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Preemption model compliance

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@@ -123,11 +123,24 @@ Section NPUniprocessorScheduler.
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_behavior:
valid_nonpreemptive_readiness RM.
(** Under this natural assumption, the generated schedule is valid. *)
(** First, we show that if a job is chosen from the list of backlogged jobs, then it must be ready. *)
Lemma choose_job_implies_job_ready:
forall t j,
choose_job t.+1 (jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t) t.+1) = Some j
-> job_ready schedule j t.+1.
move=> t j IN.
move: (H_chooses_from_set _ _ _ IN).
rewrite mem_filter /backlogged => /andP [/andP [READY _] _].
rewrite -(H_nonclairvoyant_job_readiness (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t) schedule j t.+1) //.
by apply schedule_up_to_identical_prefix.
(** Next, we show that, under these natural assumptions, the generated schedule is valid. *)
Theorem np_schedule_valid:
valid_schedule schedule arr_seq.
rewrite /valid_schedule; split; move=> j t; rewrite scheduled_at_def /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule.
split; move=> j t; rewrite scheduled_at_def /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule.
{ elim: t => [/eqP | t' IH /eqP].
- rewrite schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at /prev_job_nonpreemptive => IN.
move: (H_chooses_from_set _ _ _ IN).
@@ -143,16 +156,8 @@ Section NPUniprocessorScheduler.
rewrite mem_filter /backlogged => /andP [/andP [READY _] _].
by rewrite -(H_nonclairvoyant_job_readiness (empty_schedule idle_state) schedule j 0).
- rewrite schedule_up_to_def /allocation_at /prev_job_nonpreemptive.
have JOB: choose_job t'.+1 (jobs_backlogged_at arr_seq (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t') t'.+1)
= Some j
-> job_ready schedule j t'.+1.
{ move=> IN.
move: (H_chooses_from_set _ _ _ IN).
rewrite mem_filter /backlogged => /andP [/andP [READY _] _].
rewrite -(H_nonclairvoyant_job_readiness (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t') schedule j t'.+1) //.
by apply schedule_up_to_identical_prefix. }
case: (schedule_up_to _ _ t' t') => [j' | IN]; last by apply JOB.
destruct (~~ job_preemptable j' _) eqn:NP => [EQ|IN]; last by apply JOB.
case: (schedule_up_to _ _ t' t') => [j' | IN]; last by apply choose_job_implies_job_ready.
destruct (~~ job_preemptable j' _) eqn:NP => [EQ|IN]; last by apply choose_job_implies_job_ready.
apply H_valid_preemption_behavior.
injection EQ => <-.
move: NP.
@@ -196,13 +201,13 @@ Section NPUniprocessorScheduler.
~~ preemption_time schedule t.
elim => [|t _]; first by rewrite /prev_job_nonpreemptive.
rewrite /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule /preemption_time schedule_up_to_def /prefix /allocation_at => NP.
rewrite ifT //.
rewrite -pred_Sn.
move: NP. rewrite /prev_job_nonpreemptive.
rewrite /schedule /np_uni_schedule /generic_schedule /preemption_time
schedule_up_to_def /prefix /allocation_at => NP.
rewrite ifT // -pred_Sn.
move: NP; rewrite /prev_job_nonpreemptive.
elim: (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t t) => // j.
have <-: service (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t) j t.+1
= service (fun t0 : instant => schedule_up_to policy idle_state t0 t0) j t.+1 => //.
have ->: (service (fun t0 : instant => schedule_up_to policy idle_state t0 t0) j t.+1 =
service (schedule_up_to policy idle_state t) j t.+1) => //.
rewrite /service.
apply equal_prefix_implies_same_service_during => t' /andP [_ BOUND].
by rewrite (schedule_up_to_prefix_inclusion _ _ t' t).
@@ -227,8 +232,8 @@ Section NPUniprocessorScheduler.
Lemma np_respects_preemption_model :
schedule_respects_preemption_model arr_seq schedule.
move=> j; elim => [| t' IH];
first by rewrite service0 => ARR /negP NP; move: (H_valid_preemption_function j ARR) => P; exfalso.
move=> j.
elim => [| t' IH]; first by rewrite service0 => ARR /negP NP; move: (H_valid_preemption_function j ARR).
move=> ARR NP.
have: scheduled_at schedule j t'.
{ apply contraT => NOT_SCHED.