Mark Deuser authoredMark Deuser authored
.gitattributes 981 B
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization.
# Resources:
# - https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gitattributes.html
# - http://davidlaing.com/2012/09/19/customise-your-gitattributes-to-become-a-git-ninja/
# - https://help.github.com/articles/dealing-with-line-endings/
* text=auto
*.go text eol=lf
*.java text
*.js text
*.md text
*.py text eol=lf
*.scala text
*.sh text eol=lf
*.gradle text
*.xml text
*.bat text eol=crlf
*.jar binary
*.png binary
# python files not having the .py extension
tools/cli/wsk text eol=lf
tools/cli/wskadmin text eol=lf
# bash files not having the .sh extension
tools/vagrant/simple/wsk text eol=lf
gradlew text eol=lf
core/javaAction/proxy/gradlew text eol=lf
tools/vagrant/hello text eol=lf
sdk/docker/client/action text eol=lf