request!96Ideal Uniprocessor Scheduler Implementation
Pipeline #32122 passed with warnings
Require Export prosa.analysis.transform.swap.
(** * Generic Reference Scheduler *)
(** In this file, we provide a generic procedure that produces a schedule by
making a decision on what to schedule at each point in time. *)
(** To begin with, we define the notion of a pointwise scheduling policy that
makes a decision at a given time [t] based on given prefix up to time
[t.-1]. *)
Section PointwisePolicy.
(** Consider any type of jobs and type of schedule. *)
Context {Job : JobType}.
Variable PState : Type.
(** A pointwise scheduling policy is a function that, given a schedule prefix
that is valid up to time [t - 1], decides what to schedule at time
[t]. *)
Definition PointwisePolicy := schedule PState -> instant -> PState.
End PointwisePolicy.
Section GenericSchedule.
(** Consider any type of jobs and type of schedule. *)
Context {Job : JobType} {PState : Type}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(** Suppose we are given a policy function that, given a schedule prefix that
is valid up to time [t - 1], decides what to schedule at time [t]. *)
Variable policy : PointwisePolicy PState.
(** Let [idle_state] denote the processor state that indicates that the
entire system is idle. *)
Variable idle_state : PState.
(** We construct the schedule step by step starting from an "empty" schedule
that is idle at all times as a base case. *)
Definition empty_schedule: schedule PState := fun _ => idle_state.
(** Next, we define a function that computes a schedule prefix up to a given
time horizon [h]. *)
Fixpoint schedule_up_to (h : instant) :=
prefix := if h is h'.+1 then schedule_up_to h' else empty_schedule
replace_at prefix h (policy prefix h).
(** Finally, we define the generic schedule as follows: for a
given point in time [t], we compute the finite prefix up to and including
[t], namely [schedule_up_to t], and then return the job scheduled at time
[t] in that prefix. *)
Definition generic_schedule (t : instant) : PState :=
schedule_up_to t t.
End GenericSchedule.
Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.generic_scheduler.
Require Export prosa.model.preemption.parameter.
Require Export prosa.model.schedule.priority_driven.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.readiness.backlogged.
Require Export prosa.analysis.transform.swap.
(** * Ideal Uniprocessor Reference Scheduler *)
(** In this file, we provide a generic priority-aware scheduler that produces
an ideal uniprocessor schedule for a given arrival sequence. The scheduler
respects nonpreemptive sections and arbitrary readiness models. *)
(** The following definitions assume ideal uniprocessor schedules. *)
Require prosa.model.processor.ideal.
Section UniprocessorScheduler.
(** Consider any type of jobs with costs and arrival times, ... *)
Context {Job : JobType} {JC : JobCost Job} {JA : JobArrival Job}.
(** .. in the context of an ideal uniprocessor model. *)
Let PState := ideal.processor_state Job.
Let idle_state : PState := None.
(** Suppose we are given a consistent arrival sequence of such jobs ... *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_consistent_arrival_times: consistent_arrival_times arr_seq.
(** ... and a non-clairvoyant readiness model. *)
Context {RM: JobReady Job (ideal.processor_state Job)}.
Hypothesis H_nonclairvoyant_job_readiness: nonclairvoyant_readiness RM.
(** ** Preemption-Aware Scheduler *)
(** First, we define the notion of a generic uniprocessor scheduler that is
cognizant of non-preemptive sections, ... *)
(** ... so consider any preemption model. *)
Context `{JobPreemptable Job}.
Section NonPreemptiveSectionAware.
(** Suppose we are given a scheduling policy that applies when jobs are
preemptive: given a set of jobs ready at time [t], select which to run
(if any) at time [t]. *)
Variable choose_job : instant -> seq Job -> option Job.
(** The next job is then chosen either by [policy] (if the current job is
preemptive or the processor is idle) or a non-preemptively executing job
continues to execute. *)
Section JobAllocation.
(** Consider a finite schedule prefix ... *)
Variable sched_prefix : schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
(** ... that is valid up to time [t - 1]. *)
Variable t : instant.
(** We define a predicate that tests whether the job scheduled at the
previous instant (if [t > 0]) is nonpreemptive (and hence needs to be
continued to be scheduled). *)
Definition prev_job_nonpreemptive : bool :=
match t with
| 0 => false
| S t' => if sched_prefix t' is Some j then
~~job_preemptable j (service sched_prefix j t)
(** Based on the [prev_job_nonpreemptive] predicate, either the previous
job continues to be scheduled or the given policy chooses what to run
instead. *)
Definition allocation_at : option Job :=
if prev_job_nonpreemptive then
sched_prefix t.-1
choose_job t (jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq sched_prefix t).
End JobAllocation.
(* A preemption-policy-aware ideal uniprocessor schedule is then produced
when using [allocation_at] as the policy for the generic scheduler. *)
Definition np_uni_schedule : schedule PState := generic_schedule allocation_at idle_state.
End NonPreemptiveSectionAware.
(** ** Priority-Aware Scheduler *)
(** Building on the preemption-model aware scheduler, we next define a simple priority-aware scheduler. *)
Section PriorityAware.
(** Given any JLDP priority policy... *)
Context `{JLDP_policy Job}.
(** ...always choose the highest-priority job when making a scheduling decision... *)
Definition choose_highest_prio_job t jobs := supremum (hep_job_at t) jobs.
(** ... to obtain a priority- and preemption-model-aware ideal uniprocessor
schedule. *)
Definition uni_schedule : schedule PState := np_uni_schedule choose_highest_prio_job.
End PriorityAware.
End UniprocessorScheduler.
Require Export prosa.behavior.all.
Require Export prosa.model.priority.classes.
Require Export prosa.util.supremum.
Require Export prosa.model.preemption.parameter.
Require Export prosa.model.schedule.work_conserving.
Require Export prosa.model.schedule.priority_driven.
Require Export prosa.model.processor.ideal.
Section UniprocessorSchedule.
Context {Job : JobType}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobPreemptable Job}.
Context `{JLDP_policy Job}.
Context {Task : eqType}.
Context `{JobReady Job (ideal.processor_state Job)}.
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
Section JobAllocation.
Variable sched_prefix : schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
Definition prev_job_nonpreemptive (t : instant) : bool:=
match t with
| 0 => false
| S t' => if sched_prefix t' is Some j then
~~job_preemptable j (service sched_prefix j t)
(** Given an arrival sequence, a prefix schedule [[0, t-1]], computes
which job has to be scheduled at [t] **)
Definition allocation_at (t : instant): option Job :=
if prev_job_nonpreemptive t then
sched_prefix t.-1
supremum (hep_job_at t) (jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq sched_prefix t).
End JobAllocation.
Definition empty_schedule: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job) := fun _ => None.
(** Given an arrival sequence, computes a schedule up to time [h] **)
Fixpoint schedule_up_to (h : instant) : schedule (ideal.processor_state Job) :=
prefix := if h is S h' then schedule_up_to h' else empty_schedule
fun t =>
if t == h then
allocation_at prefix t
prefix t.
Definition uni_schedule (t : instant) : ideal.processor_state Job :=
schedule_up_to t t.
End UniprocessorSchedule.
From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool eqtype fintype bigop.
Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.generic_scheduler.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.transform.replace_at.
(** * Properties of the Generic Reference Scheduler *)
(** This file establishes some facts about the generic reference scheduler that
constructs a schedule via pointwise scheduling decisions based on a given
policy and the preceding prefix. *)
Section GenericScheduleProperties.
(** For any type of jobs and type of schedule, ... *)
Context {Job : JobType} {PState : Type}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(** ... any scheduling policy, and ... *)
Variable policy : PointwisePolicy PState.
(** ... any notion of idleness. *)
Variable idle_state : PState.
(** For notational convenience, we define [prefix t] to denote the finite
prefix considered when scheduling a job at time [t]. *)
Let prefix t := if t is t'.+1 then schedule_up_to policy idle_state t' else empty_schedule idle_state.
(** To begin with, we establish two simple rewriting lemmas for unrolling
[schedule_up_to]. First, we observe that the allocation is indeed
determined by the policy based on the preceding prefix. *)
Lemma schedule_up_to_def:
forall t,
schedule_up_to policy idle_state t t = policy (prefix t) t.
Proof. by elim=> [|n IH]; rewrite [LHS]/schedule_up_to -/(schedule_up_to _) /replace_at; apply ifT. Qed.
(** Second, we note how to replace [schedule_up_to] in the general case with
its definition. *)
Lemma schedule_up_to_unfold:
forall h t,
schedule_up_to policy idle_state h t = replace_at (prefix h) h (policy (prefix h) h) t.
Proof. by move=> h t; rewrite [LHS]/schedule_up_to /prefix; elim: h. Qed.
(** Next, we observe that we can increase a prefix's horizon by one
time unit without changing any allocations in the prefix. *)
Lemma schedule_up_to_widen:
forall h t,
t <= h ->
schedule_up_to policy idle_state h t = schedule_up_to policy idle_state h.+1 t.
move=> h t RANGE.
rewrite [RHS]schedule_up_to_unfold rest_of_schedule_invariant // => EQ.
now move: RANGE; rewrite EQ ltnn.
(** After the horizon of a prefix, the schedule is still "empty", meaning
that all instants are idle. *)
Lemma schedule_up_to_empty:
forall h t,
h < t ->
schedule_up_to policy idle_state h t = idle_state.
move=> h t.
elim: h => [LT|h IH LT].
{ rewrite /schedule_up_to rest_of_schedule_invariant // => ZERO.
now subst. }
{ rewrite /schedule_up_to rest_of_schedule_invariant -/(schedule_up_to _ h t);
first by apply IH => //; apply ltn_trans with (n := h.+1).
move=> EQ. move: LT.
now rewrite EQ ltnn. }
(** A crucial fact is that a prefix up to horizon [h1] is identical to a
prefix up to a later horizon [h2] at times up to [h1]. *)
Lemma schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion:
forall h1 h2,
h1 <= h2 ->
forall t,
t <= h1 ->
schedule_up_to policy idle_state h1 t = schedule_up_to policy idle_state h2 t.
move=> h1 h2 LEQ t BEFORE.
elim: h2 LEQ BEFORE; first by rewrite leqn0 => /eqP ->.
move=> t' IH.
rewrite leq_eqVlt ltnS => /orP [/eqP <-|LEQ] // t_H1.
rewrite IH // schedule_up_to_widen //.
now apply (leq_trans t_H1).
End GenericScheduleProperties.
Require Export prosa.implementation.facts.generic_schedule.
Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.ideal_uni_scheduler.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.ideal_schedule.
(** * Properties of the Preemption-Aware Ideal Uniprocessor Scheduler *)
(** This file establishes facts about the reference model of a
preemption-model-aware ideal uniprocessor scheduler. *)
(** The following results assume ideal uniprocessor schedules. *)
Require Import prosa.model.processor.ideal.
Section NPUniprocessorScheduler.
(** Consider any type of jobs with costs and arrival times, ... *)
Context {Job : JobType} {JC : JobCost Job} {JA : JobArrival Job}.
(** ... in the context of an ideal uniprocessor model. *)
Let PState := ideal.processor_state Job.
Let idle_state : PState := None.
(** Suppose we are given a consistent arrival sequence of such jobs, ... *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_consistent_arrival_times: consistent_arrival_times arr_seq.
(** ... a non-clairvoyant readiness model, ... *)
Context {RM: JobReady Job (ideal.processor_state Job)}.
Hypothesis H_nonclairvoyant_job_readiness: nonclairvoyant_readiness RM.
(** ... and a preemption model. *)
Context `{JobPreemptable Job}.
(** For any given job selection policy ... *)
Variable choose_job : instant -> seq Job -> option Job.
(** ... consider the schedule produced by the preemption-aware scheduler for
the policy induced by [choose_job]. *)
Let schedule := np_uni_schedule arr_seq choose_job.
Let policy := allocation_at arr_seq choose_job.
(** To begin with, we establish that the preemption-aware scheduler does not
induce non-work-conserving behavior. *)
Section WorkConservation.
(** If [choose_job] does not voluntarily idle the processor, ... *)
Hypothesis H_non_idling:
forall t s,
choose_job t s = idle_state <-> s = [::].
(** ... then we can establish work-conservation. *)
(** First, we observe that [allocation_at] yields [idle_state] only if there are
no backlogged jobs. *)
Lemma allocation_at_idle:
forall sched t,
allocation_at arr_seq choose_job sched t = idle_state ->
jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq sched t = [::].
move=> sched t.
elim: t => [|t _]; first by apply H_non_idling.
rewrite /allocation_at /prev_job_nonpreemptive.
elim: (sched t) => [j'|]; last by apply H_non_idling.
rewrite if_neg.
elim: (job_preemptable j' (service sched j' t.+1)); first by apply H_non_idling.
now discriminate.
(** As a stepping stone, we observe that the generated schedule is idle at
a time [t] only if there are no backlogged jobs. *)
Lemma idle_schedule_no_backlogged_jobs:
forall t,
is_idle schedule t ->
jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq schedule t = [::].
move=> t.
rewrite /is_idle /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule => /eqP.
move=> NONE. move: (NONE).
rewrite schedule_up_to_def => IDLE.
apply allocation_at_idle in IDLE.
rewrite -IDLE.
apply backlogged_jobs_prefix_invariance with (h := t.+1) => //.
rewrite /identical_prefix => x.
rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt => /orP [/eqP ->|LT]; last first.
{ elim: t LT IDLE NONE => // => h IH LT_x IDLE NONE.
now apply schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion. }
{ elim: t IDLE NONE => [IDLE _| t' _ _ ->]; last by rewrite schedule_up_to_empty.
rewrite /schedule_up_to replace_at_def.
rewrite /allocation_at /prev_job_nonpreemptive IDLE H_non_idling //. }
(** From the preceding fact, we conclude that the generated schedule is
indeed work-conserving. *)
Theorem np_schedule_work_conserving:
work_conserving arr_seq schedule.
move: (@ideal_proc_model_sched_case_analysis Job schedule t) => [IDLE|SCHED]; last by exact.
have NON_EMPTY: j \in jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq schedule t by apply mem_backlogged_jobs => //.
move: (idle_schedule_no_backlogged_jobs t IDLE) => EMPTY.
now rewrite EMPTY in NON_EMPTY.
End WorkConservation.
(** The next result establishes that the generated preemption-model-aware
schedule is structurally valid, meaning all jobs stem from the arrival
sequence and only ready jobs are scheduled. *)
Section Validity.
(** Any reasonable job selection policy will not create jobs "out of thin
air," i.e., if a job is selected, it was among those given to choose
from. *)
Hypothesis H_chooses_from_set:
forall t s j, choose_job t s = Some j -> j \in s.
(** For the schedule to be valid, we require the notion of readiness to be
consistent with the preemption model: a non-preemptive job remains
ready until (at least) the end of its current non-preemptive
section. *)
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_behavior:
valid_nonpreemptive_readiness RM.
(** Under this natural assumption, the generated schedule is valid. *)
Theorem np_schedule_valid:
valid_schedule schedule arr_seq.
rewrite /valid_schedule; split; move=> j t; rewrite scheduled_at_def /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule.
{ elim: t => [/eqP | t' IH /eqP].
- rewrite schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at /prev_job_nonpreemptive => IN.
move: (H_chooses_from_set _ _ _ IN).
now apply backlogged_job_arrives_in.
- rewrite schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at.
case: (prev_job_nonpreemptive (schedule_up_to _ _ t') t'.+1) => [|IN];
first by rewrite -pred_Sn => SCHED; apply IH; apply /eqP.
move: (H_chooses_from_set _ _ _ IN).
now apply backlogged_job_arrives_in. }
{ elim: t => [/eqP |t' IH /eqP].
- rewrite schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at /prev_job_nonpreemptive => IN.
move: (H_chooses_from_set _ _ _ IN).
rewrite mem_filter /backlogged => /andP [/andP [READY _] _].
now rewrite -(H_nonclairvoyant_job_readiness (empty_schedule idle_state) schedule j 0).
- rewrite schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at /prev_job_nonpreemptive.
have JOB: choose_job t'.+1 (jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t') t'.+1)
= Some j
-> job_ready schedule j t'.+1.
{ move=> IN.
move: (H_chooses_from_set _ _ _ IN).
rewrite mem_filter /backlogged => /andP [/andP [READY _] _].
rewrite -(H_nonclairvoyant_job_readiness (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t') schedule j t'.+1) //.
rewrite /identical_prefix /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule => t'' LT.
now rewrite (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ t'' t') //. }
case: (schedule_up_to _ _ t' t') => [j' | IN]; last by apply JOB.
destruct (~~ job_preemptable j' _) eqn:NP => [EQ|IN]; last by apply JOB.
apply H_valid_preemption_behavior.
injection EQ => <-.
move: NP.
have <-: (service (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t') j' t'.+1
= service (fun t : instant => schedule_up_to policy idle_state t t) j' t'.+1) => //.
rewrite /service.
apply equal_prefix_implies_same_service_during => t /andP [_ BOUND].
now rewrite (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ t t'). }
End Validity.
(** Next, we observe that the resulting schedule is consistent with the
definition of "preemption times". *)
Section PreemptionTimes.
(** For notational convenience, recall the definition of a prefix of the
schedule based on which the next decision is made. *)
Let prefix t := if t is t'.+1 then schedule_up_to policy idle_state t' else empty_schedule idle_state.
(** First, we observe that non-preemptive jobs remain scheduled as long as
they are non-preemptive. *)
Lemma np_job_remains_scheduled:
forall t,
prev_job_nonpreemptive (prefix t) t ->
schedule_up_to policy idle_state t t = schedule_up_to policy idle_state t t.-1.
elim => [|t _] // NP.
rewrite schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at /policy /allocation_at.
rewrite ifT // -pred_Sn.
now rewrite schedule_up_to_widen.
(** From this, we conclude that the predicate used to determine whether the
previously scheduled job is nonpreemptive in the computation of
[np_uni_schedule] is consistent with the existing notion of a
[preemption_time]. *)
Lemma np_consistent:
forall t,
prev_job_nonpreemptive (prefix t) t ->
~~ preemption_time schedule t.
elim => [|t _]; first by rewrite /prev_job_nonpreemptive.
rewrite /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule /preemption_time schedule_up_to_def /prefix /allocation_at => NP.
rewrite ifT //.
rewrite -pred_Sn.
move: NP. rewrite /prev_job_nonpreemptive.
elim: (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t t) => // j.
have <-: service (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t) j t.+1
= service (fun t0 : instant => schedule_up_to policy idle_state t0 t0) j t.+1 => //.
rewrite /service.
apply equal_prefix_implies_same_service_during => t' /andP [_ BOUND].
now rewrite (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ t' t).
End PreemptionTimes.
End NPUniprocessorScheduler.
Require Export prosa.implementation.facts.ideal_uni.preemption_aware.
(** * Ideal Uniprocessor Scheduler Properties *)
(** This file establishes facts about the reference model of a priority- and
preemption-model-aware ideal uniprocessor scheduler. *)
(** The following results assume ideal uniprocessor schedules. *)
Require Import prosa.model.processor.ideal.
Section PrioAwareUniprocessorScheduler.
(** Consider any type of jobs with costs and arrival times, ... *)
Context {Job : JobType} {JC : JobCost Job} {JA : JobArrival Job}.
(** ... in the context of an ideal uniprocessor model. *)
Let PState := ideal.processor_state Job.
Let idle_state : PState := None.
(** Suppose we are given a consistent arrival sequence of such jobs, ... *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_consistent_arrival_times: consistent_arrival_times arr_seq.
(** ... a non-clairvoyant readiness model, ... *)
Context {RM: JobReady Job (ideal.processor_state Job)}.
Hypothesis H_nonclairvoyant_job_readiness: nonclairvoyant_readiness RM.
(** ... a preemption model that is consistent with the readiness model, ... *)
Context `{JobPreemptable Job}.
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_behavior:
valid_nonpreemptive_readiness RM.
(** ... and reflexive, total, and transitive JLDP priority policy. *)
Context `{JLDP_policy Job}.
Hypothesis H_reflexive_priorities: reflexive_priorities.
Hypothesis H_total: total_priorities.
Hypothesis H_transitive: transitive_priorities.
(** Consider the schedule generated by the preemption-policy- and
priority-aware ideal uniprocessor scheduler. *)
Let schedule := uni_schedule arr_seq.
(** First, we note that the priority-aware job selection policy obviously
maintains work-conservation. *)
Corollary uni_schedule_work_conserving:
work_conserving arr_seq schedule.
apply np_schedule_work_conserving => //.
move=> t jobs.
rewrite /choose_highest_prio_job; split.
- by apply supremum_none.
- by move=> ->.
(** Second, we similarly note that schedule validity is also maintained. *)
Corollary uni_schedule_valid:
valid_schedule schedule arr_seq.
apply np_schedule_valid => //.
move=> t jobs j.
now apply supremum_in.
(** Now we proceed to the main property of the priority-aware scheduler: in
the following section we establish that [uni_schedule arr_seq] is
compliant with the given priority policy whenever jobs are
preemptable. *)
Section Priority.
(** For notational convenience, recall the definitions of the job-selection
policy and a prefix of the schedule based on which the next decision is
made. *)
Let policy := allocation_at arr_seq choose_highest_prio_job.
Let prefix t := if t is t'.+1 then schedule_up_to policy idle_state t' else empty_schedule idle_state.
(** To start, we observe that, at preemption times, the scheduled job is a
supremum w.r.t. to the priority order and the set of backlogged
jobs. *)
Lemma scheduled_job_is_supremum:
forall j t,
scheduled_at schedule j t ->
preemption_time schedule t ->
supremum (hep_job_at t) (jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq (prefix t) t) = Some j.
move=> j t SCHED PREEMPT.
have NOT_NP: ~~ prev_job_nonpreemptive (prefix t) t.
{ apply contraL with (b := preemption_time (uni_schedule arr_seq) t) => //.
now apply np_consistent. }
move: SCHED.
rewrite scheduled_at_def => /eqP.
rewrite {1}/schedule/uni_schedule/np_uni_schedule/generic_schedule schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at -/(prefix t).
rewrite ifF //.
now apply negbTE.
(** From the preceding facts, we conclude that [uni_schedule arr_seq]
respects the priority policy at preemption times. *)
Theorem schedule_respects_policy :
respects_policy_at_preemption_point arr_seq schedule.
move=> j1 j2 t ARRIVES PREEMPT BACK_j1 SCHED_j2.
case: (boolP (scheduled_at (uni_schedule arr_seq) j1 t)) => [SCHED_j1|NOT_SCHED_j1].
{ have <-: j1 = j2 by apply (ideal_proc_model_is_a_uniprocessor_model j1 j2 (uni_schedule arr_seq) t).
now apply H_reflexive_priorities. }
{ move: BACK_j1.
have ->: backlogged (uni_schedule arr_seq) j1 t = backlogged (prefix t) j1 t.
{ apply backlogged_prefix_invariance' with (h := t) => //.
rewrite /identical_prefix /uni_schedule /prefix => t' LT.
induction t => //.
rewrite /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ t' t) //.
rewrite /prefix scheduled_at_def.
induction t => //.
now rewrite schedule_up_to_empty. }
move=> BACK_j1.
move: (scheduled_job_is_supremum j2 t SCHED_j2 PREEMPT) => SUPREMUM.
apply supremum_spec with (s := jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq (prefix t) t) => //.
now apply mem_backlogged_jobs. }
End Priority.
End PrioAwareUniprocessorScheduler.
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