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Allow pattern and type annotations in propset notation

Merged Thibaut Pérami requested to merge tperami/stdpp:propsetbinder into master
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@@ -6,8 +6,12 @@ Record propset (A : Type) : Type := PropSet { propset_car : A → Prop }.
Add Printing Constructor propset.
Global Arguments PropSet {_} _ : assert.
Global Arguments propset_car {_} _ _ : assert.
(** Here we are using the notation "at level 200 as pattern" because we want to
be compatible with all the rules that start with [ {[ TERM ] such as
records, singletons, and map singletons. See *)
Notation "{[ x | P ]}" := (PropSet (λ x, P))
(at level 1, format "{[ x | P ]}") : stdpp_scope.
(at level 1, x at level 200 as pattern, format "{[ x | P ]}") : stdpp_scope.
Global Instance propset_elem_of {A} : ElemOf A (propset A) := λ x X, propset_car X x.