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Complete proof of Abstract RTA

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@@ -110,6 +110,16 @@ Module ArrivalSequence.
(* First, we show that the set of arriving jobs can be split
into disjoint intervals. *)
Lemma job_arrived_between_cat:
forall t1 t t2,
t1 <= t ->
t <= t2 ->
jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 = jobs_arrived_between t1 t ++ jobs_arrived_between t t2.
unfold jobs_arrived_between; intros t1 t t2 GE LE.
by rewrite (@big_cat_nat _ _ _ t).
Lemma jobs_arrived_between_mem_cat:
forall j t1 t t2,
t1 <= t ->
@@ -117,28 +127,7 @@ Module ArrivalSequence.
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 =
(j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t ++ jobs_arrived_between t t2).
unfold jobs_arrived_between; intros j t1 t t2 GE LE.
intros IN.
apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in IN; move: IN => [arr [IN /andP [GE1 LT2]]].
rewrite mem_cat; apply/orP.
by destruct (ltnP arr t); [left | right];
apply mem_bigcat_nat with (j := arr); try (by apply/andP; split).
rewrite mem_cat; move => /orP [LEFT | RIGHT].
apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in LEFT; move: LEFT => [t0 [IN0 /andP [GE0 LT0]]].
apply mem_bigcat_nat with (j := t0); last by done.
by rewrite GE0 /=; apply: (leq_trans LT0).
apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in RIGHT; move: RIGHT => [t0 [IN0 /andP [GE0 LT0]]].
apply mem_bigcat_nat with (j := t0); last by done.
by rewrite LT0 andbT; apply: (leq_trans _ GE0).
by intros j t1 t t2 GE LE; rewrite (job_arrived_between_cat _ t).
Lemma jobs_arrived_between_sub: