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Complete proof of Abstract RTA

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Require Import rt.util.all.
Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.job.
Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.schedule.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq path fintype bigop.
(* In this file, we define properties of segmented jobs and tasks. *)
Module ValidSegmentedTaskJob.
Import Job UniprocessorSchedule.
Section ValidSegmentedJob.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_max: Job -> time.
Variable job_last: Job -> time.
Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
Variable j: Job.
(* The maximal length of a nonpreemptive segment of job j must be positive. *)
Definition job_max_segment_positive := job_max j > 0.
(* The maximal length of a nonpreemptive segment of job j
cannot be larger than the job cost. *)
Definition job_max_segment_le_job_cost := job_max j <= job_cost j.
(* The length of last nonpreemptive segment of job j must be positive. *)
Definition job_last_segment_positive := job_last j > 0.
(* The length of the last nonpreemptive segment of job j
cannot be larger than the length of the maximal j segment. *)
Definition job_last_segment_le_job_max := job_last j <= job_max j.
Definition valid_segmented_job :=
job_cost_positive job_cost j /\
job_max_segment_positive /\
job_max_segment_le_job_cost /\
job_last_segment_positive /\
(* In this section we prove a simple lemma about properties of a valid segmented job. *)
Section BasicLemma.
(* We assume that job j is a valid segmented job. *)
Hypothesis H_valid_segmented_job: valid_segmented_job.
(* Then the length of the last job segment is no greater than job cost. *)
Lemma job_last_segment_le_job_cost:
job_last j <= job_cost j.
move: H_valid_segmented_job => [_ [_ [NEQ1 [_ NEQ2]]]].
by apply leq_trans with (job_max j).
End BasicLemma.
End ValidSegmentedJob.
Section ValidSegmentedTask.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Variable task_max: Task -> time.
Variable task_last: Task -> time.
Variable task_cost: Task -> time.
Variable tsk: Task.
(* The maximal length of a nonpreemptive segment of task tsk must be positive. *)
Definition task_max_segment_positive := task_max tsk > 0.
(* The maximal length of a nonpreemptive segment of task tsk
cannot be larger than the task cost. *)
Definition task_max_segment_le_job_cost := task_max tsk <= task_cost tsk.
(* The length of the last nonpreemptive segment of task tsk must be positive. *)
Definition task_last_segment_positive := task_last tsk > 0.
(* The length of the last nonpreemptive segment of task tsk
cannot be larger than the length of the maximal tsk segment. *)
Definition task_last_segment_le_job_max := task_last tsk <= task_max tsk.
Definition valid_segmented_task :=
task_max_segment_positive /\
task_max_segment_le_job_cost /\
task_last_segment_positive /\
(* In this section we prove a simple lemma about properties of a valid segmented task. *)
Section BasicLemma.
(* We assume that task tsk is a valid segmented task. *)
Hypothesis H_valid_segmented_task: valid_segmented_task.
(* Then the length of the last job segment is no greater than job cost. *)
Lemma task_last_segment_le_task_cost:
task_last tsk <= task_cost tsk.
move: H_valid_segmented_task => [_ [NEQ1 [_ NEQ2]]].
by apply leq_trans with (task_max tsk).
End BasicLemma.
End ValidSegmentedTask.
Section ValidSegmentedTaskSet.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Variable task_max: Task -> time.
Variable task_last: Task -> time.
Variable task_cost: Task -> time.
Let is_valid_task :=
valid_segmented_task task_max task_last task_cost.
Variable ts: seq Task.
(* A valid taskset only contains valid tasks. *)
Definition valid_segmented_taskset :=
forall tsk, tsk \in ts -> is_valid_task tsk.
End ValidSegmentedTaskSet.
Section ValidSegmentedTaskJob.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_max: Job -> time.
Variable job_last: Job -> time.
Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Variable task_max: Task -> time.
Variable task_last: Task -> time.
Variable task_cost: Task -> time.
Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
Variable j: Job.
(* The maximal length of a nonpreemptive segment of the job
cannot be larger than the maximal length of the nonpreemptive segment of the task. *)
Definition job_max_le_task_max := job_max j <= task_max (job_task j).
(* The length of the last nonpreemptive segment of the job
cannot be larger than the last nonpreemptive segment of the task. *)
Definition job_last_le_task_last := job_last j <= task_last (job_task j).
(* Also, the length of the complement of the last nonpreemptive segment of the job
cannot be larger than the complement of the last nonpreemptive segment of the task. *)
Definition job_colast_le_task_colast :=
job_cost j - job_last j <= task_cost (job_task j) - task_last (job_task j).
Definition valid_segmented_task_job :=
valid_segmented_job job_max job_last job_cost j /\
job_max_le_task_max /\
job_last_le_task_last /\
job_cost_le_task_cost task_cost job_cost job_task j /\
End ValidSegmentedTaskJob.
End ValidSegmentedTaskJob.
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