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Jenkinsfile 8.05 KiB
// -*- mode: groovy -*-
// Jenkins pipeline
// See documents at

// tvm libraries
tvm_runtime = "build/, build/config.cmake"
tvm_lib = "build/, " + tvm_runtime
// LLVM upstream lib
tvm_multilib = "build/, " +
             "build/, build/, build/, " + tvm_runtime

// command to start a docker container
docker_run = 'docker/'
// timeout in minutes
max_time = 60

// initialize source codes
def init_git() {
  checkout scm
  retry(5) {
    timeout(time: 2, unit: 'MINUTES') {
      sh 'git submodule update --init'

def init_git_win() {
    checkout scm
    retry(5) {
        timeout(time: 2, unit: 'MINUTES') {
            bat 'git submodule update --init'

stage("Sanity Check") {
  timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
    node('CPU') {
      ws('workspace/tvm/sanity') {
        sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-lint  ./tests/scripts/"

// Run make. First try to do an incremental make from a previous workspace in hope to
// accelerate the compilation. If something wrong, clean the workspace and then
// build from scratch.
def make(docker_type, path, make_flag) {
  timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
    try {
      sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} ./tests/scripts/ ${path} ${make_flag}"
    } catch (exc) {
      echo 'Incremental compilation failed. Fall back to build from scratch'
      sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} ./tests/scripts/ ${path}"
      sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} ./tests/scripts/ ${path} ${make_flag}"

// pack libraries for later use
def pack_lib(name, libs) {
  sh """
     echo "Packing ${libs} into ${name}"
     echo ${libs} | sed -e 's/,/ /g' | xargs md5sum
  stash includes: libs, name: name

// unpack libraries saved before
def unpack_lib(name, libs) {
  unstash name
  sh """
     echo "Unpacked ${libs} from ${name}"
     echo ${libs} | sed -e 's/,/ /g' | xargs md5sum

stage('Build') {
  parallel 'BUILD: GPU': {
    node('GPUBUILD') {
      ws('workspace/tvm/build-gpu') {
        sh """
           mkdir -p build
           cd build
           cp ../cmake/config.cmake .
           echo set\\(USE_CUBLAS ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_CUDNN ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_CUDA ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_OPENGL ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_LLVM llvm-config-6.0\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_RPC ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_SORT ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_STACKVM_RUNTIME ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME_DEBUG ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_ANTLR ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_BLAS openblas\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER g++\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -Werror\\) >> config.cmake
        make('tvmai/ci-gpu', 'build', '-j2')
        pack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib)
        // compiler test
        sh """
           mkdir -p build2
           cd build2
           cp ../cmake/config.cmake .
           echo set\\(USE_OPENCL ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_ROCM ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_VULKAN ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME_DEBUG ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER clang-6.0\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -Werror\\) >> config.cmake
        make('tvmai/ci-gpu', 'build2', '-j2')
  'BUILD: CPU': {
    node('CPU') {
      ws('workspace/tvm/build-cpu') {
        sh """
           mkdir -p build
           cd build
           cp ../cmake/config.cmake .
           echo set\\(USE_SORT ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME_DEBUG ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_LLVM llvm-config-4.0\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_NNPACK ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(NNPACK_PATH /NNPACK/build/\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_ANTLR ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER g++\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -Werror\\) >> config.cmake
        make('tvmai/ci-cpu', 'build', '-j2')
        pack_lib('cpu', tvm_lib)
        timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-cpu ./tests/scripts/"
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-cpu ./tests/scripts/"
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-cpu ./tests/scripts/"
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-cpu ./tests/scripts/"
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-cpu ./tests/scripts/"
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-cpu ./tests/scripts/"
  'BUILD : i386': {
    node('CPU') {
      ws('workspace/tvm/build-i386') {
        sh """
           mkdir -p build
           cd build
           cp ../cmake/config.cmake .
           echo set\\(USE_SORT ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_RPC ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME_DEBUG ON\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(USE_LLVM llvm-config-5.0\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER g++\\) >> config.cmake
           echo set\\(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -Werror\\) >> config.cmake
        make('tvmai/ci-i386', 'build', '-j2')
        pack_lib('i386', tvm_multilib)

stage('Unit Test') {
  parallel 'python2/3: GPU': {
    node('GPU') {
      ws('workspace/tvm/ut-python-gpu') {
        unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib)
        timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-gpu ./tests/scripts/"
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-gpu ./tests/scripts/"
  'python2/3: i386': {
    node('CPU') {
      ws('workspace/tvm/ut-python-i386') {
        unpack_lib('i386', tvm_multilib)
        timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-i386 ./tests/scripts/"
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-i386 ./tests/scripts/"
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-i386 ./tests/scripts/"
  'java: GPU': {
    node('GPU') {
      ws('workspace/tvm/ut-java') {
        unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib)
        timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-gpu ./tests/scripts/"

stage('Integration Test') {
  parallel 'topi: GPU': {
    node('GPU') {
      ws('workspace/tvm/topi-python-gpu') {
        unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib)
        timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-gpu ./tests/scripts/"
  'frontend: GPU': {
    node('GPU') {
      ws('workspace/tvm/frontend-python-gpu') {
        unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib)
        timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-gpu ./tests/scripts/"
  'docs: GPU': {
    node('GPU') {
      ws('workspace/tvm/docs-python-gpu') {
        unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib)
        timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
          sh "${docker_run} tvmai/ci-gpu ./tests/scripts/"
        pack_lib('mydocs', 'docs.tgz')

stage('Deploy') {
    node('doc') {
      ws('workspace/tvm/deploy-docs') {
        if (env.BRANCH_NAME == "master") {
           unpack_lib('mydocs', 'docs.tgz')
           sh "tar xf docs.tgz -C /var/docs"