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Complete proof of Abstract RTA

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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Module UniprocessorSchedule.
Export Time ArrivalSequence.
Section Schedule.
(* We begin by defining a uniprocessor schedule. *)
Section ScheduleDef.
@@ -60,9 +60,14 @@ Module UniprocessorSchedule.
(* Job j is pending at time t iff it has arrived but has not yet completed. *)
Definition pending (t: time) := has_arrived job_arrival j t && ~~ completed_by t.
(* Job j is pending earlier and at time t iff it has arrived before time t
and has not been completed yet. *)
Definition pending_earlier_and_at (t: time) :=
arrived_before job_arrival j t && ~~ completed_by t.
(* Job j is backlogged at time t iff it is pending and not scheduled. *)
Definition backlogged (t: time) := pending t && ~~ scheduled_at t.
End JobProperties.
(* In this section, we define some properties of the processor. *)
@@ -80,6 +85,25 @@ Module UniprocessorSchedule.
Definition total_service (t2: time) := total_service_during 0 t2.
End ProcessorProperties.
Section PropertyOfSequentiality.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
(* We say that two jobs j1 and j2 are from the same task, if job_task j1 is equal to job_task j2. *)
Let same_task j1 j2 := job_task j1 == job_task j2.
(* We say that the jobs are sequential if they are executed
in the order they arrived. *)
Definition sequential_jobs :=
forall j1 j2 t,
same_task j1 j2 ->
job_arrival j1 < job_arrival j2 ->
scheduled_at j2 t ->
completed_by j1 t.
End PropertyOfSequentiality.
End ScheduleProperties.
@@ -117,6 +141,11 @@ Module UniprocessorSchedule.
(* Consider any uniprocessor schedule. *)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* Let's define the remaining cost of job j as the amount of service
that has to be received for its completion. *)
Definition remaining_cost j t :=
job_cost j - service sched j t.
(* Let's begin with lemmas about service. *)
Section Service.
@@ -142,6 +171,42 @@ Module UniprocessorSchedule.
by apply leq_sum; intros t0 _; apply leq_b1.
(* TODO: comment *)
Lemma cumulative_service_le_delta':
forall a b,
service_during sched j a b <= b - a.
intros a b.
destruct (a <= b) eqn:H.
move: H => /eqP /eqP H; rewrite subn_eq0 in H.
have LE := cumulative_service_le_delta a (b-a).
by rewrite subnKC in LE.
move: H => /eqP /neqP H; rewrite -lt0n subn_gt0 in H.
by rewrite /service_during big_geq; last by rewrite ltnW.
(* Assume that completed jobs do not execute. *)
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs:
completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
(* Note that if a job scheduled at some time t then remaining
cost at this point is positive *)
Lemma scheduled_implies_positive_remaining_cost:
forall t,
scheduled_at sched j t ->
remaining_cost j t > 0.
rewrite subn_gt0 /service /service_during.
apply leq_trans with (\sum_(0 <= t0 < t.+1) service_at sched j t0);
last by rewrite H_completed_jobs.
by rewrite big_nat_recr //= -addn1 leq_add2l lt0b.
End Service.
(* Next, we prove properties related to job completion. *)
@@ -160,7 +225,7 @@ Module UniprocessorSchedule.
t <= t' ->
completed_by job_cost sched j t ->
completed_by job_cost sched j t'.
unfold completed_by; move => t t' LE /eqP COMPt.
rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split; first by apply H_completed_jobs.
rewrite- COMPt; by apply extend_sum.
@@ -182,6 +247,29 @@ Module UniprocessorSchedule.
apply leq_add; first by move: COMPLETED => /eqP <-.
by rewrite /service_at SCHED.
(* ... and that a scheduled job cannot be completed. *)
Lemma scheduled_implies_not_completed:
forall t,
scheduled_at sched j t ->
~~ completed_by job_cost sched j t.
rename H_completed_jobs into COMP.
unfold completed_jobs_dont_execute in COMP.
move => t SCHED.
rewrite /completed_by neq_ltn.
apply /orP; left.
apply leq_trans with (service sched j t.+1); last by done.
rewrite /service /service_during.
rewrite [in X in _ < X] (@big_cat_nat _ _ _ t) //=.
rewrite -[\sum_(0 <= t0 < t) service_at sched j t0]addn0;
rewrite -addnA ltn_add2l addnC addn0 big_nat1.
rewrite lt0n; apply/neqP; intros CONT;
move: CONT => /eqP CONT; rewrite eqb0 in CONT;
move: CONT => /neqP CONT; apply CONT;
unfold scheduled_at in SCHED; move: SCHED => /eqP SCHED;
by rewrite SCHED.
(* Next, we show that the service received by job j in any interval
is no larger than its cost. *)
@@ -198,7 +286,113 @@ Module UniprocessorSchedule.
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (m := 0) (n := t);
[by apply leq_addl | by ins | by rewrite leqNgt negbT //].
(* If a job isn't complete at time t,
it can't be completed at time (t + remaining_cost j t - 1). *)
Lemma job_doesnt_complete_before_remaining_cost:
forall t,
~~ completed_by job_cost sched j t ->
~~ completed_by job_cost sched j (t + remaining_cost j t - 1).
intros t GT0.
unfold remaining_cost, completed_by in *.
have COSTGT0: job_cost j > 0.
apply contraT; rewrite -eqn0Ngt.
move => /eqP EQ0.
rewrite EQ0 in GT0.
move: GT0 => /eqP GT0.
exfalso; apply: GT0; apply /eqP.
rewrite eqn_leq.
apply /andP; split; last by done.
by rewrite -EQ0.
rewrite neq_ltn; apply /orP; left.
rewrite /service /service_during.
set delta := (X in (t + X - 1)).
have NONZERO: delta > 0.
rewrite neq_ltn in GT0.
move: GT0 => /orP [LTcost | GTcost]; first by rewrite ltn_subRL addn0.
rewrite ltnNge in GTcost; move: GTcost => /negP GTcost.
by apply GTcost.
rewrite (@big_cat_nat _ _ _ t) //= ?leq_addr //;
last by rewrite -addnBA; [rewrite leq_addr | done].
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := service sched j t + \sum_(t <= i < t + delta - 1) 1);
first by rewrite leq_add2l; apply leq_sum; intros; apply leq_b1.
rewrite -addnBA // addKn.
rewrite addnBA // /delta.
rewrite subnKC; last by done.
rewrite subn1 -(ltn_add2r 1) addn1.
by rewrite prednK // addn1 ltnSn.
(* In this section, we prove that the job with a positive
cost must be scheduled to be completed. *)
Section JobMustBeScheduled.
(* We assume that job j has positive cost, from which we can
infer that there always is a time in which j is pending. *)
Hypothesis H_positive_cost: job_cost j > 0.
(* Assume that jobs must arrive to execute. *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive:
jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched.
(* Then, we prove that the job with a positive cost
must be scheduled to be completed. *)
Lemma completed_implies_scheduled_before:
forall t,
completed_by job_cost sched j t ->
exists t',
job_arrival j <= t' < t
/\ scheduled_at sched j t'.
intros t COMPL.
induction t.
unfold completed_by, service, service_during in COMPL.
move: COMPL; rewrite big_geq //; move => /eqP H0.
by destruct (job_cost j).
destruct (completed_by job_cost sched j t) eqn:COMPLatt.
feed IHt; first by done.
move: IHt => [t' [JA SCHED]].
exists t'. split; first apply/andP; first split.
- by apply H_jobs_must_arrive in SCHED.
- move: JA => /andP [_ LT]. by apply leq_trans with t.
- by done.
clear IHt.
apply negbT in COMPLatt. unfold completed_by in *.
rewrite neq_ltn in COMPLatt; move: COMPLatt => /orP [LT | F].
unfold service, service_during in COMPL.
rewrite big_nat_recr //= in COMPL.
move: COMPL => /eqP COMPL. rewrite -COMPL -addn1 leq_add2l in LT.
rewrite lt0b in LT.
exists t; split.
- by apply/andP; by split; first by apply H_jobs_must_arrive in LT.
- by done.
rewrite ltnNge in F. move: F => /negP F. apply F.
apply H_completed_jobs.
End JobMustBeScheduled.
End Completion.
(* In this section we prove properties related to job arrivals. *)
@@ -460,5 +654,5 @@ Module UniprocessorSchedule.
End Lemmas.
End Schedule.
End UniprocessorSchedule.
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