Pirouette: Typed Functional Choreographies
Getting The Code
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Mapping from Theorems in the Paper to Code
The equations for substitutions required for local programs can be found in LocalLang.v. Likewise, the required-admissable rules for type systems can be found in TypedLocalLang.v.
Theorem Name (From Paper) | Theorem Number (From Paper) | Coq File(s) | Coq Name(s) |
Lambda Calculus Example | LambdaCalc.v | ||
STLC Example | STLC.v and STLCSound.v | ||
Natural-Numbers Example | NatLang.vo, TypedNatLang.vo, and SoundlyTypedNatLang.vo | ||
Relative Preservation | Theorem 1 | TypedPirouette.v | RelativePreservation |
Relative Progress | Theorem 2 | TypedPirouette.v | RelativeProgress |
Relative Soundness | Corollary 1 | SoundlyTypedPirouette.v | Preverstion, StepsPreservation, and Progress |
Equivalence Respects Types | Theorem 3 | TypedPirouette.v | EquivTyping |
Operational Semantics Simulates Equivalence | Theorem 4 | Pirouette.v | EquivSimulation |
Weak Semantics | Theorem 5 | RestrictedSemantics.v | StdToRStep and RStepToStd |
Equivalence Begets Equality | Theorem 6 | EndPointProjection.v | EPPEquivToEq |
Lifting System Steps | Theorem 7 (Part 1) | CtrlLang.v | LiftSystemNondetStep |
Lowering System Steps | Theorem 7 (Part 2) | EndPointProjection.v | LowerCompiledSystemStep |
Local Completeness | Theorem 8 | EndPointProjection.v | FullLocalCompleteness |
Global Completeness | Theorem 9 | EndPointProjection.v | FullCompleteness |
Local Soundness (Iota) | Theorem 10 (Part 1) | EndPointProjection.v | LocalIotaSoundness |
Local Soundness (Comm) | Theorem 10 (Part 2) | EndPointProjection.v | LocalCommSoundness |
Local Soundness (Sync) | Theorem 10 (Part 3) | EndPointProjection.v | LocalSyncSoundness |
Local Soundness (SyncIota) | Theorem 10 (Part 4) | EndPointProjection.v | LocalSyncIotaSoundness |
Global Soundness | Theorem 11 | EndPointProjection.v | Soundness |
Deadlock Fredom by Design | Theorem 12 | EndPointProjection.v | DeadlockFreedomByDesign |
The following table refers to theorems found only in Appendix G of the technical-report version of the paper:
Theorem Name (From Paper) | Theorem Number (From Paper) | Coq File(s) | Coq Name(s) |
Pirouette Types Structural Rules | Theorem 13 | TypedPirouette.v | TypeLocalWeakening, TypePirExprWeakening and PirExprClosedAboveTyping |
Equivalence Preserves Variables | Theorem 14 (Part 1) | Pirouette.v | PirExprClosedAboveEquiv |
Equivalence Preserves Location Names | Theorem 14 (Part 2) | Pirouette.v | LocsInPirExprInvariant |
Equivalence Preserves Values | Theorem 14 (Part 3) | Pirouette.v | PirExprValStableEquiv |
Equivalence Preserves Local Substitution | Theorem 14 (Part 4) | Pirouette.v | EquivStableLocalSubst |
Equivalence Preserves Global Substitution | Theorem 14 (Part 5) | Pirouette.v | WeakSubstExt |
Merge is Idempotent | Theorem 15 (Part 1) | CtrlLanguage.v | MergeIdempotent |
Merge is Commutative | Theorem 15 (Part 2) | CtrlLanguage.v | MergeComm |
Merge is Associative | Theorem 15 (Part 3) | CtrlLanguage.v | MergeAssoc and MergeAssocNone |
Merge Preserves Free Vars | Theorem 16 (Part 1) | CtrlLanguage.v | MergeClosed |
Merge Preserves Local Substitution | Theorem 16 (Part 2) | CtrlLanguage.v | MergeLocalSubst |
Merge Preserves Global Substitution | Theorem 16 (Part 3) | CtrlLanguage.v | MergeGlobalSubst |
Merge Preserves Values | Theorem 16 (Part 4) | CtrlLanguage.v | MergeCtrlExprVals and MergeRelToVal |
Merge Preserves Reduction | Theorem 17 | CtrlLanguage.v | MergeStep' and MergeStep'Exists |
Merge Creates Reduction | Theorem 17 | CtrlLanguage.v | UnmergeRelStep |
EPP Preserves Variables | Theorem 18 (Part 1) | EndPointProjection.v | EPPClosedAbove |
EPP Preserves Local Substitution | Theorem 18 (Part 2) | EndPointProjection.v | EPPLocalSubst |
EPP Preserves Global Substitution | Theorem 18 (Part 3) | EndPointProjection.v | EPPSubst |
EPP Preserves Values | Theorem 18 (Part 4) | EndPointProjection.v | EPPValue |
EPP Creates Values | Theorem 18 (Part 5) | EndPointProjection.v | ValueSoundness |
LND is Reflexive | Theorem 19 (Part 1) | CtrlLanguage.v | LessNondetRefl |
LND is Antisymmetric | Theorem 19 (Part 2) | CtrlLanguage.v | LessNondetAntisym |
LND is Transitive | Theorem 19 (Part 3) | CtrlLanguage.v | LessNondetTrans |
LND Preserves Local Substitition | Theorem 20 (Part 1) | CtrlLanguage.v | LessNondetLocalSubst |
LND Preserves Global Substitition | Theorem 20 (Part 2) | CtrlLanguage.v | LessNondetGlobalSubst |
Merging Creates LND | Thoerem 20 (Part 3) | CtrlLanguage.v | MergeLessNondet |
Merging Preserves LND | Theorem 20 (Part 4) | CtrlLanguage.v | LessNondetMerge |
LND is Reflexivity on Values | Theorem 20 (Part 5) | CtrlLanguage.v | LessNondetVals |
Steps Lift Across LND | Theorem 21 | CtrlLanguage.v | LiftStepWithNondet |
Lowering steps Across LND | Theorem 22 | CtrlLanguage.v | LowerStepNondet |
This has been tested with vanilla Coq 8.13.2.
To generate the makefile, type coq_makefile -f Makefile -o _CoqProject
Then, you can simply type make
in order to build the entire project, and make clean
to remove compiled files.
In order to rebuild the makefile, type coq_makefile -f Makefile -o _CoqProject
Note that compiling takes a while, so get yourself a cup of coffee or something after typing make
Compile time
Sadly, make
take quite a while.
In particular, several files (Pirouette.v, RestrictedSemantics.v, CtrlLang.v, and EndPointProjection.v) take several minutes to compile,
and both Pirouette.v and RestrictedSemantics.v take many minutes.
Here are the times per file, as reported by make pretty-timed TIMING_REAL=1
Time | Peak Mem | File Name |
41m09.94s | 17445240 ko | Total Time / Peak Mem |
15m10.11s | 778832 ko | Pirouette.vo |
14m00.01s | 763140 ko | RestrictedSemantics.vo |
6m53.25s | 17445240 ko | EndPointProjection.vo |
5m00.33s | 1195096 ko | CtrlLang.vo |
0m02.85s | 494208 ko | TypedPirouette.vo |
0m00.51s | 355152 ko | STLCSound.vo |
0m00.49s | 352468 ko | FunLMap.vo |
0m00.45s | 344880 ko | LambdaCalc.vo |
0m00.43s | 366200 ko | SoundlyTypedPirouette.vo |
0m00.31s | 346908 ko | STLC.vo |
0m00.22s | 266176 ko | TypedNatLang.vo |
0m00.20s | 221656 ko | NatLang.vo |
0m00.17s | 184740 ko | LocationMap.vo |
0m00.15s | 176296 ko | SoundlyTypedNatLang.vo |
0m00.15s | 166828 ko | UnitypedLC.vo |
0m00.08s | 82076 ko | LocalLang.vo |
0m00.07s | 71816 ko | TypedLocalLang.vo |
0m00.06s | 63984 ko | SoundlyTypedLocalLang.vo |
0m00.06s | 65832 ko | SyncLabels.vo |
0m00.05s | 61996 ko | Locations.vo |
This is a nontrivially large project.
It consists of 13,502 lines of Coq code in total.
Here is the breakdown of the lines of code as reported by cloc --by-file-by-lang . --exclude-lang=make,D,Markdown
File | blank | comment | code |
./EndPointProjection.v | 139 | 123 | 3849 |
./CtrlLang.v | 204 | 257 | 3408 |
./Pirouette.v | 147 | 226 | 1825 |
./TreeLocationMap.v | 96 | 3 | 1604 |
./RestrictedSemantics.v | 31 | 66 | 567 |
./TypedPirouette.v | 31 | 77 | 456 |
./FunLMap.v | 54 | 16 | 455 |
./LambdaCalc.v | 41 | 52 | 323 |
./ListLMap.v | 44 | 107 | 152 |
./NatLang.v | 30 | 12 | 145 |
./STLC.v | 11 | 3 | 129 |
./LocationMap.v | 32 | 23 | 105 |
./UnitypedLC.v | 17 | 0 | 103 |
./TypedNatLang.v | 15 | 3 | 90 |
./LocalLang.v | 26 | 71 | 88 |
./STLCSound.v | 6 | 3 | 65 |
./TypedLocalLang.v | 16 | 58 | 51 |
./SoundlyTypedPirouette.v | 5 | 0 | 35 |
./SoundlyTypedNatLang.v | 5 | 0 | 30 |
./SoundlyTypedLocalLang.v | 3 | 9 | 12 |
./SyncLabels.v | 1 | 5 | 6 |
./Locations.v | 5 | 5 | 4 |
SUM | 959 | 1119 | 13502 |