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Avoid relying on implicit instance generalization, and name some instances.

Merged Robbert Krebbers requested to merge robbert/implicit_names into master
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@@ -482,43 +482,43 @@ Lemma exist_proper {A} (P Q : A → Prop) :
( x, P x Q x) ( x, P x) ( x, Q x).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Instance: Comm () (=@{A}).
Instance eq_comm {A} : Comm () (=@{A}).
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: Comm () (λ x y, y =@{A} x).
Instance flip_eq_comm {A} : Comm () (λ x y, y =@{A} x).
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: Comm () ().
Instance iff_comm : Comm () ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: Comm () ().
Instance and_comm : Comm () ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: Assoc () ().
Instance and_assoc : Assoc () ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: IdemP () ().
Instance and_idemp : IdemP () ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: Comm () ().
Instance or_comm : Comm () ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: Assoc () ().
Instance or_assoc : Assoc () ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: IdemP () ().
Instance or_idemp : IdemP () ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: LeftId () True ().
Instance True_and : LeftId () True ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: RightId () True ().
Instance and_True : RightId () True ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: LeftAbsorb () False ().
Instance False_and : LeftAbsorb () False ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: RightAbsorb () False ().
Instance and_False : RightAbsorb () False ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: LeftId () False ().
Instance False_or : LeftId () False ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: RightId () False ().
Instance or_False : RightId () False ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: LeftAbsorb () True ().
Instance True_or : LeftAbsorb () True ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: RightAbsorb () True ().
Instance or_True : RightAbsorb () True ().
Proof. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: LeftId () True impl.
Instance True_impl : LeftId () True impl.
Proof. unfold impl. red; intuition. Qed.
Instance: RightAbsorb () True impl.
Instance impl_True : RightAbsorb () True impl.
Proof. unfold impl. red; intuition. Qed.
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ Instance prod_inhabited {A B} (iA : Inhabited A)
(iB : Inhabited B) : Inhabited (A * B) :=
match iA, iB with populate x, populate y => populate (x,y) end.
Instance pair_inj : Inj2 (=) (=) (=) (@pair A B).
Instance pair_inj {A B} : Inj2 (=) (=) (=) (@pair A B).
Proof. injection 1; auto. Qed.
Instance prod_map_inj {A A' B B'} (f : A A') (g : B B') :
Inj (=) (=) f Inj (=) (=) g Inj (=) (=) (prod_map f g).
@@ -727,9 +727,9 @@ Instance sum_inhabited_l {A B} (iA : Inhabited A) : Inhabited (A + B) :=
Instance sum_inhabited_r {A B} (iB : Inhabited A) : Inhabited (A + B) :=
match iB with populate y => populate (inl y) end.
Instance inl_inj : Inj (=) (=) (@inl A B).
Instance inl_inj {A B} : Inj (=) (=) (@inl A B).
Proof. injection 1; auto. Qed.
Instance inr_inj : Inj (=) (=) (@inr A B).
Instance inr_inj {A B} : Inj (=) (=) (@inr A B).
Proof. injection 1; auto. Qed.
Instance sum_map_inj {A A' B B'} (f : A A') (g : B B') :