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Add lemma `foldr_cons`.

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@@ -4487,15 +4487,21 @@ End permutations.
(** Note that [foldr] has much better support, so when in doubt, it should be
preferred over [foldl]. *)
Definition foldr_app := @fold_right_app.
Lemma foldr_cons {A B} (f : B A A) (a : A) l x :
foldr f a (x :: l) = f x (foldr f a l).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma foldr_snoc {A B} (f : B A A) (a : A) l x :
foldr f a (l ++ [x]) = foldr f (f x a) l.
Proof. rewrite foldr_app. done. Qed.
Lemma foldr_fmap {A B C} (f : B A A) x (l : list C) g :
foldr f x (g <$> l) = foldr (λ b a, f (g b) a) x l.
Proof. induction l; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma foldr_ext {A B} (f1 f2 : B A A) x1 x2 l1 l2 :
( b a, f1 b a = f2 b a) l1 = l2 x1 = x2 foldr f1 x1 l1 = foldr f2 x2 l2.
Proof. intros Hf -> ->. induction l2 as [|x l2 IH]; f_equal/=; by rewrite Hf, IH. Qed.
Lemma foldr_permutation {A B} (R : relation B) `{!PreOrder R}
(f : A B B) (b : B) `{Hf : !∀ x, Proper (R ==> R) (f x)} (l1 l2 : list A) :
( j1 a1 j2 a2 b,