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Commit f6a33278 authored by Ike Mulder's avatar Ike Mulder
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Fixed slower examples.

parent 4fb1664c
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......@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ Section proof.
Program Instance p1p2fupd_atom : AtomAndConnective true (P1 1 ={⊤∖↑N}=∗ P2 1).
Program Instance p2p1fupd_atom : AtomAndConnective true (P2 1 ={⊤∖↑N}=∗ P1 1).
Ltac connective_as_atom_shortcut ::= biabd_step_atom_shortcut.
Instance newbarrier_spec (threads : positive) :
SPEC {{ P1 1 (P1 1 ={⊤∖↑N}=∗ P2 1) (P2 1 ={⊤∖↑N}=∗ P1 1) }}
make_barrier #()
......@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ Section proof.
iLeft; iLeft.
erewrite (right_id ); last iSolveTC.
Program Instance peek_spec threads γp1 γp2 γt γb (v : val) :
SPEC {{ is_barrier threads γp1 γp2 γt γb v }}
......@@ -127,7 +129,7 @@ Section proof.
iStepsS. iLöb as "IH".
wp_lam. iStepsS; try iSmash. (* iSmash deals with failing CAS's *)
- destruct (decide (x1 + 1 = Z.pos threads)%Z) as [Heq|Hneq]; iSmash.
- destruct (decide (x0 + 1 = Z.pos threads)%Z) as [Heq|Hneq]; iSmash.
- destruct (decide (threads = xH)) as [Heq|Hneq]; iSmash.
......@@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ Section proof.
iStepsS. iLöb as "IH".
wp_lam. iStepsS; try iSmash.
- destruct (decide (z = x3)) as [-> | Hneq]; iSmash.
- destruct (decide (z = x2)) as [-> | Hneq]; iSmash.
- iRevert "H4"; iSmash.
(* we need reverts in some places to detect extra inequalities: at some places we have 3 tickets and mergablepersist does not get all currently *)
......@@ -155,8 +157,8 @@ Section proof.
iStepsS. iLöb as "IH".
wp_lam. iStepsS; try iSmash. (* iSmash deals with failing CAS's *)
- destruct (decide (x1 - 1 = Z.neg threads)%Z) as [Heq|Hneq]; iSmash.
- destruct (decide (x1 - 1 = Z.neg threads)%Z) as [Heq|Hneq]; iSmash.
- destruct (decide (x0 - 1 = Z.neg threads)%Z) as [Heq|Hneq]; iSmash.
- destruct (decide (x0 - 1 = Z.neg threads)%Z) as [Heq|Hneq]; iSmash.
Instance sync_down_exit_spec threads γp1 γp2 γb γt (z : Z) (v : val) :
......@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ Section proof.
iStepsS. iLöb as "IH".
wp_lam. iStepsS; try iSmash.
- destruct (decide (Z.opp z = x3)) as [<- | Hneq]; iSmash.
- destruct (decide (Z.opp z = x2)) as [<- | Hneq]; iSmash.
- iRevert "H4"; iSmash.
......@@ -190,12 +192,12 @@ Section barrier_specs2. (* this is currently necessary since otherwise TC search
SPEC HP1 HP2, {{ is_barrier P1 P2 (Fractional0 := HP1) (Fractional1 := HP2) threads γp1 γp2 γt γb v token P1 γp1 }}
sync_up threads v
{{ RET #(); token P2 γp2 }}.
Proof. do 5 iStepS. assert (H1 := sync_up_spec P1 P2). iStepsS. Qed.
Proof. do 3 iStepS. assert (H1 := sync_up_spec P1 P2). iStepsS. Qed.
Global Instance sync_down_spec_frac_reuse threads γp1 γp2 γt γb (v : val) :
SPEC HP1 HP2, {{ is_barrier P1 P2 (Fractional0 := HP1) (Fractional1 := HP2) threads γp1 γp2 γt γb v token P2 γp2 }}
sync_down threads v
{{ RET #(); token P1 γp1 }}.
Proof. do 5 iStepS. assert (H1 := sync_down_spec P1 P2). iStepsS. Qed.
Proof. do 3 iStepS. assert (H1 := sync_down_spec P1 P2). iStepsS. Qed.
End barrier_specs2.
......@@ -105,17 +105,13 @@ Section proof.
increment #l
{{ RET #(); P1 γc q }}.
Global Instance has_right_id {A : ucmra} (a : A) :
HasRightId a.
Proof. exists ε. rewrite right_id //. Qed.
Instance check_rising_spec γc (l : loc) :
SPEC q, {{ P1 γc q inv N (counter_inv γc l) }}
check_rising #l
{{ RET #(); P1 γc q }}.
assert (x8 = x8 `max` x1) as Hx8 by lia. rewrite {2}Hx8.
assert (x5 = x5 `max` x0) as Hx8 by lia. rewrite {2}Hx8.
iLeft. iStepS. rewrite -Hx8. iSmash.
......@@ -130,12 +126,10 @@ Section proof.
{{ RET #(); P2 γc q }}.
assert (x9 = x9 `max` x1) as Hx9 by lia. rewrite {3}Hx9.
assert (x6 = x6 `max` x0) as Hx9 by lia. rewrite {3}Hx9.
iRight. iStepS. rewrite -Hx9. iSmash.
Opaque P1 P2.
Program Instance client_thread_spec threads γp1 γp2 γt γb (v : val) γc (l : loc) :
SPEC {{ is_counter_barrier threads γp1 γp2 γt γb v γc token (P1 γc) γp1 inv N (counter_inv γc l) }}
client_thread threads #l v
......@@ -156,28 +150,24 @@ Section proof.
Transparent P1 P2.
(* currently needed because of bug in repeated applications of into_texist; notypeclasses refine works, simple eapply does not.
problem occurs for biabd_exist lemma, and for TeleSummarize typeclass *)
Global Instance client_spec threads :
SPEC {{ True }}
client threads #()
{{ RET #(); True }}.
iAssert (|={}=> γc, inv N (counter_inv γc x0) P1 γc 1)%I with "[H2]" as ">[%γc [#HI [%n1 [%n2 HPn]]]]".
iAssert (|={}=> γc, inv N (counter_inv γc x) P1 γc 1)%I with "[H1]" as ">[%γc [#HI [%n1 [%n2 HPn]]]]".
{ iSmash. }
assert (H' := newbarrier_spec (P1 γc) (P2 γc) threads).
unseal_diaframe => /=.
iSplitR; [ | iSplitR; iIntros "!>"; [ | iStepsS]].
- iIntros "!> !>". iStepS.
- iStepS. iStepS.
iInv N as "HN". iRevert "HN".
iStepsS; case: H0 => /= H1 /to_agree_equiv H2; simplify_eq.
iRight. iStepsS.
- iIntros "!> !>". iStepS.
- iStepS. iStepS.
iInv N as "HN". iRevert "HN".
iStepsS; case: H0 => /= H1 /to_agree_equiv H2; simplify_eq.
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Section spec.
{{ RET #(); waitl {#1/2} #true own γR ( (Some $ Cinl $ Excl ())) R }}.
iStepsS. iLöb as "IH".
wp_lam. do 6 iStepS.
wp_lam. do 4 iStepS.
iExpr (! _)%E has post ({{ (b : bool), RET #b; waitl {#1 / 2} #true
(b = true own γl ( Some (Cinr (Excl ()))) b = false own γR ( Some (Cinl (Excl ()))) R) }})%I with ["H2"; "H3"];
last iStepsS.
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Section spec.
acquire_l p
{{ RET #(); left_acquired γl γr γR p R }}.
do 37 iStepS.
do 25 iStepS.
iExpr (_ <- _)%E has post ({{ RET #(); x3 {#1/2} # true own γl ( (Some (Cinl (Excl ())))) }})%I with ["H2"; "H3"];
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Section spec.
{{ RET #(); waitr {#1/2} #true own γR ( (Some $ Cinr $ Excl ())) R }} | 50.
iStepsS. iLöb as "IH".
wp_lam. do 6 iStepS.
wp_lam. do 4 iStepS.
iExpr (! _)%E has post ({{ (b : bool), RET #b; waitr {#1 / 2} #true
(b = true own γr ( Some (Cinr (Excl ()))) b = false own γR ( Some (Cinr (Excl ()))) R) }})%I with ["H2"; "H3"];
last iStepsS.
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Section spec.
acquire_r p
{{ RET #(); right_acquired γl γr γR p R }}.
do 37 iStepS.
do 25 iStepS.
iExpr (_ <- _)%E has post ({{ RET #(); x4 {#1/2} # true own γr ( Some (Cinl $ Excl ())) }})%I with ["H2"; "H3"];
......@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ Section glp_lemmas.
(* This should be able to be improved, to require less proof steps: just put only the non-Laterable things in the argument P.
However, my initial attempts failed. This is because the order matters in which things are put into the goal,
< order matters because we don't make progress on (∀ a, H) ⊢ (∀ a, H) ∗ R >
and the current approach keeps the order currently found in the environment, which seems to be okay.
Maybe we need a MakeSep which determines heuristically which goals should be put on the RHS? *)
Global Instance intuitionistically_introducable Δ F P :
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