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create new package for stdpp-bitvector library

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(** This file is still experimental. See its tracking issue for details on remaining
issues before stabilization. This file is maintained by Michael Sammler. *)
From stdpp.unstable Require Export bitvector.
From stdpp.unstable Require Import bitblast.
(** This file is maintained by Michael Sammler. *)
From stdpp.bitvector Require Export definitions.
From stdpp Require Import options.
(** * bitvector tactics *)
@@ -63,30 +60,7 @@ Tactic Notation "reduce_closed" constr(x) :=
change_no_check x with r in *
(** * bitblast instances *)
Lemma bitblast_bool_to_Z b n:
Bitblast (bool_to_Z b) n (bool_decide (n = 0) && b).
constructor. destruct b; simpl_bool; repeat case_bool_decide;
subst; try done; rewrite ?Z.bits_0; by destruct n.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_bool_to_Z | 10 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_bounded_bv_unsigned n (b : bv n):
BitblastBounded (bv_unsigned b) (Z.of_N n).
Proof. constructor. apply bv_unsigned_in_range. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_bounded_bv_unsigned | 15 : bitblast.
Lemma bitblast_bv_wrap z1 n n1 b1:
Bitblast z1 n b1
Bitblast (bv_wrap n1 z1) n (bool_decide (n < Z.of_N n1) && b1).
intros [<-]. constructor.
destruct (decide (0 n)); [by rewrite bv_wrap_spec| rewrite !Z.testbit_neg_r; [|lia..]; btauto].
Global Hint Resolve bitblast_bv_wrap | 10 : bitblast.
(* The following two lemmas are proven using [bitblast]. *)
(** * General lemmas *)
Lemma bv_extract_concat_later m n1 n2 s l (b1 : bv n1) (b2 : bv n2):
(n2 s)%N
(m = n1 + n2)%N
@@ -94,7 +68,11 @@ Lemma bv_extract_concat_later m n1 n2 s l (b1 : bv n1) (b2 : bv n2):
intros ? ->. apply bv_eq.
rewrite !bv_extract_unsigned, bv_concat_unsigned, !bv_wrap_land by done.
bitblast. f_equal. lia.
apply Z.bits_inj_iff' => ??.
rewrite !Z.land_spec, !Z.shiftr_spec, Z.lor_spec, Z.shiftl_spec, Z.ones_spec; [|lia..].
case_bool_decide; rewrite ?andb_false_r, ?andb_true_r; [|done].
rewrite <-(bv_wrap_bv_unsigned _ b2), bv_wrap_spec_high, ?orb_false_r; [|lia].
f_equal. lia.
Lemma bv_extract_concat_here m n1 n2 s (b1 : bv n1) (b2 : bv n2):
s = 0%N
@@ -103,7 +81,11 @@ Lemma bv_extract_concat_here m n1 n2 s (b1 : bv n1) (b2 : bv n2):
intros -> ->. apply bv_eq.
rewrite !bv_extract_unsigned, bv_concat_unsigned, !bv_wrap_land by done.
bitblast. f_equal. lia.
apply Z.bits_inj_iff' => ??.
rewrite !Z.land_spec, !Z.shiftr_spec, Z.lor_spec, Z.shiftl_spec, Z.ones_spec; [|lia..].
case_bool_decide; rewrite ?andb_false_r, ?andb_true_r.
- rewrite (Z.testbit_neg_r (bv_unsigned b1)); [|lia]. simpl. f_equal. lia.
- rewrite <-(bv_wrap_bv_unsigned _ b2), bv_wrap_spec_high, ?orb_false_l; lia.
(** * [bv_simplify] rewrite database *)
@@ -500,7 +482,7 @@ Tactic Notation "bv_simplify" ident(H) :=
| not (_ =@{bv _} _) => apply bv_neq in H
| _ => idtac
tactic bv_unfold in H;
do [bv_unfold] in H;
autorewrite with bv_unfolded_simplify in H.
Tactic Notation "bv_simplify" "select" open_constr(pat) :=
select pat (fun H => bv_simplify H).