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Commit 9c41c8ad authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Lookup function on env.

parent b5a8204a
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......@@ -57,6 +57,12 @@ Arguments env_filter_ne _ !_ !_ / : simpl nomatch.
factored out. *)
Arguments filter _ _ _ _ _ !_ / : simpl nomatch.
Instance env_lookup {Σ} : Lookup string (ltty Σ) (env Σ) := λ x Γ,
match env_filter_eq x Γ with
| [EnvItem _ A] => Some A
| _ => None
Definition env_cons {Σ} (b : binder) (A : ltty Σ) (Γ : env Σ) : env Σ :=
if b is BNamed x then EnvItem x A :: env_filter_ne x Γ else Γ.
......@@ -84,10 +90,6 @@ Section env.
- rewrite filter_cons_True /=; last naive_solver.
by rewrite -Permutation_middle -IH.
Lemma env_filter_eq_perm' Γ Γ' x :
env_filter_eq x Γ = Γ'
Γ Γ' ++ env_filter_ne x Γ.
Proof. intros <-. apply env_filter_eq_perm. Qed.
Lemma env_filter_ne_anon Γ : env_filter_ne BAnon Γ = Γ.
Proof. induction Γ as [|[y A] Γ IH]; by f_equal/=. Qed.
......@@ -104,6 +106,18 @@ Section env.
env_filter_ne x (EnvItem y A :: Γ) = EnvItem y A :: env_filter_ne x Γ.
Proof. intros. rewrite /env_filter_ne filter_cons_True; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma env_lookup_perm Γ x A:
Γ !! x = Some A
Γ EnvItem x A :: env_filter_ne x Γ.
rewrite /lookup /env_lookup=> ?.
destruct (env_filter_eq x Γ) as [|[x' ?] [|??]] eqn:Hx; simplify_eq/=.
assert (EnvItem x' A env_filter_eq x Γ)
as [? _]%elem_of_list_filter; simplify_eq/=.
{ rewrite Hx. set_solver. }
by rewrite {1}(env_filter_eq_perm Γ x') Hx.
(** env typing *)
Global Instance env_ltyped_Permutation vs :
Proper (() ==> (⊣⊢)) (@env_ltyped Σ vs).
......@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ Section rules.
Lemma ltyped_mutex_acquire Γ (x : string) A :
env_filter_eq x Γ = [EnvItem x (mutex A)]
Γ !! x = Some (mutex A)%lty
Γ mutex_acquire x : A env_cons x (mutex_guard A) Γ.
iIntros (HΓx%env_filter_eq_perm' vs) "!> HΓ /=". rewrite {1}HΓx /=.
iIntros (HΓx%env_lookup_perm vs) "!> HΓ /=". rewrite {1}HΓx /=.
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons with "HΓ") as (vl Hvs) "[Hlock HΓ]"; rewrite Hvs.
iDestruct "Hlock" as (γ l lk ->) "#Hlock". rewrite /mutex_acquire.
wp_apply (acquire_spec with "Hlock"); iIntros "[Hlocked Hinner]".
......@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ Section rules.
Lemma ltyped_mutex_release Γ Γ' (x : string) e A :
env_filter_eq x Γ' = [EnvItem x (mutex_guard A)]
Γ' !! x = Some (mutex_guard A)%lty
(Γ e : A Γ') -∗
Γ mutex_release x e : () env_cons x (mutex A) Γ'.
iIntros (HΓx%env_filter_eq_perm') "#He". iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=".
iIntros (HΓx%env_lookup_perm) "#He". iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=".
wp_apply (wp_wand with "(He HΓ)"). iIntros (v) "[HA HΓ']".
rewrite {2}HΓx /=.
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons with "HΓ'") as (vl Hvs) "[Hguard HΓ']"; rewrite Hvs.
......@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ Section session_typing_rules.
Lemma ltyped_send Γ Γ' (x : string) e A S :
env_filter_eq x Γ' = [EnvItem x (chan (<!!> TY A; S))]
Γ' !! x = Some (chan (<!!> TY A; S))%lty
(Γ e : A Γ') -∗
Γ send x e : () env_cons x (chan S) Γ'.
iIntros (HΓx%env_filter_eq_perm') "#He !>". iIntros (vs) "HΓ /=".
iIntros (HΓx%env_lookup_perm) "#He !>". iIntros (vs) "HΓ /=".
wp_apply (wp_wand with "(He HΓ)"); iIntros (v) "[HA HΓ']".
rewrite {2}HΓx /=.
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons with "HΓ'") as (c Hvs) "[Hc HΓ']". rewrite Hvs.
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Section session_typing_rules.
Lemma ltyped_recv_texist {kt} Γ1 Γ2 M x (xc : string) (e : expr)
(A : kt -k> ltty Σ) (S : kt -k> lsty Σ) (B : ltty Σ) :
env_filter_eq xc Γ1 = [EnvItem xc (chan (<??> M))]
Γ1 !! xc = Some (chan (<??> M))%lty
LtyMsgTele M A S
( Ys,
env_cons x (ktele_app A Ys) (env_cons xc (chan (ktele_app S Ys)) Γ1) e : B Γ2) -∗
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Section session_typing_rules.
env_filter_eq x (env_filter_ne xc Γ1) ++ env_filter_ne x Γ2.
rewrite /LtyMsgTele.
iIntros (HΓxc%env_filter_eq_perm' HM) "#He !>". iIntros (vs) "HΓ1 /=".
iIntros (HΓxc%env_lookup_perm HM) "#He !>". iIntros (vs) "HΓ1 /=".
rewrite {2}HΓxc /=.
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons with "HΓ1") as (c Hvs) "[Hc HΓ1]". rewrite Hvs.
rewrite {2}(env_filter_eq_perm (env_filter_ne xc Γ1) x).
......@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ Section session_typing_rules.
Lemma ltyped_recv Γ (x : string) A S :
env_filter_eq x Γ = [EnvItem x (chan (<??> TY A; S))]
Γ !! x = Some (chan (<??> TY A; S))%lty
Γ recv x : A env_cons x (chan S) Γ.
iIntros (HΓx%env_filter_eq_perm') "!>". iIntros (vs) "HΓ /=".
iIntros (HΓx%env_lookup_perm) "!>". iIntros (vs) "HΓ /=".
rewrite {1}HΓx /=.
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons with "HΓ") as (c Hvs) "[Hc HΓ]". rewrite Hvs.
wp_recv (v) as "HA". iFrame "HA". iApply env_ltyped_cons; eauto with iFrame.
......@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ Section session_typing_rules.
Definition select : val := λ: "c" "i", send "c" "i".
Lemma ltyped_select Γ (x : string) (i : Z) (S : lsty Σ) Ss :
Γ !! x = Some (chan (lty_select Ss))%lty
Ss !! i = Some S
env_filter_eq x Γ = [EnvItem x (chan (lty_select Ss))]
Γ select x #i : () env_cons x (chan S) Γ.
iIntros (Hin HΓx%env_filter_eq_perm'); iIntros "!>" (vs) "HΓ /=".
iIntros (HΓx%env_lookup_perm Hin); iIntros "!>" (vs) "HΓ /=".
rewrite {1}HΓx /=.
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons with "HΓ") as (c Hvs) "[Hc HΓ]". rewrite Hvs.
rewrite /select. wp_send with "[]"; [by eauto|]. iSplit; [done|].
......@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ Section term_typing_rules.
(** Variable properties *)
Lemma ltyped_var Γ (x : string) A :
env_filter_eq x Γ = [EnvItem x A]
Γ !! x = Some A
Γ x : A env_cons x (copy- A) Γ.
iIntros (HΓx%env_filter_eq_perm') "!>"; iIntros (vs) "HΓ /=".
iIntros (HΓx%env_lookup_perm) "!>"; iIntros (vs) "HΓ /=".
rewrite {1}HΓx /=.
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons with "HΓ") as (v Hvs) "[HA HΓ]". rewrite Hvs.
iAssert (ltty_car (copy- A) v)%lty as "#HAm"; [by iApply coreP_intro|].
......@@ -196,10 +196,10 @@ Section term_typing_rules.
Lemma ltyped_fst Γ A1 A2 (x : string) :
env_filter_eq x Γ = [EnvItem x (A1 * A2)]
Γ !! x = Some (A1 * A2)%lty
Γ Fst x : A1 env_cons x (copy- A1 * A2) Γ.
iIntros (HΓx%env_filter_eq_perm' vs) "!> HΓ /=". rewrite {1}HΓx /=.
iIntros (HΓx%env_lookup_perm vs) "!> HΓ /=". rewrite {1}HΓx /=.
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons with "HΓ") as (v Hvs) "[HA HΓ]"; rewrite Hvs.
iDestruct "HA" as (v1 v2 ->) "[HA1 HA2]". wp_pures.
iAssert (ltty_car (copy- A1) v1)%lty as "#HA1m"; [by iApply coreP_intro|].
......@@ -208,10 +208,10 @@ Section term_typing_rules.
Lemma ltyped_snd Γ A1 A2 (x : string) :
env_filter_eq x Γ = [EnvItem x (A1 * A2)]
Γ !! x = Some (A1 * A2)%lty
Γ Snd x : A2 env_cons x (A1 * copy- A2) Γ.
iIntros (HΓx%env_filter_eq_perm' vs) "!> HΓ /=". rewrite {1}HΓx /=.
iIntros (HΓx%env_lookup_perm vs) "!> HΓ /=". rewrite {1}HΓx /=.
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons with "HΓ") as (v Hvs) "[HA HΓ]"; rewrite Hvs.
iDestruct "HA" as (v1 v2 ->) "[HA1 HA2]". wp_pures.
iAssert (ltty_car (copy- A2) v2)%lty as "#HA2m"; [by iApply coreP_intro|].
......@@ -317,10 +317,10 @@ Section term_typing_rules.
Lemma ltyped_load Γ (x : string) A :
env_filter_eq x Γ = [EnvItem x (ref_uniq A)]
Γ !! x = Some (ref_uniq A)%lty
Γ ! x : A env_cons x (ref_uniq (copy- A)) Γ.
iIntros (HΓx%env_filter_eq_perm' vs) "!> HΓ /=". rewrite {1}HΓx /=.
iIntros (HΓx%env_lookup_perm vs) "!> HΓ /=". rewrite {1}HΓx /=.
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons with "HΓ") as (v Hvs) "[HA HΓ]"; rewrite Hvs.
iDestruct "HA" as (l w ->) "[? HA]". wp_load.
iAssert (ltty_car (copy- A) w)%lty as "#HAm"; [by iApply coreP_intro|].
......@@ -329,11 +329,11 @@ Section term_typing_rules.
Lemma ltyped_store Γ Γ' (x : string) e A B :
env_filter_eq x Γ' = [EnvItem x (ref_uniq A)]
Γ' !! x = Some (ref_uniq A)%lty
(Γ e : B Γ') -∗
Γ x <- e : () env_cons x (ref_uniq B) Γ'.
iIntros (HΓx%env_filter_eq_perm') "#He"; iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=".
iIntros (HΓx%env_lookup_perm) "#He"; iIntros (vs) "!> HΓ /=".
wp_apply (wp_wand with "(He HΓ)"). iIntros (v) "[HB HΓ']".
rewrite {2}HΓx /=.
iDestruct (env_ltyped_cons with "HΓ'") as (vl Hvs) "[HA HΓ']"; rewrite Hvs.
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