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Commit 3f148a41 authored by Rodolphe Lepigre's avatar Rodolphe Lepigre
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Constrained encoded with own_constrained + wand type for values.

Co-authored-by: default avatarMichael Sammler <>
parent c61dc3f4
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1 merge request!14Encode the constrained type into own_constrained.
Pipeline #40485 passed
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Section learnable.
Next Obligation.
iIntros (r l β) "Hl". rewrite btree_t_unfold /ty_own /=.
iDestruct "Hl" as ([[[n ks] vs] cs]) "Hl". rewrite tyexists_eq /=.
iDestruct "Hl" as ([[[n ks] vs] cs]) "Hl". rewrite tyexists_eq /persistent_own_constraint /=.
rewrite /ty_own /=. iDestruct "Hl" as "[_ %]". iPureIntro. naive_solver.
End learnable.
......@@ -100,6 +100,28 @@ Global Instance simplify_goal_id_inst {Σ} (P : iProp Σ):
SimplifyGoal P None | 100 :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_id P T).
(* TODO: Is the following useful? *)
(* Lemma simplify_persistent_pure_goal {Σ} (Φ : Prop) T: *)
(* T ⌜Φ⌝ -∗ simplify_goal (Σ := Σ) (□ ⌜Φ⌝) T. *)
(* Proof. iIntros "HT". iExists _. iFrame. by iIntros (?). Qed. *)
(* Global Instance simplify_persistent_pure_goal_id {Σ} (Φ : Prop): *)
(* SimplifyGoal (Σ:=Σ) (□ ⌜Φ⌝) (Some 0%N) := *)
(* λ T, i2p (simplify_persistent_pure_goal Φ T). *)
(* Lemma simplify_persistent_pure_hyp {Σ} (Φ : Prop) T: *)
(* (⌜Φ⌝ -∗ T) -∗ simplify_hyp (Σ := Σ) (□ ⌜Φ⌝) T. *)
(* Proof. iIntros "HT" (?). by iApply "HT". Qed. *)
(* Global Instance simplify_persistent_pure_hyp_inst {Σ} (Φ : Prop): *)
(* SimplifyHyp (Σ:=Σ) (□ ⌜Φ⌝) (Some 0%N) := *)
(* λ T, i2p (simplify_persistent_pure_hyp Φ T). *)
(* Lemma simplify_persistent_sep_hyp {Σ} (P Q : iProp Σ) T: *)
(* (□ P -∗ □ Q -∗ T) -∗ simplify_hyp (Σ := Σ) (□ (P ∗ Q)) T. *)
(* Proof. iIntros "HT [HP HQ]". iApply ("HT" with "HP HQ"). Qed. *)
(* Global Instance simplify_persistent_sep_hyp_inst {Σ} (P Q : iProp Σ): *)
(* SimplifyHyp (Σ:=Σ) (□ (P ∗ Q)) (Some 0%N) := *)
(* λ T, i2p (simplify_persistent_sep_hyp P Q T). *)
(** * Subsumption *)
(** ** Definition *)
Definition subsume {Σ} (P1 P2 T : iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
......@@ -2,78 +2,6 @@ From refinedc.typing Require Export type.
From refinedc.typing Require Import programs optional.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section constrained.
Context `{!typeG Σ}.
Program Definition constrained (ty : type) (P : iProp Σ) : type := {|
ty_own β l := (l {β} ty P)%I
Next Obligation. move => ty P ? l ?. iIntros "[H $]". by iApply ty_share. Qed.
Global Instance constrained_rty_ne n : Proper ((dist n) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n)) constrained.
Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
Global Instance constrained_rty_proper : Proper (() ==> () ==> ()) constrained.
Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
Global Program Instance constrained_movable ty P `{!Movable ty} : Movable (constrained ty P) := {|
ty_layout := ty.(ty_layout);
ty_own_val v := (v ty P)%I;
Next Obligation. iIntros (????) "[? _]". by iApply ty_aligned. Qed.
Next Obligation. iIntros (????) "[? _]". by iApply ty_size_eq. Qed.
Next Obligation. iIntros (????) "[? $]". by iApply ty_deref. Qed.
Next Obligation. iIntros (??????) "Hl [? $]". by iApply (ty_ref with "[//] [Hl]"). Qed.
Global Instance constrained_loc_in_bounds ty β P `{!LocInBounds ty β} :
LocInBounds (constrained ty P) β.
constructor. iIntros (l) "[Hl _]". by iApply loc_in_bounds_in_bounds.
Lemma simplify_hyp_place_constrained P l β ty T `{!Persistent P}:
(P -∗ l {β} ty -∗ T) -∗ simplify_hyp (l{β} constrained ty P) T.
Proof. iIntros "HT [Hl #?]". by iApply "HT". Qed.
Global Instance simplify_hyp_place_constrained_inst P l β ty `{!Persistent P}:
SimplifyHypPlace l β (constrained ty P)%I (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_constrained P l β ty T).
Lemma simplify_goal_place_constrained P l β ty T `{!Persistent P}:
T (l {β} ty P) -∗ simplify_goal (l{β} constrained ty P) T.
Proof. iIntros "HT". iExists _. iFrame. iIntros "[$ #?]". by iModIntro. Qed.
Global Instance simplify_goal_place_constrained_inst P l β ty `{!Persistent P}:
SimplifyGoalPlace l β (constrained ty P)%I (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_constrained P l β ty T).
Lemma simplify_hyp_val_constrained P v ty T `{!Movable ty}:
(P -∗ v ty -∗ T) -∗ simplify_hyp (v constrained ty P) T.
Proof. iIntros "HT [Hl #?]". by iApply "HT". Qed.
Global Instance simplify_hyp_val_constrained_inst P v ty `{!Movable ty}:
SimplifyHypVal v (constrained ty P)%I (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_constrained P v ty T).
Lemma simplify_goal_val_constrained P v ty T `{!Movable ty} `{!Persistent P}:
T (v ty P) -∗ simplify_goal (v constrained ty P) T.
Proof. iIntros "HT". iExists _. iFrame. iIntros "[$ #?]". by iModIntro. Qed.
Global Instance simplify_goal_val_constrained_inst P v ty `{!Movable ty} `{!Persistent P}:
SimplifyGoalVal v (constrained ty P)%I (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_constrained P v ty T).
Global Program Instance constrained_optional ty P optty ot1 ot2 `{!Movable ty} `{!Movable optty} `{!Optionable ty optty ot1 ot2} : Optionable (constrained ty P) optty ot1 ot2 := {|
opt_pre v1 v2 := opt_pre ty v1 v2
Next Obligation. move => ???????? /=. apply opt_alt_sz. Qed.
Next Obligation.
iIntros (????????[]?????) "Hpre H1 H2". 1: iDestruct "H1" as "[H1 _]".
by iApply (opt_bin_op true with "Hpre H1 H2").
by iApply (opt_bin_op false with "Hpre H1 H2").
Global Instance optionable_agree_constrained P (ty2 : type) `{!OptionableAgree ty1 ty2} : OptionableAgree (constrained ty1 P) ty2.
Proof. done. Qed.
End constrained.
Typeclasses Opaque constrained.
Class OwnConstraint `{!typeG Σ} (P : own_state iProp Σ) : Prop := {
own_constraint_persistent : Persistent (P Shr);
own_constraint_share E : shrN E P Own ={E}=∗ P Shr;
......@@ -83,7 +11,7 @@ Global Existing Instance own_constraint_persistent.
Section own_constrained.
Context `{!typeG Σ}.
Program Definition own_constrained (ty : type) (P : own_state iProp Σ) `{!OwnConstraint P} : type := {|
Program Definition own_constrained (P : own_state iProp Σ) `{!OwnConstraint P} (ty : type) : type := {|
ty_own β l := (l {β} ty P β)%I
Next Obligation.
......@@ -92,7 +20,12 @@ Section own_constrained.
by iApply own_constraint_share.
Global Program Instance own_constrained_movable ty P `{!Movable ty} `{!OwnConstraint P} : Movable (own_constrained ty P) := {|
Global Instance own_constrained_rty_ne n P `{!OwnConstraint P} : Proper ((dist n) ==> (dist n)) (own_constrained P).
Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
Global Instance own_constrained_rty_proper P `{!OwnConstraint P} : Proper (() ==> ()) (own_constrained P).
Proof. solve_type_proper. Qed.
Global Program Instance own_constrained_movable ty P `{!Movable ty} `{!OwnConstraint P} : Movable (own_constrained P ty) := {|
ty_layout := ty.(ty_layout);
ty_own_val v := (v ty P Own)%I;
......@@ -101,34 +34,53 @@ Section own_constrained.
Next Obligation. iIntros (?????) "[? $]". by iApply ty_deref. Qed.
Next Obligation. iIntros (???????) "Hl [? $]". by iApply (ty_ref with "[//] [Hl]"). Qed.
Global Instance own_constrained_loc_in_bounds ty β P `{!OwnConstraint P} `{!LocInBounds ty β} :
LocInBounds (own_constrained P ty) β.
constructor. iIntros (l) "[Hl _]". by iApply loc_in_bounds_in_bounds.
Lemma simplify_hyp_place_own_constrained P l β ty T `{!OwnConstraint P}:
(P β -∗ l {β} ty -∗ T) -∗ simplify_hyp (l{β} own_constrained ty P) T.
(P β -∗ l {β} ty -∗ T) -∗ simplify_hyp (l{β} own_constrained P ty) T.
Proof. iIntros "HT [Hl HP]". by iApply ("HT" with "HP"). Qed.
Global Instance simplify_hyp_place_own_constrained_inst P l β ty `{!OwnConstraint P}:
SimplifyHypPlace l β (own_constrained ty P)%I (Some 0%N) :=
SimplifyHypPlace l β (own_constrained P ty)%I (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_own_constrained P l β ty T).
Lemma simplify_goal_place_own_constrained P l β ty T `{!OwnConstraint P}:
T (l {β} ty P β) -∗ simplify_goal (l{β} own_constrained ty P) T.
T (l {β} ty P β) -∗ simplify_goal (l{β} own_constrained P ty) T.
Proof. iIntros "HT". iExists _. iFrame. iIntros "[$ $]". Qed.
Global Instance simplify_goal_place_own_constrained_inst P l β ty `{!OwnConstraint P}:
SimplifyGoalPlace l β (own_constrained ty P)%I (Some 0%N) :=
SimplifyGoalPlace l β (own_constrained P ty)%I (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_own_constrained P l β ty T).
Lemma simplify_hyp_val_own_constrained P v ty T `{!Movable ty} `{!OwnConstraint P}:
(P Own -∗ v ty -∗ T) -∗ simplify_hyp (v own_constrained ty P) T.
(P Own -∗ v ty -∗ T) -∗ simplify_hyp (v own_constrained P ty) T.
Proof. iIntros "HT [Hl HP]". by iApply ("HT" with "HP"). Qed.
Global Instance simplify_hyp_val_own_constrained_inst P v ty `{!Movable ty} `{!OwnConstraint P}:
SimplifyHypVal v (own_constrained ty P)%I (Some 0%N) :=
SimplifyHypVal v (own_constrained P ty)%I (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_val_own_constrained P v ty T).
Lemma simplify_goal_val_own_constrained P v ty T `{!Movable ty} `{!OwnConstraint P}:
T (v ty P Own) -∗ simplify_goal (v own_constrained ty P) T.
T (v ty P Own) -∗ simplify_goal (v own_constrained P ty) T.
Proof. iIntros "HT". iExists _. iFrame. iIntros "[$ $]". Qed.
Global Instance simplify_goal_val_own_constrained_inst P v ty `{!Movable ty} `{!OwnConstraint P}:
SimplifyGoalVal v (own_constrained ty P)%I (Some 0%N) :=
SimplifyGoalVal v (own_constrained P ty)%I (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_val_own_constrained P v ty T).
Global Program Instance own_constrained_optional ty P optty ot1 ot2 `{!Movable ty} `{!Movable optty} `{!OwnConstraint P} `{!Optionable ty optty ot1 ot2} : Optionable (own_constrained P ty) optty ot1 ot2 := {|
opt_pre v1 v2 := opt_pre ty v1 v2
Next Obligation. move => ????????? /=. apply opt_alt_sz. Qed.
Next Obligation.
iIntros (?????????[]?????) "Hpre H1 H2". 1: iDestruct "H1" as "[H1 _]".
by iApply (opt_bin_op true with "Hpre H1 H2").
by iApply (opt_bin_op false with "Hpre H1 H2").
Global Instance optionable_agree_own_constrained P (ty2 : type) `{!OwnConstraint P} `{!OptionableAgree ty1 ty2} : OptionableAgree (own_constrained P ty1) ty2.
Proof. done. Qed.
Definition tyown_constraint (l : loc) (ty : type) (β : own_state) : iProp Σ := l {β} ty.
......@@ -149,5 +101,62 @@ Section own_constrained.
SimplifyGoal (tyown_constraint l ty β) (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_tyown_constrained l β ty T).
End own_constrained.
Typeclasses Opaque own_constrained tyown_constraint.
Arguments tyown_constraint : simpl never.
Section constrained.
Context `{!typeG Σ}.
Definition persistent_own_constraint (P : iProp Σ) (β : own_state) : iProp Σ := P.
Global Instance persistent_own_constraint_inst P: OwnConstraint (persistent_own_constraint P).
Proof. constructor; [by apply _ | by iIntros (??) "H !>"]. Qed.
Lemma simplify_hyp_place_persistent_constrained P β T:
(P -∗ T) -∗ simplify_hyp (persistent_own_constraint P β) T.
Proof. iIntros "HT #Hl". by iApply "HT". Qed.
Global Instance simplify_hyp_place_persistent_constrained_inst P β:
SimplifyHyp (persistent_own_constraint P β) (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_persistent_constrained P β T).
Lemma simplify_goal_place_persistent_constrained P `{!Persistent P} β T:
T P -∗ simplify_goal (persistent_own_constraint P β) T.
Proof. iIntros "HT". iExists _. iFrame. iIntros "#$". Qed.
Global Instance simplify_goal_place_persistent_constrained_inst P `{!Persistent P} β:
SimplifyGoal (persistent_own_constraint P β) (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_persistent_constrained P β T).
End constrained.
Typeclasses Opaque persistent_own_constraint.
Arguments persistent_own_constraint : simpl never.
Notation constrained ty P := (own_constrained (persistent_own_constraint P) ty).
Section nonshr_constrained.
Context `{!typeG Σ}.
Definition nonshr_constraint (P : iProp Σ) (β : own_state) : iProp Σ :=
match β with | Own => P | Shr => True end.
Global Program Instance nonshr_constraint_own_constraint P: OwnConstraint (nonshr_constraint P).
Next Obligation. iIntros (???) "?". done. Qed.
Lemma simplify_hyp_place_nonshr_constrained P T:
(P -∗ T) -∗ simplify_hyp (nonshr_constraint P Own) T.
Proof. iIntros "HT Hl". by iApply "HT". Qed.
Global Instance simplify_hyp_place_nonshr_constrained_inst P:
SimplifyHyp (nonshr_constraint P Own) (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_place_nonshr_constrained P T).
Lemma simplify_goal_place_nonshr_constrained P T:
T P -∗ simplify_goal (nonshr_constraint P Own) T.
Proof. iIntros "HT". iExists _. iFrame. iIntros "$". Qed.
Global Instance simplify_goal_place_nonshr_constrained_inst P:
SimplifyGoal (nonshr_constraint P Own) (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_place_nonshr_constrained P T).
End nonshr_constrained.
Typeclasses Opaque nonshr_constraint.
Arguments nonshr_constraint : simpl never.
......@@ -38,6 +38,21 @@ Section singleton_val.
SubsumeVal v ty (singleton_val ly v') :=
λ T, i2p (singleton_val_subsume_goal v v' ly ty T).
Lemma singleton_val_subsume_goal_loc l v' ly ty `{!Movable ty} T:
( v, v ty -∗ ty.(ty_layout) = ly v = v' T) -∗
subsume (l ty) (l singleton_val ly v') T.
iIntros "HT Hty".
iDestruct (ty_aligned with "Hty") as %Hal.
iDestruct (ty_deref with "Hty") as (v) "[Hmt Hty]".
iDestruct (ty_size_eq with "Hty") as %Hly.
iDestruct ("HT" with "Hty") as (<- ->) "$".
by iFrame.
Global Instance singleton_val_subsume_goal_loc_inst l v' ly ty `{!Movable ty}:
SubsumePlace l Own ty (singleton_val ly v') :=
λ T, i2p (singleton_val_subsume_goal_loc l v' ly ty T).
Lemma singleton_val_merge v l ly T:
(find_in_context (FindVal v) (λ ty:mtype, ty.(ty_layout) = ly (l ty -∗ T))) -∗
simplify_hyp (l singleton_val ly v) T.
......@@ -24,12 +24,11 @@ Section tyfold.
rty := tyfold_type tys base
Typeclasses Transparent own_constrained constrained.
Typeclasses Transparent own_constrained persistent_own_constraint.
Lemma simplify_hyp_place_tyfold_optional l β ls tys b T:
(l {β} (maybe2 cons tys) @ optionalO (λ '(ty, tys), tyexists (λ l2, tyexists (λ ls2,
constrained (
own_constrained (ty (singleton_place l2))
(tyown_constraint l2 (ls2 @ tyfold tys b))) (ls = l2::ls2)))) b -∗ T) -∗
own_constrained (tyown_constraint l2 (ls2 @ tyfold tys b)) (ty (singleton_place l2))) (ls = l2::ls2)))) b -∗ T) -∗
simplify_hyp (l{β} ls @ tyfold tys b) T.
iIntros "HT Hl". iApply "HT". iDestruct "Hl" as (Hlen) "[Htys Hb]".
......@@ -544,6 +544,10 @@ Ltac f_equiv' :=
destruct H
| |- _ = _ => reflexivity
| |- ?R (?f _) _ => simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _) _ => simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _) _ => simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R ==> R ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _) _ => simple apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R ==> R ==> R ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _) _ => simple apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> _ ==> _ ==> _ ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _ _) _ => simple apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> _ ==> _ ==> R) f)
| |- ?R (?f _ _) _ => simple apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> _ ==> R) f)
......@@ -5,15 +5,16 @@ Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section wand.
Context `{!typeG Σ}.
Program Definition wand_ex {A} (P : A iProp Σ) (ty : A type) : type := {|
Context {A : Type}.
Implicit Types (P : A iProp Σ).
Program Definition wand_ex P (ty : A type) : type := {|
ty_own β l := match β return _ with
| Own => x, P x -∗ l (ty x)
| Shr => True
Next Obligation. by iIntros (??????) "?". Qed.
Context {A : Type}. Implicit Types (P : A iProp Σ).
Next Obligation. by iIntros (?????) "?". Qed.
Lemma subsume_wand l P1 P2 ty1 ty2 T:
(* The trick is that we prove the wand at the very end so it can
......@@ -59,3 +60,89 @@ Section wand.
End wand.
Notation wand P ty := (wand_ex (A:=unit) (λ _, P) (λ _, ty)).
Section wand_val.
Context `{!typeG Σ}.
Context {A : Type}.
Implicit Types (P : A iProp Σ).
Program Definition wand_val_ex ly P (ty : A type) `{!∀ x, Movable (ty x)} : type := {|
ty_own β l :=
v, l `has_layout_loc` ly v `has_layout_val` ly l [β] v
match β return _ with
| Own => x, P x -∗ v (ty x)
| Shr => True
Next Obligation.
iIntros (???????) "H". iDestruct "H" as (v) "(Hly1&Hly2&Hl&_)".
iMod (heap_mapsto_own_state_share with "Hl") as "Hl". eauto with iFrame.
Global Program Instance wand_val_movable P ly ty
`{!∀ x, Movable (ty x)} : Movable (wand_val_ex ly P ty) := {|
ty_layout := ly;
ty_own_val v := (v `has_layout_val` ly x, P x -∗ v (ty x))%I;
Next Obligation. iIntros (?????) "Hl". iDestruct "Hl" as (?) "[$ _]". Qed.
Next Obligation. iIntros (?????) "[$ _]". Qed.
Next Obligation. iIntros (?????) "Hl". iDestruct "Hl" as (v) "(?&?&?&?)". eauto with iFrame. Qed.
Next Obligation. iIntros (????? v) "??[??]". iExists v. iFrame. Qed.
Global Instance wand_val_loc_in_bounds P ly (ty : A type)
`{!∀ x, Movable (ty x)} `{!∀ x, LocInBounds (ty x) β}:
LocInBounds (wand_val_ex ly P ty) β.
constructor. iIntros (l) "Hl". iDestruct "Hl" as (?) "(_&_&Hl&_)".
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_own_state_loc_in_bounds with "Hl") as "H".
iApply (loc_in_bounds_shorten with "H"). lia.
Lemma subsume_wand_val v ly1 ly2 P1 P2 ty1 ty2 T `{!∀ x, Movable (ty1 x)} `{!∀ x, Movable (ty2 x)}:
(* The trick is that we prove the wand at the very end so it can
use all leftover resources. This only works if there is at most
one wand per block (but this is enough for iterating over linked
lists). *)
ly1 = ly2 T ( x, P2 x -∗ y, P1 y (v ty1 y -∗ v ty2 x True)) -∗
subsume (v wand_val_ex ly1 P1 ty1) (v wand_val_ex ly2 P2 ty2) T.
iIntros "(->&$&Hwand) ($&Hty1)" (x) "HP2".
iDestruct ("Hwand" with "HP2") as (y) "[HP1 Hwand]".
iDestruct ("Hty1" with "HP1") as "Hty1". iDestruct ("Hwand" with "Hty1") as "[$_]".
Global Instance subsume_wand_val_inst v ly1 ly2 P1 P2 ty1 ty2 `{!∀ x, Movable (ty1 x)} `{!∀ x, Movable (ty2 x)}:
SubsumeVal v (wand_val_ex ly1 P1 ty1)%I (wand_val_ex ly2 P2 ty2)%I :=
λ T, i2p (subsume_wand_val v ly1 ly2 P1 P2 ty1 ty2 T).
Lemma simplify_hyp_resolve_wand_val v ly P ty T `{!∀ x, Movable (ty x)}:
( x, P x (v ty x -∗ T)) -∗
simplify_hyp (v wand_val_ex ly P ty) T.
iDestruct 1 as (x) "[HP HT]". iIntros "[_ Hwand]".
iApply "HT". by iApply "Hwand".
(* must be before [simplify_goal_place_refine_r] *)
Global Instance simplify_hyp_resolve_wand_val_inst v ly P ty `{!∀ x, Movable (ty x)}:
SimplifyHypVal v (wand_val_ex ly P ty) (Some 9%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_hyp_resolve_wand_val v ly P ty T).
Lemma simplify_goal_wand_val_eq v ly (ty : A type) T `{!∀ x, Movable (ty x)}:
v `has_layout_val` ly T True -∗
simplify_goal (v wand_val_ex ly (λ x, v (ty x)) ty) T.
Proof. iIntros "[??]". iExists _. iFrame. by eauto. Qed.
Global Instance simplify_goal_wand_val_eq_inst v ly ty `{!∀ x, Movable (ty x)}:
SimplifyGoalVal v (wand_val_ex ly (λ x, v (ty x)) ty)%I (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_wand_val_eq v ly ty T).
(* TODO: make this more general, maybe with a SimpleSubsume
judgement, which does not have a continutation?*)
Lemma simplify_goal_wand_val_eq_ref v ly ty (x1 x2 : A _) T `{!RMovable ty}:
v `has_layout_val` ly T ⌜∀ x, x1 x = x2 x -∗
simplify_goal (v wand_val_ex ly (λ x, v (x1 x) @ ty) (λ x, (x2 x) @ ty)) T.
Proof. iIntros "[??]". iExists _. iFrame. iIntros (Heq x) "?". by rewrite Heq. Qed.
Global Instance simplify_goal_wand_val_eq_ref_inst v ly ty x1 x2 `{!RMovable ty}:
SimplifyGoalVal v (wand_val_ex ly (λ x, v (x1 x) @ ty) (λ x, (x2 x) @ ty))%I (Some 0%N) :=
λ T, i2p (simplify_goal_wand_val_eq_ref v ly ty x1 x2 T).
End wand_val.
Notation wand_val ly P ty := (wand_val_ex (A:=unit) ly (λ _, P) (λ _, ty)).
This diff is collapsed.
From refinedc.typing Require Import typing.
From refinedc.tutorial.t03_list Require Import generated_code.
From refinedc.tutorial.t03_list Require Import generated_spec.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(* Generated from [tutorial/t03_list.c]. *)
Section proof_length_val.
Context `{!typeG Σ} `{!globalG Σ}.
(* Typing proof for [length_val]. *)
Lemma type_length_val :
typed_function impl_length_val type_of_length_val.
start_function "length_val" ([v l]) => arg_p local_len.
split_blocks ((
<[ "#1" :=
v2 : val,
l1 : list type,
arg_p (own_constrained (nonshr_constraint (v2 l1 @ list_t)) (singleton_val (LPtr) (v2)))
local_len ((length l - length l1) @ (int (size_t)))
(v wand_val LPtr (v2 l1 @ list_t) (l @ list_t))
]> $
)%I : gmap label (iProp Σ)) ((
)%I : gmap label (iProp Σ)).
- repeat liRStep; liShow.
all: print_typesystem_goal "length_val" "#0".
- repeat liRStep; liShow.
all: print_typesystem_goal "length_val" "#1".
Unshelve. all: sidecond_hook; prepare_sideconditions; normalize_and_simpl_goal; try solve_goal; unsolved_sidecond_hook.
all: print_sidecondition_goal "length_val".
End proof_length_val.
......@@ -132,6 +132,11 @@ Section spec.
fn( (v, l) : val * (list type); (singleton_val (LPtr) (v)); (v l @ list_t) length l <= max_int size_t)
() : (), ((length l) @ (int (size_t))); (v l @ list_t).
(* Specifications for function [length_val]. *)
Definition type_of_length_val :=
fn( (v, l) : val * (list type); (singleton_val (LPtr) (v)); (v l @ list_t) length l <= max_int size_t)
() : (), ((length l) @ (int (size_t))); (v l @ list_t).
(* Specifications for function [append]. *)
Definition type_of_append :=
fn( (p, l1, l2) : loc * (list type) * (list type); (p @ (&own (l1 @ (list_t)))), (l2 @ (list_t)); True)
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ generated_proof_free_array.v
......@@ -110,6 +110,25 @@ size_t length_val_rec (list_t p) {
return length_val_rec(p->tail) + 1;
[[rc::parameters("v : val", "l : {list type}")]]
[[rc::args("singleton_val<LPtr, v>")]]
[[rc::requires("[v ◁ᵥ l @ list_t]")]]
[[rc::requires("{length l <= max_int size_t}")]]
[[rc::returns("{length l} @ int<size_t>")]]
[[rc::ensures("[v ◁ᵥ l @ list_t]")]] // TODO: there should be nicer syntax for this
size_t length_val (list_t p) {
size_t len = 0;
[[rc::exists("v2 : val", "l1 : {list type}")]]
[[rc::inv_vars("p : own_constrained<nonshr_constraint<{v2 ◁ᵥ l1 @ list_t}>, singleton_val<LPtr, v2>>",
"len : {length l - length l1} @ int<size_t>")]]
[[rc::constraints("[v ◁ᵥ wand_val LPtr (v2 ◁ᵥ l1 @ list_t) (l @ list_t)]")]]
while (p != NULL) {
p = p->tail;
len += 1;
return len;
[[rc::parameters("p : loc", "l1 : {list type}", "l2 : {list type}")]]
[[rc::args("p @ &own<l1 @ list_t>", "l2 @ list_t")]]
[[rc::ensures("p @ &own<{l1 ++ l2} @ list_t>")]]
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