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Preemption model compliance

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Require Export prosa.implementation.facts.generic_schedule.
Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.ideal_uni_scheduler.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.ideal_schedule.
Require Export prosa.model.schedule.limited_preemptive.
(** * Properties of the Preemption-Aware Ideal Uniprocessor Scheduler *)
@@ -210,6 +211,41 @@ Section NPUniprocessorScheduler.
End PreemptionTimes.
(** In this section, we establish that the preemption-aware scheduler indeed respects
the preemption model semantics. *)
Section PreemptionCompliance.
(** Assuming that every job in [arr_seq] adheres by the rule that jobs must
start execution to become nonpreemptive,... *)
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_function : forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j ->
job_cannot_become_nonpreemptive_before_execution j.
(** ...we show that the generated schedule respects the preemption model semantics. *)
Lemma np_respects_preemption_model :
schedule_respects_preemption_model arr_seq schedule.
rewrite /schedule_respects_preemption_model => j.
elim => [| t' IH];
first by rewrite service0 => ARR /negP NP; move: (H_valid_preemption_function j ARR) => P; exfalso.
move => ARR NP.
have SCHED : scheduled_at schedule j t'.
{ apply contraT => NOT_SCHED.
move: (not_scheduled_implies_no_service _ _ _ NOT_SCHED) => NO_SERVICE.
rewrite -(service_last_plus_before) NO_SERVICE addn0 in NP; apply IH in NP => //.
now move /negP in NOT_SCHED. }
rewrite /schedule/np_uni_schedule scheduled_at_def /generic_schedule schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at /prev_job_nonpreemptive.
rewrite /schedule /np_uni_schedule scheduled_at_def /generic_schedule /allocation_at in SCHED.
move /eqP in SCHED; rewrite SCHED.
rewrite (identical_prefix_service _ schedule).
rewrite ifT => //.
rewrite /identical_prefix /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule.
move => h LT; rewrite ltnS in LT.
now rewrite (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ _ _ LT h).
End PreemptionCompliance.
End NPUniprocessorScheduler.