Forked from
Iris / stdpp
1828 commits behind the upstream repository.
Makefile.coq.local 1.18 KiB
# Run tests interleaved with main build. They have to be in the same target for this.
real-all: $(if $(NO_TEST),,test)
# the test suite
TESTFILES=$(wildcard tests/*.v)
test: $(TESTFILES:.v=.vo)
.PHONY: test
COQ_TEST=$(COQTOP) $(COQDEBUG) -batch -test-mode
COQ_OLD=$(shell echo "$(COQ_VERSION)" | egrep "^8\.7\b" -q && echo 1)
COQ_MINOR_VERSION=$(shell echo "$(COQ_VERSION)" | egrep '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\b' -o)
tests/.coqdeps.d: $(TESTFILES)
$(HIDE)$(COQDEP) -dyndep var $(COQMF_COQLIBS_NOML) $^ $(redir_if_ok)
-include tests/.coqdeps.d
$(TESTFILES:.v=.vo): %.vo: %.v $(if $(MAKE_REF),,%.ref)
$(HIDE)TEST="$$(basename -s .v $<)" && \
if test -f "tests/$$TEST.$(COQ_MINOR_VERSION).ref"; then \
REF="tests/$$TEST.$(COQ_MINOR_VERSION).ref"; \
else \
REF="tests/$$TEST.ref"; \
fi && \
echo "COQTEST$(if $(COQ_OLD), [no ref],$(if $(MAKE_REF), [make ref],)) $<$(if $(COQ_OLD),, (ref: $$REF))" && \
TMPFILE="$$(mktemp)" && \
$(TIMER) $(COQ_TEST) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) -load-vernac-source $< > "$$TMPFILE" && \
$(if $(COQ_OLD),true, \
$(if $(MAKE_REF),mv "$$TMPFILE" "$$REF",diff -u "$$REF" "$$TMPFILE") \
) && \
rm -f "$$TMPFILE" && \
touch $@