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Commit fbef218e authored by LailaElbeheiry's avatar LailaElbeheiry Committed by Björn Brandenburg
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establish preemption model compliance of np_uni_schedule

With help from Marco Maida <>, Sergey Bozhko <>, Björn Brandenburg <>.
parent 271464a5
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1 merge request!114Preemption model compliance
Pipeline #43704 passed
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Section GenericScheduleProperties.
(** A crucial fact is that a prefix up to horizon [h1] is identical to a
prefix up to a later horizon [h2] at times up to [h1]. *)
prefix up to a later horizon [h2] at times up to [h1]. *)
Lemma schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion:
forall h1 h2,
h1 <= h2 ->
......@@ -84,4 +84,17 @@ Section GenericScheduleProperties.
now apply (leq_trans t_H1).
(** It follows that [generic_schedule] and [schedule_up_to] for a given
horizon [h] share an identical prefix. *)
Corollary schedule_up_to_identical_prefix:
forall h t,
t <= h.+1 ->
identical_prefix (schedule_up_to policy idle_state h) (generic_schedule policy idle_state) t.
move=> h t LE.
rewrite /identical_prefix /generic_schedule => t' LT.
rewrite (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion t' h) //.
by move: (leq_trans LT LE); rewrite ltnS.
End GenericScheduleProperties.
Require Export prosa.implementation.facts.generic_schedule.
Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.ideal_uni_scheduler.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.ideal_schedule.
Require Export prosa.model.schedule.limited_preemptive.
(** * Properties of the Preemption-Aware Ideal Uniprocessor Scheduler *)
......@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ Section NPUniprocessorScheduler.
elim: (sched t) => [j'|]; last by apply H_non_idling.
rewrite if_neg.
elim: (job_preemptable j' (service sched j' t.+1)); first by apply H_non_idling.
now discriminate.
by discriminate.
(** As a stepping stone, we observe that the generated schedule is idle at
......@@ -82,10 +83,10 @@ Section NPUniprocessorScheduler.
rewrite /identical_prefix => x.
rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt => /orP [/eqP ->|LT]; last first.
{ elim: t LT IDLE NONE => // => h IH LT_x IDLE NONE.
now apply schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion. }
by apply schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion. }
{ elim: t IDLE NONE => [IDLE _| t' _ _ ->]; last by rewrite schedule_up_to_empty.
rewrite /schedule_up_to replace_at_def.
rewrite /allocation_at /prev_job_nonpreemptive IDLE H_non_idling //. }
by rewrite /allocation_at /prev_job_nonpreemptive IDLE H_non_idling. }
(** From the preceding fact, we conclude that the generated schedule is
......@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ Section NPUniprocessorScheduler.
have NON_EMPTY: j \in jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq schedule t by apply mem_backlogged_jobs => //.
move: (idle_schedule_no_backlogged_jobs t IDLE) => EMPTY.
now rewrite EMPTY in NON_EMPTY.
by rewrite EMPTY in NON_EMPTY.
End WorkConservation.
......@@ -122,37 +123,41 @@ Section NPUniprocessorScheduler.
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_behavior:
valid_nonpreemptive_readiness RM.
(** Under this natural assumption, the generated schedule is valid. *)
(** First, we show that if a job is chosen from the list of backlogged jobs, then it must be ready. *)
Lemma choose_job_implies_job_ready:
forall t j,
choose_job t.+1 (jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t) t.+1) = Some j
-> job_ready schedule j t.+1.
move=> t j IN.
move: (H_chooses_from_set _ _ _ IN).
rewrite mem_filter /backlogged => /andP [/andP [READY _] _].
rewrite -(H_nonclairvoyant_job_readiness (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t) schedule j t.+1) //.
by apply schedule_up_to_identical_prefix.
(** Next, we show that, under these natural assumptions, the generated schedule is valid. *)
Theorem np_schedule_valid:
valid_schedule schedule arr_seq.
rewrite /valid_schedule; split; move=> j t; rewrite scheduled_at_def /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule.
split; move=> j t; rewrite scheduled_at_def /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule.
{ elim: t => [/eqP | t' IH /eqP].
- rewrite schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at /prev_job_nonpreemptive => IN.
move: (H_chooses_from_set _ _ _ IN).
now apply backlogged_job_arrives_in.
by apply backlogged_job_arrives_in.
- rewrite schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at.
case: (prev_job_nonpreemptive (schedule_up_to _ _ t') t'.+1) => [|IN];
first by rewrite -pred_Sn => SCHED; apply IH; apply /eqP.
move: (H_chooses_from_set _ _ _ IN).
now apply backlogged_job_arrives_in. }
by apply backlogged_job_arrives_in. }
{ elim: t => [/eqP |t' IH /eqP].
- rewrite schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at /prev_job_nonpreemptive => IN.
move: (H_chooses_from_set _ _ _ IN).
rewrite mem_filter /backlogged => /andP [/andP [READY _] _].
now rewrite -(H_nonclairvoyant_job_readiness (empty_schedule idle_state) schedule j 0).
by rewrite -(H_nonclairvoyant_job_readiness (empty_schedule idle_state) schedule j 0).
- rewrite schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at /prev_job_nonpreemptive.
have JOB: choose_job t'.+1 (jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t') t'.+1)
= Some j
-> job_ready schedule j t'.+1.
{ move=> IN.
move: (H_chooses_from_set _ _ _ IN).
rewrite mem_filter /backlogged => /andP [/andP [READY _] _].
rewrite -(H_nonclairvoyant_job_readiness (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t') schedule j t'.+1) //.
rewrite /identical_prefix /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule => t'' LT.
now rewrite (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ t'' t') //. }
case: (schedule_up_to _ _ t' t') => [j' | IN]; last by apply JOB.
destruct (~~ job_preemptable j' _) eqn:NP => [EQ|IN]; last by apply JOB.
case: (schedule_up_to _ _ t' t') => [j' | IN]; last by apply choose_job_implies_job_ready.
destruct (~~ job_preemptable j' _) eqn:NP => [EQ|IN]; last by apply choose_job_implies_job_ready.
apply H_valid_preemption_behavior.
injection EQ => <-.
move: NP.
......@@ -160,7 +165,7 @@ Section NPUniprocessorScheduler.
= service (fun t : instant => schedule_up_to policy idle_state t t) j' t'.+1) => //.
rewrite /service.
apply equal_prefix_implies_same_service_during => t /andP [_ BOUND].
now rewrite (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ t t'). }
by rewrite (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ t t'). }
End Validity.
......@@ -183,7 +188,7 @@ Section NPUniprocessorScheduler.
elim => [|t _] // NP.
rewrite schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at /policy /allocation_at.
rewrite ifT // -pred_Sn.
now rewrite schedule_up_to_widen.
by rewrite schedule_up_to_widen.
(** From this, we conclude that the predicate used to determine whether the
......@@ -196,20 +201,53 @@ Section NPUniprocessorScheduler.
~~ preemption_time schedule t.
elim => [|t _]; first by rewrite /prev_job_nonpreemptive.
rewrite /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule /preemption_time schedule_up_to_def /prefix /allocation_at => NP.
rewrite ifT //.
rewrite -pred_Sn.
move: NP. rewrite /prev_job_nonpreemptive.
rewrite /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule /preemption_time
schedule_up_to_def /prefix /allocation_at => NP.
rewrite ifT // -pred_Sn.
move: NP; rewrite /prev_job_nonpreemptive.
elim: (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t t) => // j.
have <-: service (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t) j t.+1
= service (fun t0 : instant => schedule_up_to policy idle_state t0 t0) j t.+1 => //.
have ->: (service (fun t0 : instant => schedule_up_to policy idle_state t0 t0) j t.+1 =
service (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t) j t.+1) => //.
rewrite /service.
apply equal_prefix_implies_same_service_during => t' /andP [_ BOUND].
now rewrite (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ t' t).
by rewrite (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ t' t).
End PreemptionTimes.
(** Finally, we establish the main feature: the generated schedule respects
the preemption-model semantics. *)
Section PreemptionCompliance.
(** As a minimal validity requirement (which is a part of
[valid_preemption_model]), we require that any job in [arr_seq] must
start execution to become nonpreemptive. *)
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_function :
forall j,
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
job_cannot_become_nonpreemptive_before_execution j.
(** Given such a valid preemption model, we establish that the generated
schedule indeed respects the preemption model semantics. *)
Lemma np_respects_preemption_model :
schedule_respects_preemption_model arr_seq schedule.
move=> j.
elim => [| t' IH]; first by rewrite service0 => ARR /negP NP; move: (H_valid_preemption_function j ARR).
move=> ARR NP.
have: scheduled_at schedule j t'.
{ apply contraT => NOT_SCHED.
move: (not_scheduled_implies_no_service _ _ _ NOT_SCHED) => NO_SERVICE.
rewrite -(service_last_plus_before) NO_SERVICE addn0 in NP; apply IH in NP => //.
by move /negP in NOT_SCHED. }
rewrite !scheduled_at_def /schedule/np_uni_schedule/generic_schedule => /eqP SCHED.
rewrite -SCHED (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ t' t'.+1) // np_job_remains_scheduled //.
rewrite /prev_job_nonpreemptive SCHED (identical_prefix_service _ schedule) //.
by apply schedule_up_to_identical_prefix.
End PreemptionCompliance.
End NPUniprocessorScheduler.
......@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ Section PrioAwareUniprocessorScheduler.
(** ... a preemption model that is consistent with the readiness model, ... *)
Context `{JobPreemptable Job}.
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_behavior:
valid_nonpreemptive_readiness RM.
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_behavior: valid_nonpreemptive_readiness RM.
(** ... and reflexive, total, and transitive JLDP priority policy. *)
Context `{JLDP_policy Job}.
......@@ -61,6 +60,27 @@ Section PrioAwareUniprocessorScheduler.
now apply supremum_in.
(** Third, the schedule respects also the preemption model semantics. *)
Section PreemptionCompliance.
(** Suppose that every job in [arr_seq] adheres to the basic validity
requirement that jobs must start execution to become nonpreemptive. *)
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_function :
forall j,
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
job_cannot_become_nonpreemptive_before_execution j.
(** Since [uni_schedule arr_seq] is an instance of [np_uni_schedule], the
compliance of [schedule] with the preemption model follows trivially
from the compliance of [np_uni_schedule]. *)
Corollary schedule_respects_preemption_model :
schedule_respects_preemption_model arr_seq schedule.
by apply np_respects_preemption_model.
End PreemptionCompliance.
(** Now we proceed to the main property of the priority-aware scheduler: in
the following section we establish that [uni_schedule arr_seq] is
compliant with the given priority policy whenever jobs are
......@@ -71,7 +91,9 @@ Section PrioAwareUniprocessorScheduler.
policy and a prefix of the schedule based on which the next decision is
made. *)
Let policy := allocation_at arr_seq choose_highest_prio_job.
Let prefix t := if t is t'.+1 then schedule_up_to policy idle_state t' else empty_schedule idle_state.
Let prefix t := if t is t'.+1
then schedule_up_to policy idle_state t'
else empty_schedule idle_state.
(** To start, we observe that, at preemption times, the scheduled job is a
supremum w.r.t. to the priority order and the set of backlogged
......@@ -92,7 +114,7 @@ Section PrioAwareUniprocessorScheduler.
rewrite ifF //.
now apply negbTE.
(** From the preceding facts, we conclude that [uni_schedule arr_seq]
respects the priority policy at preemption times. *)
Theorem schedule_respects_policy :
......@@ -115,7 +137,7 @@ Section PrioAwareUniprocessorScheduler.
move: (scheduled_job_is_supremum j2 t SCHED_j2 PREEMPT) => SUPREMUM.
apply supremum_spec with (s := jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq (prefix t) t) => //.
now apply mem_backlogged_jobs. }
End Priority.
......@@ -62,5 +62,4 @@ superadditive
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