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Commit 9e503f1a authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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Merge branch 'ralf/notation' into 'master'

silence fewer warnings, add comment about overwriting notation

See merge request iris/stdpp!49
parents 57e8f9ba 88e16c68
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-Q theories stdpp
-arg -w -arg -notation-overridden,-redundant-canonical-projection,-several-object-files
......@@ -380,8 +380,6 @@ Notation "1" := (Q2Qc 1) : Qc_scope.
Notation "2" := (1+1) : Qc_scope.
Notation "- 1" := (Qcopp 1) : Qc_scope.
Notation "- 2" := (Qcopp 2) : Qc_scope.
Notation "x - y" := (x + -y) : Qc_scope.
Notation "x / y" := (x * /y) : Qc_scope.
Infix "≤" := Qcle : Qc_scope.
Notation "x ≤ y ≤ z" := (x y y z) : Qc_scope.
Notation "x ≤ y < z" := (x y y < z) : Qc_scope.
......@@ -553,7 +551,7 @@ Next Obligation. intros x y. apply Qcmult_pos_pos; apply Qp_prf. Qed.
Program Definition Qp_div (x : Qp) (y : positive) : Qp := mk_Qp (x / Zpos y) _.
Next Obligation.
intros x y. assert (0 < Zpos y)%Qc.
intros x y. unfold Qcdiv. assert (0 < Zpos y)%Qc.
{ apply (Z2Qc_inj_lt 0%Z (Zpos y)), Pos2Z.is_pos. }
by rewrite (Qcmult_lt_mono_pos_r _ _ (Zpos y)%Z), Qcmult_0_l,
<-Qcmult_assoc, Qcmult_inv_l, Qcmult_1_r.
......@@ -590,10 +588,10 @@ Instance Qp_plus_inj_l p : Inj (=) (=) (λ q, q + p)%Qp.
Proof. intros q1 q2. rewrite !Qp_eq; simpl. apply (inj (λ q, q + p)%Qc). Qed.
Lemma Qp_minus_diag x : (x - x)%Qp = None.
Proof. unfold Qp_minus. by rewrite Qcplus_opp_r. Qed.
Proof. unfold Qp_minus, Qcminus. by rewrite Qcplus_opp_r. Qed.
Lemma Qp_op_minus x y : ((x + y) - x)%Qp = Some y.
unfold Qp_minus; simpl.
unfold Qp_minus, Qcminus; simpl.
rewrite (Qcplus_comm x), <- Qcplus_assoc, Qcplus_opp_r, Qcplus_0_r.
destruct (decide _) as [|[]]; auto. by f_equal; apply Qp_eq.
......@@ -618,7 +616,7 @@ Proof.
Lemma Qp_div_S x y : (x / (2 * y) + x / (2 * y) = x / y)%Qp.
apply Qp_eq; simpl.
apply Qp_eq; simpl. unfold Qcdiv.
rewrite <-Qcmult_plus_distr_l, Pos2Z.inj_mul, Z2Qc_inj_mul, Z2Qc_inj_2.
rewrite Qcplus_diag. by field_simplify.
......@@ -637,7 +635,7 @@ Lemma Qp_lt_sum (x y : Qp) : (x < y)%Qc ↔ ∃ z, y = (x + z)%Qp.
- intros Hlt%Qclt_minus_iff. exists (mk_Qp (y - x) Hlt). apply Qp_eq; simpl.
by rewrite (Qcplus_comm y), Qcplus_assoc, Qcplus_opp_r, Qcplus_0_l.
unfold Qcminus. by rewrite (Qcplus_comm y), Qcplus_assoc, Qcplus_opp_r, Qcplus_0_l.
- intros [z ->]; simpl.
rewrite <-(Qcplus_0_r x) at 1. apply Qcplus_lt_mono_l, Qp_prf.
......@@ -650,12 +648,12 @@ Proof.
destruct (Qc_le_dec q1 q2) as [LE|LE%Qclt_nge%Qclt_le_weak]; [by eauto|].
destruct (help q2 q1) as (q&q1'&q2'&?&?); eauto. }
intros q1 q2 Hq. exists (q1 / 2)%Qp, (q1 / 2)%Qp.
assert (0 < q2 - q1 / 2)%Qc as Hq2'.
assert (0 < q2 +- q1 */ 2)%Qc as Hq2'.
{ eapply Qclt_le_trans; [|by apply Qcplus_le_mono_r, Hq].
replace (q1 - q1 / 2)%Qc with (q1 * (1 - 1/2))%Qc by ring.
replace 0%Qc with (0 * (1-1/2))%Qc by ring. by apply Qcmult_lt_compat_r. }
exists (mk_Qp (q2 - q1 / 2%Z) Hq2'). split; [by rewrite Qp_div_2|].
apply Qp_eq; simpl. ring.
replace (q1 +- q1 */ 2)%Qc with (q1 * (1 +- 1*/2))%Qc by ring.
replace 0%Qc with (0 * (1+-1*/2))%Qc by ring. by apply Qcmult_lt_compat_r. }
exists (mk_Qp (q2 +- q1 */ 2%Z) Hq2'). split; [by rewrite Qp_div_2|].
apply Qp_eq; simpl. unfold Qcdiv. ring.
Lemma Qp_cross_split p a b c d :
......@@ -681,7 +679,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma Qp_bounded_split (p r : Qp) : q1 q2 : Qp, (q1 r)%Qc p = (q1 + q2)%Qp.
destruct (Qclt_le_dec r p) as [?|?].
- assert (0 < p - r)%Qc as Hpos.
- assert (0 < p +- r)%Qc as Hpos.
{ apply (Qcplus_lt_mono_r _ _ r). rewrite <-Qcplus_assoc, (Qcplus_comm (-r)).
by rewrite Qcplus_opp_r, Qcplus_0_l, Qcplus_0_r. }
exists r, (mk_Qp _ Hpos); simpl; split; [done|].
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