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Commit e17ac4ad authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
Browse files

Fix issue #98.

We used to normalize the goal, and then checked whether it was of
a certain shape. Since `uPred_valid P` normalized to `True ⊢ P`,
there was no way of making a distinction between the two, hence
`True ⊢ P` was treated as `uPred_valid P`.

In this commit, I use type classes to check whether the goal is of
a certain shape. Since we declared `uPred_valid` as `Typeclasses
Opaque`, we can now make a distinction between `True ⊢ P` and
`uPred_valid P`.
parent 36322106
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......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Proof.
Lemma inv_alloc_open N E P :
N E True ={E, E∖↑N}= inv N P (P ={E∖↑N, E}=∗ True).
N E (|={E, E∖↑N}=> inv N P (P ={E∖↑N, E}=∗ True))%I.
rewrite inv_eq /inv_def fupd_eq /fupd_def. iIntros (Sub) "[Hw HE]".
iMod (ownI_alloc_open ( (N : coPset)) P with "Hw")
......@@ -190,6 +190,8 @@ Notation "P ==∗ Q" := (P -∗ |==> Q)%I
(at level 99, Q at level 200, format "P ==∗ Q") : uPred_scope.
Coercion uPred_valid {M} (P : uPred M) : Prop := True%I P.
Typeclasses Opaque uPred_valid.
Notation "P -∗ Q" := (P Q)
(at level 99, Q at level 200, right associativity) : C_scope.
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Instance subG_heapPreG {Σ} : subG heapΣ Σ → heapPreG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
Definition heap_adequacy Σ `{heapPreG Σ} e σ φ :
( `{heapG Σ}, True WP e {{ v, φ v }})
( `{heapG Σ}, WP e {{ v, φ v }}%I)
adequate e σ φ.
intros Hwp; eapply (wp_adequacy _ _); iIntros (?) "".
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma newbarrier_spec (P : iProp Σ) :
{{{ True }}} newbarrier #() {{{ l, RET #l; recv l P send l P }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "HΦ".
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ".
rewrite -wp_fupd /newbarrier /=. wp_seq. wp_alloc l as "Hl".
iApply ("HΦ" with "[> -]").
iMod (saved_prop_alloc (F:=idCF) P) as (γ) "#?".
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Section mono_proof.
Lemma newcounter_mono_spec (R : iProp Σ) :
{{{ True }}} newcounter #() {{{ l, RET #l; mcounter l 0 }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "HΦ". rewrite -wp_fupd /newcounter /=. wp_seq. wp_alloc l as "Hl".
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". rewrite -wp_fupd /newcounter /=. wp_seq. wp_alloc l as "Hl".
iMod (own_alloc ( (O:mnat) (O:mnat))) as (γ) "[Hγ Hγ']"; first done.
iMod (inv_alloc N _ (mcounter_inv γ l) with "[Hl Hγ]").
{ iNext. iExists 0%nat. by iFrame. }
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Section contrib_spec.
{{{ True }}} newcounter #()
{{{ γ l, RET #l; ccounter_ctx γ l ccounter γ 1 0 }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "HΦ". rewrite -wp_fupd /newcounter /=. wp_seq. wp_alloc l as "Hl".
iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". rewrite -wp_fupd /newcounter /=. wp_seq. wp_alloc l as "Hl".
iMod (own_alloc (●! O%nat ◯! 0%nat)) as (γ) "[Hγ Hγ']"; first done.
iMod (inv_alloc N _ (ccounter_inv γ l) with "[Hl Hγ]").
{ iNext. iExists 0%nat. by iFrame. }
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Lemma wp_alloc E e v :
to_val e = Some v
{{{ True }}} Alloc e @ E {{{ l, RET LitV (LitLoc l); l v }}}.
iIntros (<-%of_to_val Φ) "HΦ". iApply wp_lift_atomic_head_step_no_fork; auto.
iIntros (<-%of_to_val Φ) "_ HΦ". iApply wp_lift_atomic_head_step_no_fork; auto.
iIntros (σ1) "Hσ !>"; iSplit; first by auto.
iNext; iIntros (v2 σ2 efs Hstep); inv_head_step.
iMod (@gen_heap_alloc with "Hσ") as "[Hσ Hl]"; first done.
......@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ End adequacy.
Theorem wp_adequacy Σ Λ `{invPreG Σ} e σ φ :
( `{Hinv : invG Σ},
True ={}= stateI : state Λ iProp Σ,
(|={}=> stateI : state Λ iProp Σ,
let _ : irisG Λ Σ := IrisG _ _ Hinv stateI in
stateI σ WP e {{ v, φ v }})
stateI σ WP e {{ v, φ v }})%I)
adequate e σ φ.
intros Hwp; split.
......@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ Qed.
Theorem wp_invariance Σ Λ `{invPreG Σ} e σ1 t2 σ2 φ :
( `{Hinv : invG Σ},
True ={}= stateI : state Λ iProp Σ,
(|={}=> stateI : state Λ iProp Σ,
let _ : irisG Λ Σ := IrisG _ _ Hinv stateI in
stateI σ1 WP e {{ _, True }} (stateI σ2 ={,}=∗ φ))
stateI σ1 WP e {{ _, True }} (stateI σ2 ={,}=∗ φ))%I)
rtc step ([e], σ1) (t2, σ2)
......@@ -50,19 +50,25 @@ Tactic Notation "iMatchHyp" tactic1(tac) :=
| |- context[ environments.Esnoc _ ?x ?P ] => tac x P
Class AsValid {M} (φ : Prop) (P : uPred M) := as_entails : φ P.
Arguments AsValid {_} _%type _%I.
Instance as_valid_valid {M} (P : uPred M) : AsValid (uPred_valid P) P | 0.
Proof. by rewrite /AsValid. Qed.
Instance as_valid_entails {M} (P Q : uPred M) : AsValid (P Q) (P -∗ Q) | 1.
Proof. split. apply uPred.entails_wand. apply uPred.wand_entails. Qed.
Instance as_valid_equiv {M} (P Q : uPred M) : AsValid (P Q) (P Q).
Proof. split. apply uPred.equiv_iff. apply uPred.iff_equiv. Qed.
(** * Start a proof *)
Ltac iStartProof :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- of_envs _ _ => idtac
| |- ?P =>
lazymatch eval hnf in P with
(* need to use the unfolded version of [uPred_valid] due to the hnf *)
| True _ => apply tac_adequate
| _ _ => apply uPred.wand_entails, tac_adequate
(* need to use the unfolded version of [⊣⊢] due to the hnf *)
| uPred_equiv' _ _ => apply uPred.iff_equiv, tac_adequate
| _ => fail "iStartProof: not a uPred"
apply (proj2 (_ : AsValid P _)), tac_adequate
|| fail "iStartProof: not a uPred"
(** * Context manipulation *)
......@@ -529,18 +535,16 @@ a goal [P] for non-dependent arguments [x_i : P]. *)
Tactic Notation "iIntoValid" open_constr(t) :=
let rec go t :=
let tT := type of t in
lazymatch eval hnf in tT with
| True _ => apply t
| _ _ => apply (uPred.entails_wand _ _ t)
(* need to use the unfolded version of [⊣⊢] due to the hnf *)
| uPred_equiv' _ _ => apply (uPred.equiv_iff _ _ t)
| ?P ?Q => let H := fresh in assert P as H; [|go uconstr:(t H); clear H]
| _ : ?T, _ =>
(* Put [T] inside an [id] to avoid TC inference from being invoked. *)
(* This is a workarround for Coq bug #4969. *)
let e := fresh in evar (e:id T);
let e' := eval unfold e in e in clear e; go (t e')
end in
[apply (proj1 (_ : AsValid tT _) t)
|lazymatch eval hnf in tT with
| ?P ?Q => let H := fresh in assert P as H; [|go uconstr:(t H); clear H]
| _ : ?T, _ =>
(* Put [T] inside an [id] to avoid TC inference from being invoked. *)
(* This is a workarround for Coq bug #4969. *)
let e := fresh in evar (e:id T);
let e' := eval unfold e in e in clear e; go (t e')
end] in
go t.
(* The tactic [tac] is called with a temporary fresh name [H]. The argument
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Section client.
Lemma client_safe : WP client {{ _, True }}%I.
iIntros ""; rewrite /client. wp_alloc y as "Hy". wp_let.
wp_apply (newbarrier_spec N (y_inv 1 y)).
wp_apply (newbarrier_spec N (y_inv 1 y) with "[//]").
iIntros (l) "[Hr Hs]". wp_let.
iApply (wp_par (λ _, True%I) (λ _, True%I) with "[Hy Hs] [Hr]"); last auto.
- (* The original thread, the sender. *)
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