* Ported injective schedules to C++. Added some elementwise ops. * Fix lint errors * Added reduction ops and schedules * Fix lint errors * Fix lint errors * Fix lint errors * Added transform ops * Fix lint errors * Fix lint errors * Added softmax, log_softmax, leaky_relu and flatten ops. Fixed issue where TVM_DECLARE_INTRIN_UNARY used the PureExtern flag instead of PureIntrinsic. Added softmax CUDA schedule. * Fix lint * Fix lint * Added binary_dense, batch_norm_inference, dense, dilate, scale_shift_*, global_pool and pool ops. Extended pad to allow specifying pad_value. Fixed issue where pad would throw if padding was zero in all dimensions. * Fix lint * Fix lint * Added CUDA schedules for dense, pool and global_pool * Added extern schedules for generic and CUDA * Fix lint * Added x86 binary schedules * Fix lint * Added rocm dense schedule. Added rocBLAS and cuBLAS support to dense ops * Added pow ops. Added x86 default and injective schedules * Fix lint * Fix lint * Fix lint * Fix lint * Fix lint * Fix indent * Removed schedules directory * Changed left_shift, right_shift to operators. Changed pad_value in pad() to remove pointer usage * Fixed usage of pad in nn/pooling.h. Fixed declaration of operator>> * Fixed comments for shift operators * Added comments to utility functions * Added TOPI C++ library, exporting broadcast_add op * Fix lint * Share with TVM * Fix lint * Add other broadcast ops * Fix lint * Fix imports in topi * Fix lib names * Fixed build issue where windows builds don't apply correct definitions * Removed TVM_EXPORTS from topi library * Attempted CI build fix * Add topi lib to tvm_multilib * Fix Jenkinsfile * Added TOPI build target to Makefile * Fix nn op namespaces. * Fix lint * Renamed TOPI lib to libtvm_topi * Removed _ffi/ * Remove _ffi from topi, now shared with tvm. * Make libtvm_topi loading optional * Fix compiler warnings * Fix lint * Fix lint * Fix lint * Fix build error by making new libs argument to Target optional * Added C++ Target type interop. Added registration of remaining C++ ops and schedules. Added test of broadcast ops * Fix lint * Fix lint * Fix compile error * Fix compiler warnings * Fix compiler warnings * Fixed int vector interop. Fixed argmin incorrectly invoking argmax. Fixed corner case in default schedules of attempting to fuse 0 length axes. Added tests for reduce ops. * Refactored reduce builders * Fixed typos in Added basic test. * Fixed padding size error. Added dense, dilate, pooling tests * Fixed issue where clip would output a different dtype to the input. Added split_sections op to cover the other mode of the python split op. Added tests. * Changed extension type numbers to avoid clash with NNVM * Fix lint * Fix compiler warnings * Removed use of std::vector from the public TOPI API * Fix lint * Add TOPI C++ tests to CI * Fixed detail namespacing. Improved comments.