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1960 commits behind the upstream repository.
Robbert Krebbers authoredRobbert Krebbers authored
listset.v 3.04 KiB
(* Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Coq-std++ developers. *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the BSD license. *)
(** This file implements finite set as unordered lists without duplicates
removed. This implementation forms a monad. *)
From stdpp Require Export collections list.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Record listset A := Listset { listset_car: list A }.
Arguments listset_car {_} _ : assert.
Arguments Listset {_} _ : assert.
Section listset.
Context {A : Type}.
Global Instance listset_elem_of: ElemOf A (listset A) := λ x l, x ∈ listset_car l.
Global Instance listset_empty: Empty (listset A) := Listset [].
Global Instance listset_singleton: Singleton A (listset A) := λ x, Listset [x].
Global Instance listset_union: Union (listset A) := λ l k,
let (l') := l in let (k') := k in Listset (l' ++ k').
Global Opaque listset_singleton listset_empty.
Global Instance listset_simple_collection : SimpleCollection A (listset A).
- by apply not_elem_of_nil.
- by apply elem_of_list_singleton.
- intros [?] [?]. apply elem_of_app.
Lemma listset_empty_alt X : X ≡ ∅ ↔ listset_car X = [].
destruct X as [l]; split; [|by intros; simplify_eq/=].
rewrite elem_of_equiv_empty; intros Hl.
destruct l as [|x l]; [done|]. feed inversion (Hl x). left.
Global Instance listset_empty_dec (X : listset A) : Decision (X ≡ ∅).
refine (cast_if (decide (listset_car X = [])));
abstract (by rewrite listset_empty_alt).
Context `{Aeq : !EqDecision A}.
Global Instance listset_elem_of_dec : RelDecision (∈@{listset A}).
Proof using Aeq.
refine (λ x X, cast_if (decide (x ∈ listset_car X))); done.
Global Instance listset_intersection: Intersection (listset A) := λ l k,
let (l') := l in let (k') := k in Listset (list_intersection l' k').
Global Instance listset_difference: Difference (listset A) := λ l k,
let (l') := l in let (k') := k in Listset (list_difference l' k').
Instance listset_collection: Collection A (listset A).
- apply _.
- intros [?] [?]. apply elem_of_list_intersection.
- intros [?] [?]. apply elem_of_list_difference.
Global Instance listset_elements: Elements A (listset A) :=
remove_dups ∘ listset_car.
Global Instance listset_fin_collection : FinCollection A (listset A).
- apply _.
- intros. apply elem_of_remove_dups.
- intros. apply NoDup_remove_dups.
End listset.
Instance listset_ret: MRet listset := λ A x, {[ x ]}.
Instance listset_fmap: FMap listset := λ A B f l,
let (l') := l in Listset (f <$> l').
Instance listset_bind: MBind listset := λ A B f l,
let (l') := l in Listset (mbind (listset_car ∘ f) l').
Instance listset_join: MJoin listset := λ A, mbind id.
Instance listset_collection_monad : CollectionMonad listset.
- intros. apply _.
- intros ??? [?] ?. apply elem_of_list_bind.
- intros. apply elem_of_list_ret.
- intros ??? [?]. apply elem_of_list_fmap.
- intros ? [?] ?. unfold mjoin, listset_join, elem_of, listset_elem_of.
simpl. by rewrite elem_of_list_bind.