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Commit 742ad6b4 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Make `ltyped_recv_texist` better suited for `iApply`.

parent 858e7fa0
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......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Definition lty_msg_exist {Σ} {k} (M : lty Σ k → lmsg Σ) : lmsg Σ :=
Definition lty_msg_texist {Σ} {kt : ktele Σ} (M : ltys Σ kt lmsg Σ) : lmsg Σ :=
ktele_fold (@lty_msg_exist Σ) (λ x, x) (ktele_bind M).
Arguments lty_msg_texist {_ !_} _%lmsg /.
Definition lty_end {Σ} : lsty Σ := Lsty END.
......@@ -74,6 +75,11 @@ Infix "<++>" := lty_app (at level 60) : lty_scope.
Notation "( S <++>.)" := (lty_app S) (only parsing) : lty_scope.
Notation "(.<++> T )" := (λ S, lty_app S T) (only parsing) : lty_scope.
Class LtyMsgTele {Σ} {kt : ktele Σ} (M : lmsg Σ)
(A : kt -k> ltty Σ) (S : kt -k> lsty Σ) :=
lty_msg_tele : M (.. x, TY ktele_app A x; ktele_app S x)%lmsg.
Hint Mode LtyMsgTele ! - ! - - : typeclass_instances.
Section session_types.
Context {Σ : gFunctors}.
......@@ -115,4 +121,13 @@ Section session_types.
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance lty_app_proper : Proper (() ==> () ==> ()) (@lty_app Σ).
Proof. apply ne_proper_2, _. Qed.
Global Instance lty_msg_tele_base (A : ltty Σ) (S : lsty Σ) :
LtyMsgTele (kt:=KTeleO) (TY A ; S) A S.
Proof. done. Qed.
Global Instance lty_msg_tele_exist {k} {kt : lty Σ k ktele Σ}
(M : lty Σ k lmsg Σ) A S :
( x, LtyMsgTele (kt:=kt x) (M x) (A x) (S x))
LtyMsgTele (kt:=KTeleS kt) ( x, M x) A S.
Proof. intros HM. rewrite /LtyMsgTele /=. f_equiv=> x. apply HM. Qed.
End session_types.
......@@ -495,20 +495,22 @@ Section properties.
iApply (iProto_le_trans with "IH"). iIntros (Xs). by iExists (LTysS _ _).
Lemma ltyped_recv_texist {kt} Γ1 Γ2 (xc : string) (x : binder) (e : expr)
(A : ltys Σ kt ltty Σ) (S : ltys Σ kt lsty Σ) (B : ltty Σ) :
Lemma ltyped_recv_texist {kt} Γ1 Γ2 M (xc : string) (x : binder) (e : expr)
(A : kt -k> ltty Σ) (S : kt -k> lsty Σ) (B : ltty Σ) :
LtyMsgTele M A S
( Ys,
<![x:=A Ys]!> $ <[xc:=(chan (S Ys))%lty]> Γ1 e : B Γ2) -∗
<[xc:=(chan (<??.. Xs> TY A Xs; S Xs))%lty]> Γ1
<![x:=ktele_app A Ys]!> $ <[xc:=(chan (ktele_app S Ys))%lty]> Γ1 e : B Γ2) -∗
<[xc:=(chan (<??> M))%lty]> Γ1
(let: x := recv xc in e) : B binder_delete x Γ2.
iIntros "#He !>". iIntros (vs) "HΓ /=".
rewrite /LtyMsgTele.
iIntros (HM) "#He !>". iIntros (vs) "HΓ /=".
iDestruct (env_ltyped_lookup with "HΓ") as (c Hxc) "[Hc HΓ]".
{ by apply lookup_insert. }
rewrite Hxc.
iAssert (c <? (Xs : ltys Σ kt) (v : val)>
MSG v {{ ltty_car (A Xs) v }}; lsty_car (S Xs)) with "[Hc]" as "Hc".
{ iApply (iProto_mapsto_le with "Hc"); iIntros "!>".
MSG v {{ ltty_car (ktele_app A Xs) v }}; lsty_car (ktele_app S Xs)) with "[Hc]" as "Hc".
{ iApply (iProto_mapsto_le with "Hc"); iIntros "!>". rewrite HM.
iApply iProto_le_lmsg_texist. }
wp_recv (Xs v) as "HA". wp_pures.
rewrite -subst_map_binder_insert.
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