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Commit e3cb5b14 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Decicated version of string decider for the proof mode.

This way we avoid the env_cbv tactic unfolding string related stuff
that appears in the goal and hypotheses of the proof mode.
parent 82138115
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......@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ tests/barrier_client.v
......@@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ Proof.
apply wand_intro_l; destruct p; simpl.
- apply sep_intro_True_l; [apply pure_intro|].
+ destruct Hwf; constructor; simpl; eauto using Esnoc_wf.
intros j; case_decide; naive_solver.
intros j; destruct (strings.string_beq_reflect j i); naive_solver.
+ by rewrite always_sep assoc.
- apply sep_intro_True_l; [apply pure_intro|].
+ destruct Hwf; constructor; simpl; eauto using Esnoc_wf.
intros j; case_decide; naive_solver.
intros j; destruct (strings.string_beq_reflect j i); naive_solver.
+ solve_sep_entails.
From iris.prelude Require Export strings.
From iris.proofmode Require Import strings.
From iris.algebra Require Export base.
From iris.prelude Require Import stringmap.
......@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ Instance: Params (@Esnoc) 1.
Fixpoint env_lookup {A} (i : string) (Γ : env A) : option A :=
match Γ with
| Enil => None
| Esnoc Γ j x => if decide (i = j) then Some x else env_lookup i Γ
| Esnoc Γ j x => if string_beq i j then Some x else env_lookup i Γ
Module env_notations.
......@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ Fixpoint env_replace {A} (i: string) (Γi: env A) (Γ: env A) : option (env A) :
match Γ with
| Enil => None
| Esnoc Γ j x =>
if decide (i = j) then env_app Γi Γ else
if string_beq i j then env_app Γi Γ else
match Γi !! j with
| None => Γ' env_replace i Γi Γ; Some (Esnoc Γ' j x)
| Some _ => None
......@@ -60,14 +61,14 @@ Fixpoint env_replace {A} (i: string) (Γi: env A) (Γ: env A) : option (env A) :
Fixpoint env_delete {A} (i : string) (Γ : env A) : env A :=
match Γ with
| Enil => Enil
| Esnoc Γ j x => if decide (i = j) then Γ else Esnoc (env_delete i Γ) j x
| Esnoc Γ j x => if string_beq i j then Γ else Esnoc (env_delete i Γ) j x
Fixpoint env_lookup_delete {A} (i : string) (Γ : env A) : option (A * env A) :=
match Γ with
| Enil => None
| Esnoc Γ j x =>
if decide (i = j) then Some (x,Γ)
if string_beq i j then Some (x,Γ)
else '(y,Γ') env_lookup_delete i Γ; Some (y, Esnoc Γ' j x)
......@@ -83,7 +84,13 @@ Implicit Types i : string.
Implicit Types x : A.
Hint Resolve Esnoc_wf Enil_wf.
Ltac simplify := repeat (case_match || simplify_option_eq).
Ltac simplify :=
repeat match goal with
| _ => progress simplify_eq/=
| H : context [string_beq ?s1 ?s2] |- _ => destruct (string_beq_reflect s1 s2)
| |- context [string_beq ?s1 ?s2] => destruct (string_beq_reflect s1 s2)
| _ => case_match
Lemma env_lookup_perm Γ i x : Γ !! i = Some x Γ x :: env_delete i Γ.
......@@ -130,10 +137,8 @@ Proof. revert Γ'. induction Γ; intros; simplify; eauto. Qed.
Lemma env_replace_perm Γ Γi Γ' i :
env_replace i Γi Γ = Some Γ' Γ' Γi ++ env_delete i Γ.
revert Γ'. induction Γ as [|Γ IH j y]=>Γ' ?; simplify_eq/=.
destruct (decide (i = j)); simplify_eq/=; auto using env_app_perm.
destruct (Γi !! j), (env_replace i Γi Γ) as [Γ''|] eqn:?; simplify_eq/=.
rewrite -Permutation_middle; f_equiv; eauto.
revert Γ'. induction Γ as [|Γ IH j y]=>Γ' ?; simplify; auto using env_app_perm.
rewrite -Permutation_middle -IH //.
Lemma env_lookup_delete_correct Γ i :
From iris.prelude Require Import strings.
From iris.algebra Require Import base.
From Coq Require Import Ascii.
Local Notation "b1 && b2" := (if b1 then b2 else false) : bool_scope.
Lemma lazy_andb_true (b1 b2 : bool) : b1 && b2 = true b1 = true b2 = true.
Proof. destruct b1, b2; intuition congruence. Qed.
Definition beq (b1 b2 : bool) : bool :=
match b1, b2 with
| false, false | true, true => true
| _, _ => false
Definition ascii_beq (x y : ascii) : bool :=
let 'Ascii x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 := x in
let 'Ascii y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 := y in
beq x1 y1 && beq x2 y2 && beq x3 y3 && beq x4 y4 &&
beq x5 y5 && beq x6 y6 && beq x7 y7 && beq x8 y8.
Fixpoint string_beq (s1 s2 : string) : bool :=
match s1, s2 with
| "", "" => true
| String a1 s1, String a2 s2 => ascii_beq a1 a2 && string_beq s1 s2
| _, _ => false
Lemma beq_true b1 b2 : beq b1 b2 = true b1 = b2.
Proof. destruct b1, b2; simpl; intuition congruence. Qed.
Lemma ascii_beq_true x y : ascii_beq x y = true x = y.
destruct x, y; rewrite /= !lazy_andb_true !beq_true. intuition congruence.
Lemma string_beq_true s1 s2 : string_beq s1 s2 = true s1 = s2.
revert s2. induction s1 as [|x s1 IH]=> -[|y s2] //=.
rewrite lazy_andb_true ascii_beq_true IH. intuition congruence.
Lemma string_beq_reflect s1 s2 : reflect (s1 = s2) (string_beq s1 s2).
Proof. apply iff_reflect. by rewrite string_beq_true. Qed.
......@@ -4,14 +4,11 @@ From iris.base_logic Require Export base_logic.
From iris.proofmode Require Export classes notation.
From iris.proofmode Require Import class_instances.
From iris.prelude Require Import stringmap hlist.
From iris.proofmode Require Import strings.
Declare Reduction env_cbv := cbv [
beq ascii_beq string_beq
env_lookup env_lookup_delete env_delete env_app env_replace env_dom
decide (* operational classes *)
sumbool_rec sumbool_rect (* sumbool *)
bool_eq_dec bool_rec bool_rect bool_dec eqb andb (* bool *)
assci_eq_dec ascii_to_digits Ascii.ascii_dec Ascii.ascii_rec Ascii.ascii_rect
string_eq_dec string_rec string_rect (* strings *)
env_persistent env_spatial env_spatial_is_nil envs_dom
envs_lookup envs_lookup_delete envs_delete envs_snoc envs_app
envs_simple_replace envs_replace envs_split
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