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Switch to strict bulleting everywhere

Merged Tej Chajed requested to merge tchajed/stdpp:strict-bulleting into master

Solve #82 (closed).

The flag isn't enforced anywhere, but with this we can add it seamlessly (ideally soon after so there aren't more violations that creep in).

Edited by Tej Chajed

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    • I think this is pretty OK. I would prefer split; [tac1|] or split; [|tac2] if tac1 or tac2 is relatively short. If they are longer (which is quite subjective, but certainly more than just by apply foo, left; by apply foo, apply foo; lia, apply foo; auto), I would prefer bullets.

      That said, I could also do this myself, if you prefer. But if you agree to my above suggestion, then I am likely to support this MR with few comments :).

    • What about importing enough of ssreflect to be able to use first/last? This does not incur an extra dependency any more (if we raise the minimal Coq version enough).

      EDIT: Oh, the ssreflect merger already was back with Coq 8.7... I forgot.^^

      Edited by Ralf Jung
    • Can you import ssreflect in such a way that you get first/last but not its rewrite?

      I don't think first/last is going to help much since Coq has the .. pattern these days. Things like [tac|..] and [..|tac] work pretty well. Also, the does not help for compound tactics with periods.

    • IMHO, I actually don't like first/last. I always have difficult parsing stuff like tac; first tac; eauto. Is that tac; first (tac; eauto) or (tac; first tac); eauto? With the [tac|..] syntax this ambiguity does not exist.

    • Author Maintainer

      I tried to go along with your suggestion, to the extent I understand what you meant by "relatively short". If you spot anything that should be changed, I'm happy to fix it - I think there aren't that many unclear changes, most were straightforward.

      I would also prefer the more basic [done|] compared to importing ssreflect and using first. It's one less thing to learn.

    • I find tac; first tac much easier to type and read than tac; [tac|..]. The latter uses sigils instead of a clear keyword, making it much harder to read, and it involves [, ], and |, making it really hard to type as well (at least on my keyboard layout).

      Arguably, tac; first tac hardly requires any learning. I certainly never read the docs for that. I did have to read the docs for ;[..|].

      Edited by Ralf Jung
    • Author Maintainer

      I think I'd prefer to not introduce a dependency on ssreflect for std++, while in Iris we can use first as much of the existing code does already. Once you're using first I agree that ; first done becomes a nicer pattern, but I was personally confused to see a tactical change goal focusing, since vanilla Ltac1 has no such tactical to my knowledge.

      I'm not that concerned about making code harder to type since it'll be read more than written. That said, I did adjust my keyboard layout to make it easier to type Iris code.

      Note that std++ always (or nearly always) uses a fixed number of tactic and not the ; [tac | ..] variadic thing.

    • For a single tactic, first and last are reasonable. But for multiple tactics first tac1; tac2, it's totally impossible to read that without knowing the precedence rules (I don't know them for this case). You seemed to have ignored that argument @jung...

      Anyway, this discussion is most likely moot, because I don't think we should let std++ depend on ssreflect, and certainly, this MR should not do that.

    • For a single tactic, first and last are reasonable. But for multiple tactics first tac1; tac2, it's totally impossible to read that without knowing the precedence rules (I don't know them for this case). You seemed to have ignored that argument @jung...

      Sorry, forgot to respond to that part. As usual when precedence is unclear, the solution is to add parentheses. That is IMO still easier to read and type than the [...] alternative.

      I am not sure what "depend on" means here given that everything we need is part of the Coq standard library. But I am okay with dropping this point for now, since I don't write std++ MRs so often. It's just every single time I upstream something from an Iris-using project, I have to remove all the last and first everywhere which is the most annoying part of the upstreaming process.^^ So this is a way in which having different proof styles between std++ and Iris is actually a problem for moving code around between the two.

    • I am not sure what "depend on" means here given that everything we need is part of the Coq standard library.

      The problem is that ssreflect overrides a bunch of stuff, in particular rewrite (same name, totally different tactic). So, once we start importing ssreflect, it will have quite severe consequences (some maybe good, some bad, who knows, it's certainly a major change).

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  • Tej Chajed added 1 commit

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  • Tej Chajed added 1 commit

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    • 87095c3b - Remove global strict bulleting flag

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  • Tej Chajed unmarked as a Work In Progress

    unmarked as a Work In Progress

  • Tej Chajed changed title from WIP: Start using strict bulleting everywhere to Switch to strict bulleting everywhere

    changed title from WIP: Start using strict bulleting everywhere to Switch to strict bulleting everywhere

  • Tej Chajed changed the description

    changed the description

  • Some minor comments. This looks good to me. Thanks!

  • Tej Chajed added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • 7a9651e7 - Apply 5 suggestion(s) to 3 file(s)

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  • Author Maintainer

    All of those suggestions look good to me.

    The only open thread is about switching to ssreflect's first. I'm opposed to pulling in ssreflect for this one feature, but if you think it's cleaner (and we can do so without getting ssreflect's rewrite) then we can use that.

  • Tej Chajed added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

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  • Robbert Krebbers resolved all threads

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  • mentioned in commit f4a2763b

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