Colin Patrick McCabe authored
* Allow the Trogdor agent to be started in "exec mode", where it simply runs a single task and exits after it is complete. * For AgentClient and CoordinatorClient, allow the user to pass the path to a file containing JSON, instead of specifying the JSON object in the command-line text itself. This means that we can get rid of the bash scripts whose only function was to load task specs into a bash string and run a Trogdor command. * Print dates and times in a human-readable way, rather than as numbers of milliseconds. * When listing tasks or workers, output human-readable tables of information. * Allow the user to filter on task ID name, task ID pattern, or task state. * Support a --json flag to provide raw JSON output if desired. Reviewed-by:
David Arthur <mumrah@gmail.com>, Stanislav Kozlovski <stanislav_kozlovski@outlook.com>
Colin Patrick McCabe authored* Allow the Trogdor agent to be started in "exec mode", where it simply runs a single task and exits after it is complete. * For AgentClient and CoordinatorClient, allow the user to pass the path to a file containing JSON, instead of specifying the JSON object in the command-line text itself. This means that we can get rid of the bash scripts whose only function was to load task specs into a bash string and run a Trogdor command. * Print dates and times in a human-readable way, rather than as numbers of milliseconds. * When listing tasks or workers, output human-readable tables of information. * Allow the user to filter on task ID name, task ID pattern, or task state. * Support a --json flag to provide raw JSON output if desired. Reviewed-by:
David Arthur <mumrah@gmail.com>, Stanislav Kozlovski <stanislav_kozlovski@outlook.com>
TROGDOR.md 6.48 KiB
Trogdor is a test framework for Apache Kafka.
Trogdor can run benchmarks and other workloads. Trogdor can also inject faults in order to stress test the system.
First, we want to start a single-node Kafka cluster with a ZooKeeper and a broker.
Running ZooKeeper:
> ./bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh ./config/zookeeper.properties &> /tmp/zookeeper.log &
Running Kafka:
> ./bin/kafka-server-start.sh ./config/server.properties &> /tmp/kafka.log &
Then, we want to run a Trogdor Agent, plus a Trogdor broker.
To run the Trogdor Agent:
> ./bin/trogdor.sh agent -c ./config/trogdor.conf -n node0 &> /tmp/trogdor-agent.log &
To run the Trogdor Coordinator:
> ./bin/trogdor.sh coordinator -c ./config/trogdor.conf -n node0 &> /tmp/trogdor-coordinator.log &
Let's confirm that all of the daemons are running:
> jps
116212 Coordinator
115188 QuorumPeerMain
116571 Jps
115420 Kafka
115694 Agent
Now, we can submit a test job to Trogdor.
> ./bin/trogdor.sh client createTask -t localhost:8889 -i produce0 --spec ./tests/spec/simple_produce_bench.json
Sent CreateTaskRequest for task produce0.
We can run showTask to see what the task's status is:
> ./bin/trogdor.sh client showTask -t localhost:8889 -i produce0
Task bar of type org.apache.kafka.trogdor.workload.ProduceBenchSpec is DONE. FINISHED at 2019-01-09T20:38:22.039-08:00 after 6s