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Remove many variants of logical relations

Merged Robbert Krebbers requested to merge robbert/logrel into master
+ 0
From iris_examples.logrel.F_mu Require Export logrel.
From iris.program_logic Require Import lifting.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From iris_examples.logrel.F_mu Require Import rules.
Definition log_typed `{irisG F_mu_lang Σ} (Γ : list type) (e : expr) (τ : type) := Δ vs,
env_Persistent Δ
Γ * Δ vs τ Δ e.[env_subst vs].
Notation "Γ ⊨ e : τ" := (log_typed Γ e τ) (at level 74, e, τ at next level).
Section fundamental.
Context `{irisG F_mu_lang Σ}.
Notation D := (valO -n> iProp Σ).
Local Tactic Notation "smart_wp_bind" uconstr(ctx) ident(v) constr(Hv) uconstr(Hp) :=
iApply (wp_bind (fill[ctx]));
iApply (wp_wand with "[-]"); [iApply Hp; trivial|]; cbn;
iIntros (v) Hv.
Theorem fundamental Γ e τ : Γ e : τ Γ e : τ.
induction 1; iIntros (Δ vs ) "#HΓ"; cbn.
- (* var *)
iDestruct (interp_env_Some_l with "HΓ") as (v) "[% ?]"; first done.
erewrite env_subst_lookup; eauto. by iApply wp_value.
- (* unit *) by iApply wp_value.
- (* pair *)
smart_wp_bind (PairLCtx e2.[env_subst vs]) v "# Hv" IHtyped1.
smart_wp_bind (PairRCtx v) v' "# Hv'" IHtyped2.
iApply wp_value; eauto 10.
- (* fst *)
smart_wp_bind (FstCtx) v "# Hv" IHtyped; cbn.
iDestruct "Hv" as (w1 w2) "#[% [H2 H3]]"; subst.
simpl. iApply wp_pure_step_later; auto. by iApply wp_value.
- (* snd *)
smart_wp_bind (SndCtx) v "# Hv" IHtyped; cbn.
iDestruct "Hv" as (w1 w2) "#[% [H2 H3]]"; subst.
simpl. iApply wp_pure_step_later; eauto. by iApply wp_value.
- (* injl *)
smart_wp_bind (InjLCtx) v "# Hv" IHtyped; cbn.
iApply wp_value; eauto.
- (* injr *)
smart_wp_bind (InjRCtx) v "# Hv" IHtyped; cbn.
iApply wp_value; eauto.
- (* case *)
smart_wp_bind (CaseCtx _ _) v "#Hv" IHtyped1; cbn.
iDestruct (interp_env_length with "HΓ") as %?.
iDestruct "Hv" as "[Hv|Hv]"; iDestruct "Hv" as (w) "[% Hw]"; simplify_eq/=.
+ iApply wp_pure_step_later; auto; asimpl. iNext.
iApply (IHtyped2 Δ (w :: vs)). iApply interp_env_cons; auto.
+ iApply wp_pure_step_later; auto 1 using to_of_val; asimpl. iNext.
iApply (IHtyped3 Δ (w :: vs)). iApply interp_env_cons; auto.
- (* lam *)
iApply wp_value; simpl; iAlways; iIntros (w) "#Hw".
iDestruct (interp_env_length with "HΓ") as %?.
iApply wp_pure_step_later; auto 1 using to_of_val. iNext.
iApply (IHtyped Δ (w :: vs)). iApply interp_env_cons; auto.
- (* app *)
smart_wp_bind (AppLCtx (e2.[env_subst vs])) v "#Hv" IHtyped1.
smart_wp_bind (AppRCtx v) w "#Hw" IHtyped2.
iApply wp_mono; [|iApply "Hv"]; auto.
- (* TLam *)
iApply wp_value; simpl.
iAlways; iIntros (τi) "%". iApply wp_pure_step_later; auto. iNext.
iApply IHtyped. by iApply interp_env_ren.
- (* TApp *)
smart_wp_bind TAppCtx v "#Hv" IHtyped; cbn.
iApply wp_wand_r; iSplitL; [iApply ("Hv" $! ( τ' Δ)); iPureIntro; apply _|].
iIntros (w) "?". by rewrite interp_subst.
- (* Fold *)
smart_wp_bind FoldCtx v "#Hv" IHtyped; cbn. iApply wp_value.
rewrite /= -interp_subst fixpoint_interp_rec1_eq /=.
iAlways; eauto.
- (* Unfold *)
iApply (wp_bind (fill [UnfoldCtx]));
iApply wp_wand_l; iSplitL; [|iApply IHtyped; trivial].
iIntros (v) "#Hv /=". rewrite /= fixpoint_interp_rec1_eq.
change (fixpoint _) with ( TRec τ Δ); simpl.
iDestruct "Hv" as (w) "#[% Hw]"; subst; simpl.
iApply wp_pure_step_later; auto. iApply wp_value; iNext.
by rewrite -interp_subst.
End fundamental.