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Commit fcdb00b9 authored by Marco Maida's avatar Marco Maida
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Update POET's support code to match the newer aRTA blocking bound

parent c1577085
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1 merge request!248Update support code to reflect tighter bounds
Pipeline #74287 passed
......@@ -13,19 +13,19 @@ Definition check_point_FP (ts : seq Task) (tsk : Task) (R : nat) (P : nat * nat)
&& (P.2 <= R).
(** Further, we provide a way to compute the blocking bound when using nonpreemptive policies. *)
Definition blocking_bound_NP (ts : seq Task) (tsk : Task) :=
\max_(tsk_o <- ts | (tsk_o != tsk) &&
(task_deadline tsk_o > task_deadline tsk)) (task_cost tsk_o - ε).
Definition blocking_bound_NP (ts : seq Task) (tsk : Task) (A : nat) :=
\max_(tsk_o <- [seq i | i <- ts] | blocking_relevant tsk_o &&
(task_deadline tsk + A <
task_deadline tsk_o)) (task_cost tsk_o - ε).
(** Finally, we provide a function that checks a single point [P=(A,F)] of the search space when
adopting a fully-nonpreemptive policy. *)
Definition check_point_NP (ts : seq Task) (tsk : Task) (R : nat) (P : nat * nat) :=
(blocking_bound_NP ts tsk
(blocking_bound_NP ts tsk P.1
+ (task_rbf tsk (P.1 + ε) - (task_cost tsk - ε))
+ bound_on_total_hep_workload ts tsk P.1 (P.1 + P.2) <= P.1 + P.2)
&& (P.2 + (task_cost tsk - ε) <= R).
(** * Search Space Definitions *)
Section SearchSpaceDefinition.
......@@ -32,14 +32,16 @@ Section Definitions.
&& (P.2 <= R)%C.
(** ... a generic version of [blocking_bound_NP], ... *)
Definition blocking_bound_NP_T (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T) :=
let ts_lp := filter (fun tsk_o => @task_deadline_T T tsk < @task_deadline_T T tsk_o)%C ts in
Definition blocking_bound_NP_T (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T) A :=
let blocking_relevant tsk_o := (0 < ConcreteMaxArrivals_T tsk_o 1)%C && (0 < task_cost_T tsk_o)%C in
let ts_lp := filter (fun tsk_o => (blocking_relevant tsk_o)
&& (@task_deadline_T T tsk + A < @task_deadline_T T tsk_o))%C ts in
let ts_block := map (fun tsk_o => task_cost_T tsk_o - 1)%C ts_lp in
foldr maxn_T 0%C ts_block.
(** ... of [check_point_NP], ... *)
Definition check_point_NP_T (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T) (R : T) (P : T * T) : bool :=
(blocking_bound_NP_T ts tsk
(blocking_bound_NP_T ts tsk P.1
+ (task_rbf_T tsk (P.1 + 1) - (task_cost_T tsk - 1))
+ bound_on_total_hep_workload_T ts tsk P.1 (P.1 + P.2) <= P.1 + P.2)%C
&& (P.2 + (task_cost_T tsk - 1) <= R)%C.
......@@ -234,37 +236,27 @@ Qed.
(** Next, we prove a refinement for the [blocking_bound_NP] function. *)
Global Instance refine_blocking_bound :
refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat)%rel blocking_bound_NP blocking_bound_NP_T.
refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel blocking_bound_NP blocking_bound_NP_T.
rewrite refinesE => ts ts' Rts tsk tsk' Rtsk.
unfold blocking_bound_NP, blocking_bound_NP_T.
replace ( \max_(tsk_o <- ts | _) _)
with (\max_(tsk_o <- ts|task_deadline tsk < task_deadline tsk_o ) (task_cost tsk_o - ε)).
{ apply refinesP; eapply refine_foldr_max.
{ by rewrite refinesE; apply Rts. }
{ by apply refines_abstr; move => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1; unfold ε; tc. }
{ apply refines_abstr; move => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1.
move: refine_task_deadline => Ra.
rewrite refinesE in Rtsk1; rewrite refinesE in Ra; specialize (Ra _ _ Rtsk1).
unfold blocking_bound_NP, blocking_bound_NP_T, blocking_relevant.
intros A A' RA; apply refinesP; eapply refine_foldr_max.
- by rewrite refinesE map_id; apply Rts.
- by apply refines_abstr; move => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1; unfold ε; tc.
- rewrite refinesE => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1.
apply andb_R; first apply andb_R.
+ unfold ε.
apply refine_ltn; first by done.
by apply refinesP; rewrite /max_arrivals; refines_apply; apply refine_ConcreteMaxArrivals.
+ by apply refine_ltn; [done | apply refinesP; refines_apply].
+ move: refine_task_deadline => Ra.
rewrite refinesE in Ra; specialize (Ra _ _ Rtsk1).
move: refine_task_deadline => Rb.
rewrite refinesE in Rb; specialize (Rb _ _ Rtsk).
inversion Ra; inversion Rb.
set (a := @task_deadline_T N tsk') in *.
set (b := @task_deadline_T N tsk1') in *.
have <- : (a < b) = (a < b)%C.
{ unfold lt_op, lt_N.
destruct (a<b) eqn:EQ; symmetry; first by apply N.ltb_lt; apply /Rnat_ltP; rewrite EQ.
apply N.ltb_ge; apply negbT in EQ; rewrite -leqNgt in EQ.
apply /N.leb_spec0.
move: Rnat_leE => LE.
unfold leq_op, leq_N in LE.
by rewrite LE. }
subst a b.
rewrite refinesE.
by apply bool_Rxx. } }
{ apply eq_bigl => tsk_o.
destruct (tsk_o == tsk) eqn:EQ =>//.
by move: EQ => /eqP EQ; subst; rewrite ltnn. }
by apply refine_ltn; [apply refinesP; refines_apply | done].
(** Next, we prove a refinement for the [check_point_NP] function. *)
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