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@@ -1148,35 +1148,6 @@ Section proto.
by iApply ("IHvsr" with "Hp1").
(* TODO: Unsure if this is a better primitive lemma. *)
(* Lemma iProto_interp_send_end_inv' vsl vsr (ml : iMsg Σ V) vl pl : *)
(* iProto_interp vsl vsr (<!> ml) END%proto -∗ *)
(* iMsg_car ml vl (Next pl) -∗ *)
(* ▷^(length vsr) False. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iIntros "H Hm". *)
(* iDestruct (iProto_interp_flip with "H") as "H". *)
(* iDestruct (iProto_interp_end_inv with "H") as %->. *)
(* iDestruct (iProto_interp_flip with "H") as "H". *)
(* iDestruct "H" as (p) "[Hp Hdp] /=". *)
(* iDestruct (iProto_le_dual_l with "Hdp") as "Hdp". *)
(* rewrite iProto_dual_end. *)
(* iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "Hdp") as "Heq". *)
(* iRewrite "Heq" in "Hp". *)
(* iInduction (vsr) as [|vr vsr] "IHvsr" forall (ml pl); simpl. *)
(* - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "Hp") as "Hp". *)
(* by rewrite iProto_message_end_equivI. *)
(* - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "Hp") as (a1 m') "[Heq Hp]". *)
(* rewrite iProto_message_equivI. *)
(* iDestruct "Heq" as (<-) "Heq". *)
(* iSpecialize ("Heq" $! vr (Next (iProto_app_recvs vsr END))). *)
(* iSpecialize ("Hp" $! vr vl (iProto_app_recvs vsr END) pl). *)
(* iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hp". *)
(* rewrite iMsg_base_eq /iMsg_base_def /=. *)
(* iDestruct ("Hp" with "[//] Hm") as (pt) "[Hp1 Hp2]". *)
(* by iApply ("IHvsr" with "[] Hp1"). *)
(* Qed. *)
Global Instance iProto_own_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance iProto_own_proper γ s : Proper (() ==> ()) (iProto_own γ s).