Tej Chajed authoredTej Chajed authored
strings.v 4.23 KiB
From Coq Require Import Ascii.
From Coq Require Import Init.Byte.
From Coq Require Export String.
From stdpp Require Export list.
From stdpp Require Import countable.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(* To avoid randomly ending up with String.length because this module is
imported hereditarily somewhere. *)
Notation length := List.length.
(** * Fix scopes *)
Open Scope string_scope.
(* Make sure [list_scope] has priority over [string_scope], so that
the "++" notation designates list concatenation. *)
Open Scope list_scope.
Infix "+:+" := String.append (at level 60, right associativity) : stdpp_scope.
Arguments String.append : simpl never.
(** * Decision of equality *)
Instance ascii_eq_dec : EqDecision ascii := ascii_dec.
Instance byte_eq_dec : EqDecision byte := Byte.byte_eq_dec.
Instance string_eq_dec : EqDecision string.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Instance string_app_inj : Inj (=) (=) (String.append s1).
Proof. intros s1 ???. induction s1; simplify_eq/=; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Instance string_inhabited : Inhabited string := populate "".
(* Reverse *)
Fixpoint string_rev_app (s1 s2 : string) : string :=
match s1 with
| "" => s2
| String a s1 => string_rev_app s1 (String a s2)
Definition string_rev (s : string) : string := string_rev_app s "".
Definition is_nat (x : ascii) : option nat :=
match x with
| "0" => Some 0
| "1" => Some 1
| "2" => Some 2
| "3" => Some 3
| "4" => Some 4
| "5" => Some 5
| "6" => Some 6
| "7" => Some 7
| "8" => Some 8
| "9" => Some 9
| _ => None
(* Break a string up into lists of words, delimited by white space *)
Definition is_space (x : Ascii.ascii) : bool :=
match x with
| "009" | "010" | "011" | "012" | "013" | " " => true | _ => false
Fixpoint words_go (cur : option string) (s : string) : list string :=
match s with
| "" => option_list (string_rev <$> cur)
| String a s =>
if is_space a then option_list (string_rev <$> cur) ++ words_go None s
else words_go (Some (from_option (String a) (String a "") cur)) s
Definition words : string → list string := words_go None.
Ltac words s :=
match type of s with
| list string => s
| string => eval vm_compute in (words s)
(** * Encoding and decoding *)
(** In order to reuse or existing implementation of radix-2 search trees over
positive binary naturals [positive], we define an injection [string_to_pos]
from [string] into [positive]. *)
Fixpoint digits_to_pos (βs : list bool) : positive :=
match βs with
| [] => xH
| false :: βs => (digits_to_pos βs)~0
| true :: βs => (digits_to_pos βs)~1
Definition ascii_to_digits (a : Ascii.ascii) : list bool :=
match a with
| Ascii.Ascii β1 β2 β3 β4 β5 β6 β7 β8 => [β1;β2;β3;β4;β5;β6;β7;β8]
Fixpoint string_to_pos (s : string) : positive :=
match s with
| EmptyString => xH
| String a s => string_to_pos s ++ digits_to_pos (ascii_to_digits a)
Fixpoint digits_of_pos (p : positive) : list bool :=
match p with
| xH => []
| p~0 => false :: digits_of_pos p
| p~1 => true :: digits_of_pos p
Fixpoint ascii_of_digits (βs : list bool) : ascii :=
match βs with
| [] => zero
| β :: βs => Ascii.shift β (ascii_of_digits βs)
Fixpoint string_of_digits (βs : list bool) : string :=
match βs with
| β1 :: β2 :: β3 :: β4 :: β5 :: β6 :: β7 :: β8 :: βs =>
String (ascii_of_digits [β1;β2;β3;β4;β5;β6;β7;β8]) (string_of_digits βs)
| _ => EmptyString
Definition string_of_pos (p : positive) : string :=
string_of_digits (digits_of_pos p).
Lemma string_of_to_pos s : string_of_pos (string_to_pos s) = s.
unfold string_of_pos. by induction s as [|[[][][][][][][][]]]; f_equal/=.
Program Instance string_countable : Countable string := {|
encode := string_to_pos; decode p := Some (string_of_pos p)
Solve Obligations with naive_solver eauto using string_of_to_pos with f_equal.
Lemma ascii_of_to_digits a : ascii_of_digits (ascii_to_digits a) = a.
Proof. by destruct a as [[][][][][][][][]]. Qed.
Instance ascii_countable : Countable ascii :=
inj_countable' ascii_to_digits ascii_of_digits ascii_of_to_digits.
Instance byte_countable : Countable byte :=
inj_countable Byte.to_N Byte.of_N Byte.of_to_N.