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This file lists "large-ish" changes to the std++ Coq library, but not every API-breaking change is listed.

std++ master

  • Rename dom_map_filter into dom_map_filter_subseteq and repurpose dom_map_filter for the version with the equality. This follows the naming convention for similar lemmas.
  • Generalize list_find_Some and list_find_None to become bi-implications.
  • Disambiguate Haskell-style notations for partially applied operators. For example, change (!! i) into (.!! x) so that !! can also be used as a prefix, as done in VST. A sed script to perform the renaming can be found at: !93
  • Add type class TopSet for sets with a element. Provide instances for boolset, propset, and coPset.
  • Add set_solver support for dom.
  • Rename vec_to_list_of_list into vec_to_list_to_vec, and add new lemma list_to_vec_to_list for the converse.
  • Rename fin_of_nat into nat_to_fin, fin_to_of_nat into fin_to_nat_to_fin, and fin_of_to_nat into nat_to_fin_to_nat, to follow the conventions.
  • Add Countable instance for vec.
  • Introduce destruct_or{?,!} to repeatedly destruct disjunctions in assumptions. The tactic can also be provided an explicit assumption name; destruct_and{?,!} has been generalized accordingly and now can also be provided an explicit assumption name. Slight breaking change: destruct_and no longer handle False; destruct_or now handles False while destruct_and handles True, as the respective units of disjunction and conjunction.
  • Add tactic set_unfold in H.
  • Set Hint Mode for TCAnd, TCOr, TCForall, TCForall2, TCElemOf, TCEq, and TCDiag.

std++ 1.2.1 (released 2019-08-29)

This release of std++ received contributions by Dan Frumin, Michael Sammler, Paolo G. Giarrusso, Paulo Emílio de Vilhena, Ralf Jung, Robbert Krebbers, Rodolphe Lepigre, and Simon Spies.

Noteworthy additions and changes:

  • Introduce max and min infix notations for N and Z like we have for nat.
  • Make solve_ndisj tactic more powerful.
  • Add type class Involutive.
  • Improve naive_solver performance in case the goal is trivially solvable.
  • Add a bunch of new lemmas for list, set, and map operations.
  • Rename lookup_imap into map_lookup_imap.

std++ 1.2.0 (released 2019-04-26)

Coq 8.9 is supported by this release, but Coq 8.6 is no longer supported. Use std++ 1.1 if you have to use Coq 8.6. The repository moved to a new location at and automatically generated Coq-doc of master is available at

This release of std++ received contributions by Dan Frumin, Hai Dang, Jan-Oliver Kaiser, Mackie Loeffel, Maxime Dénès, Ralf Jung, Robbert Krebbers, and Tej Chajed.

New features:

  • New notations =@{A}, ≡@{A}, ∈@{A}, ∉@{A}, ##@{A}, ⊆@{A}, ⊂@{A}, ⊑@{A}, ≡ₚ@{A} for being explicit about the type.
  • A definition of basic telescopes tele and some theory about them.
  • A simple type class based canceler NatCancel for natural numbers.
  • A type binder for anonymous and named binders to be used in program language definitions with string-based binders.
  • More results about set_fold on sets and multisets.
  • Notions of infinite and finite predicates/sets and basic theory about them.
  • New operation map_seq.
  • The symmetric and reflexive/transitive/symmetric closure of a relation (sc and rtsc, respectively).
  • Different notions of confluence (diamond property, confluence, local confluence) and the relations between these.
  • A size function for finite maps and prove some properties.
  • More results about Qp fractions.
  • More miscellaneous results about sets, maps, lists, multisets.
  • Various type class utilities, e.g. TCEq, TCIf, TCDiag, TCNoBackTrack, and tc_to_bool.
  • Generalize gset_to_propset to set_to_propset for any SemiSet.


  • Consistently use lia instead of omega everywhere.
  • Consistently block simpl on all Z operations.
  • The Infinite class is now defined using a function fresh : list A → A that given a list xs, gives an element fresh xs ∉ xs.
  • Make default an abbreviation for from_option id (instead of just swapping the argument order of from_option).
  • More efficient Countable instance for list that is linear instead of exponential.
  • Improve performance of set_solver significantly by introducing specialized type class SetUnfoldElemOf for propositions involving .
  • Make gset a Definition instead of a Notation to improve performance.
  • Use disj_union (notation ) for disjoint union on multisets (that adds the multiplicities). Repurpose on multisets for the actual union (that takes the max of the multiplicities).


  • Consistently use the set prefix instead of the collection prefix for definitions and lemmas.
  • Renaming of classes:
    • Collection into Set_ (_ since Set is a reserved keyword)
    • SimpleCollection into SemiSet
    • FinCollection into FinSet
    • CollectionMonad into MonadSet
  • Types:
    • set A := A → Prop into propset
    • bset := A → bool into boolset.
  • Files:
    • collections.v into sets.v
    • fin_collections.v into fin_sets.v
    • bset into boolset
    • set into propset
  • Consistently use the naming scheme X_to_Y for conversion functions, e.g. list_to_map instead of the former map_of_list.

The following sed script should perform most of the renaming:

sed '
' -i $(find -name "*.v")

std++ 1.1.0 (released 2017-12-19)

Coq 8.5 is no longer supported by this release of std++. Use std++ 1.0 if you have to use Coq 8.5.

New features:

  • Many new lemmas about lists, vectors, sets, maps.
  • Equivalence proofs between std++ functions and their alternative in the the Coq standard library, e.g. List.nth, List.NoDop.
  • Typeclass versions of the logical connectives and list predicates: TCOr, TCAnd, TCTrue, TCForall, TCForall2.
  • A function tc_opaque to make definitions type class opaque.
  • A type class Infinite for infinite types.
  • A generic implementation to obtain fresh elements of infinite types.
  • More theory about curry and uncurry functions on gmap.
  • A generic filter and zip_with operation on finite maps.
  • A type of generic trees for showing that arbitrary types are countable.


  • Get rid of Automatic Coercions Import, it is deprecated. Also get rid of Set Asymmetric Patterns.
  • Various changes and improvements to f_equiv and solve_proper.
  • Hint Mode is now set for all operational type classes to make instance search less likely to diverge.
  • New type class RelDecision for decidable relations, and EqDecision is defined in terms of it. This class allows to set Hint Mode properly.
  • Use the flag assert of Arguments to make it more robust.
  • The functions imap and imap2 on lists are defined so that they enjoy more definitional equalities.
  • Theory about fin is moved to its own file fin.v.
  • Rename preservingmono.

Changes to notations:

  • Operational type classes for lattice notations: ,, , .
  • Replace for disjointness with ##, so that can be used for the bottom lattice element.
  • All notations are now in stdpp_scope with scope key stdpp (formerly C_scope and C).
  • Higher precedence for .1 and .2 that is compatible with ssreflect.
  • Various changes to monadic notations to improve compatibility with Mtac2:
    • Pattern matching notation for monadic bind 'pat ← x; y where pat can be any Coq pattern.
    • Change the level of the do-notation.
    • <$> is left associative.
    • Notation x ;; y for _ ← x; y.


Coq-std++ has originally been developed by Robbert Krebbers as part of his formalization of the C programming language in his PhD thesis, called CH2O. After that, Coq-std++ has been part of the Iris project, and has continued to be developed by Robbert Krebbers, Ralf Jung, and Jacques Henri-Jourdan.